Mission "Climb the top"

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While in the Midnight Town, Miss Hound and Campbella stood near the column worrying and rooting in their hearts for their hero friends. As Vamperin had said, began the trial for the Purple Tigress on an Insurmountable Slope.She was at the bottom of the slope.Once there, she looked uncertainly at the slope, which turned out to be a high steep mountain with trees at the foot that grew towards each other, thus creating a small corner of vegetation below. Also, from above, where there was a top, there was a clearing with vegetation that led somewhere.The wind could also be heard howling and strengthening from above.
After looking at the slope for a while, the Tigress takes her mirror out of her pocket and tells him a mysterious phrase:
Mirror, Mirror, tell me how to awaken my spiritual animal!- she said firmly.
After a few minutes of silence, the mirror answered her:
To awaken a spiritual animal, need to go to the top of the slope, unwavering!
Hmm, what does that mean?-The tigress began to think about the meaning of the phrase.
She thought about the meaning of the phrase for a very long time, until she looked at the slope and began to guess a little at the meaning of the phrase.
It turns out that I need to climb this slope without unnecessary hesitation?-The Tigress thought to herself, looking at the slope with a puzzled face. But then her puzzled face changed to a serious one, remembering that she had a goal to climb this slope as quickly as possible and this goal was that her new comrades were waiting for her there on the cliff of the slope and if she did not have time to climb, they might fall.
Well, let's drive-the Tigress said to herself, spitting in her hands and starting to climb the slope to the top.
When she was climbing the slope, seems she to succeed and she was able to almost reach the top of the slope. But when she was about to climb to the top, the wind suddenly intensified and blew at her with force, which after that she flew off the slope and crashed into a tree that grew not far from her.
Damned wind!- The Tigress said to herself, sitting on the ground by the trunk of a tree.
After sitting by the tree for a while and recovering, the Tigress begins to get to her feet and continue climbing the slope. But no matter how much she tried to climb, she was hampered every hour by the wind, which blew her away and prevented her from reaching her goal, forcing her to roll down the slope and crash into a tree.But she didn't give up and continued to climb it. This time, when the wind blew on her and she began to slide down the slope, she managed to grab a protruding stone and with the help of it, keep from falling down.While she was struggling with the strengthening wind, Zoferos' voice came from somewhere:
I see something,have you succeed bad! Maybe I should remind you of something-the voice of Zoferos addresses to her, who from somewhere noticed that she don't manages to climb the slope - There on the cliff of the slope your future comrades or friends are waiting for you! I do not know that. If you don't climb up to this peak now and run towards them. Then they may fall. And you will be left alone without companions. All alone. And then on whose conscience will it be? Correctly on yours! Then try harder if you don't want this!- Zoferos is trying to push her to climb to the top, but it seems that not for help, but to break her.
I'm trying!- The Tigress shouted to him and stood up from the stone ground.
Then she continued to climb the slope, but again, no matter how hard she tried, she failed because of the wind. This time, when the wind blew her down again, she was able to stay on her feet and not crash into a tree.
I something this don't see-Zoferos's voice addresses to her again, noticing from somewhere that she still couldn't climb to the top. -Maybe I need to push you?
Suddenly, a dark gust of wind begins to form behind the Tigress, which begins to hit her in the back and thus push her to climb to the slope. It seemed like this dark gust of wind was helping her, but suddenly this wind intensified and pushed her with such force that she almost fell down the slope again. But fortunately she was able to find a balance and stay on her feet!
Don't bother me!- the Tigress shouted displeased to Zoferos - I have to pass this trial myself, without your help!
Okay, okay. I understood. As you want- Zoferos immediately responded to her with displeasure from somewhere-Then let's see how you will handle with the winds alone!
After that, voice of Zoferos subsided and the wind that was pushing the Tigress to climb the slope suddenly evaporated. And the Tigress tried to climb the slope again in silence, but she did not succeed because the wind again interfered with her and blew her down, forcing her to crash into a tree. Realizing that she will climb this slope forever because of the winds, she decides to act in a cunning way and wait until the wind subsides and it becomes weak and at that moment quickly onto the slope.
With all her strength and determination, she waits for the right moment and when the wind finally subsides, she quickly runs onto the slope and starts climbing with all her might.
She struggles with the wind that blows in her face, and when the wind just starts to pick up, she quickly jumps onto the ledge of the top of the slopes and finds herself at the top in a few minutes. Once at the top, she begins to run with all her strength to the cliff where her future comrades are hanging.
Impressive - says the voice of Zoferos from somewhere, who noticed from somewhere that she managed to climb the slope and pretended to be impressed by the quick reaction and ingenuity of the Tigress- But it seems to me that you are already late! There is a already not to save them!
But the Tigress did not listen to him and continued to run to the cliff where her future comrades were hanging, hope in my heart that they are still hanging and have not fallen. When she reached him, her heart immediately calmed down because she saw that the hand of one feline heroine was still holding on to the edge of the cliff, which means they hadn't fallen yet. But suddenly her hopes are abruptly cut short because she saw how her hand was starting to slip off, and now they have definitely fallen.Seeing this, the Tigress jumps down from the cliff without hesitation in order to save her comrades from the cliff. And after a few minutes, she finds herself at the bottom of the slope on a stone ledge and holds the hand of two heroines who fell off a cliff. At this time, the heroines covered their eyes with their hand so as not to see how they would fall down into the rushing river, like their kwami. But when they notice that they no have fallen, they take their hand away and see that they are being held by the hand by a heroine in a tiger costume.
I hold! - the tigress exclaimed, trying to stay on the ledge and not let go of the hand of the heroine in the lynx costume.
The feline heroines did not answer her, but only looked at her in surprise.
While the tigress, along with two heroines, tried to stay on the ledge. At this time, in the Midnight City, Miss Hound and Campbella were still standing near the column and worried about their hero friends. But Miss Hound was the most worried.She's was not herself. She held her shoulder with one hand every minute, then the other with the other, but then she couldn't stand it and shouted to the whole street that her scream echoed throughout the city:
That's it, I can't endure anymore, I'll die of excitement if I don't look at what's going on have Purple Tigress. My spirit animal tells me that something bad happened there.
What, couldn't was would endure anymore,and because of this, screamed at the whole street?You know what kind of monsters are found here, why couldn't you scream a quietly but not a loud one so that all the monsters living here could don't hear us?- Barkk asks her in surprise.
Campbella, who was standing next to th Miss Hound and looked at it, just closed her eyes and giggled to herself.
What if she needs my help? -Assumes Miss Hound, alluding to the Purple Tigress.
Barkk looked at her with a sidelong glance, crossing her arms as if hinting to her that the chosen ones should not interfere with the heroes who are preparing to become the chosen ones to pass their trials.
Ouch, Emm,...I meant my support- Miss Hound immediately corrected herself, noticing how her kwami was looking at her.
Campbella giggled to herself and then said: Well, then let's look through the mirror, how is her trial going?- She suggested to her.
Miss Hound nods and takes her mirror out of her pocket, opens it while saying the mysterious phrase:
Mirror, Mirror, show me what's going on on an irresistible Slope!
After saying this phrase, the mirror shows Miss Hound an extensive hologram depicting a Tigress holding heroines by the  hand , and she herself is barely holding on to a stone ledge.
Oh, it turns out, your spiritual animal, it turned out to be right, and something really happened on the slope-Barkk tells her, flying up to her and sitting on her beret.
Hush, Barkk! Let's better watch-Miss Hound tells her to be quiet and suggests looking at the gallogram.
Barkk nods to her and they begin to look through the mirror at what is happening on an indefinable slope. Meanwhile, On an indefinable slope, a Tigress holding two heroines begins to try to get out of the cliff. But when she starts grabbing at the protruding rocks, they immediately begin to collapse falling into the river, and the Tigress herself falls onto the ledge on which she was. Once again on the ledge, she begins to slowly get up without letting go of the heroines. But what she does not know is that the ledge on which she is now standing is slowly starting to collapse, and this does not make her almost fall into the water due to not keeping her balance. But the Tigress finds a way out and right away restores balance by standing close to face to  the cliff  and grabbing a protruding stone with one hand.
Seeing this through the mirror, Miss Hound gasps with her hand over her mouth, and Barkk exclaims:
No, I can't watch this!Tell me, when  they managed will get out,good?-she  says to her  and close her eyes.
Miss Hound nods and continues to watch through the mirror what is happening on the Insurmountable Slope.
Meanwhile, on the slope, the Tigress is trying her best to keep on the ledge, while trying not to miss the hand of the leopard hero.
What are you doing? Let go us, or we'll fall! The leopard heroine shouts indignantly at her, noticing that she is still holding them.
Girls, don't worry! I won't let you go for anything! If we fall,so  will fall together!- the tigress calms them down.
Hearing the words of the Tigress, the feline heroines open their mouths in surprise, obviously they remembered something, and  the Purple Tigress clenched her teeth realizing that they were in a noexit situation.
While they stood on the stone ledge, not knowing what to do next. A  fuchsia color light  shone in the pocket of the Purple Tigress, where the mirror was located, and then a mysterious voice sounded from somewhere:
Purple tigress, for your bravery and aspiration to save those who are in trouble, I reward you with an  your awakened  spirit animal- mysterious voice tells her and rewards her with a fuchsia-colored aura that begins to surround her body-Use my gift to get out of this noexit situation!
Then the mysterious voice falls silent, and the aura begins to cover the Tigress's body more and more, as if charging her with something, and then disappears. When the aura has disappeared, the Tigress suddenly begins to feel a sudden surge of strength and energy, and she thinks this is her chance. With these thoughts, the Tigress begins to carefully move away from the slope without lowering the heroine-leopard hand, bends her knees and jumps sharply, throwing out the hand for which the feline heroines held her forward and she jumps after them.
Aaaa!- the feline heroines  scream as they abruptly fly out of the ledge before it collapsed.
And after a few minutes of screaming, the Tigress and the feline heroines find themselves in a safe place at the top of the slope, all exhausted and tired.
In the Midnight Town, Miss Hound, seeing that her friend and two new heroines managed to get out of the cliff, joyfully begins to ask her kwami to open her eyes:
Barkk, open your eyes. They could, they have succeed!- the heroine-dog joyfully declares to her.
What, true? - Barkk asks her without opening his eyes - Won't believe it if i don't see it!
Miss Hound starts shaking her with a smile so that she opens her eyes and looks at it: Yes, Look At This!- she says her and points her finger at the gallogram as the exhausted Tigress sits on top with the other heroines.
Finally, Barkk opens his eyes and really sees that the Tigress and the new heroines are safe and joyfully exclaims: Hooray! They did it! Give high five!- she says to her and holds out her paw to Miss Hound, that she  give her  five.
Miss Hound happily gives Barkk a high five, feeling relieved that their friends are safe. Then they continued to look through the mirror again, watching what the Tigress and the new heroines would do next.
On an indefinable Slope, the Tigress, along with other heroines, are still sitting on the ground and trying to recover from this situation.
Well what , after such,  can  and get acquainted!- the Tigress sighs with relief - My name is Purple Tigress, and what's your name, girls?
My name is Leona, and this is my kwami Winnie- the leopard heroine met her and introduced her to her kwami
Nice to meet you," Vinnie happily tells her, raising her paws up.
And I'm a Lynx, and this is my kwami Jinx- the heroine is a lynx to get to know her and introduces her to her kwami.
It's nice to meet you too - the kwami-lynx also happily tells her and also raises her paws up-And, yes, Thank you for saving us! If it weren't for you, we would have fallen long ago and been swept away by the current!
The purple tigress smiles warmly at her new companions, feeling grateful for their kind words.
- You're welcome. I couldn't watch you fall, so I decided to help you! I'm yet a hero, and a hero should help those in trouble!- Tigress tells them with a smile.- By the way, how did you manage to get into such a mess? - she asks them, remembering that she saw through the mirror how they were pushed by a creature in the look of a cougar.
Well, it's a long story -Leona answers her and then she suddenly understands something-Wait, you're asking us how we managed to get into such a mess instead of asking how we got into it, it turns out you know everything and saw it?-she asks her in surprise.
The tigress slowly nods her head at them and then says: Well you, tell me  and I'll be happy to listen to you!.
The heroines looked at each other in surprise, and then Leona sighed and began to tell:
Well, in short, it was like this! Lynx and I were on the slope at that time and tried to climb it, but we failed because we were constantly hampered by the winds that constantly blew us down, and when we had already given up and were about to leave, we heard a tornado coming from above. We started running away from him to avoid hitting him, but we couldn't do it because we were tired at that time! And yet the tornado caught us in its crow and carried us up the slope. And when he let us go, we were already in a clearing among the trees, we were very happy about it because we wanted to patrol the slope. But when we went on patrol, the fog suddenly rose and in the fog we heard that someone was calling us. It turned out to be our chosen one Cougar, which later turned out to be fake. She wanted to show us something and we followed her. Well, you know  was what's next! In the end, we were pushed off the slope by a Imitator in the form of a Cougar-Leona finished telling her.
Yes, I warned them. It's not her. It's not her. Don't go to her. It could be a trap, but they still went to her and fell into a trap-leopard-kwami Vinnie tells her with displeasure.
It looks like  that we are only the smartest here, and they are small children -kwami-lynx Jinxx says to her.
Then they all laughed together at Jinx's reprimand.
But it seems that's why Zoferos calls us kittens that you can play with and with  always lead by the nose. Because we, like little naive children, are led to all deception, especially the one that is associated with a close friend- Leona were sad.
The Purple Tigress listened to their story with a mixture of sympathy and understanding. But she couldn't tell them anything because she was shocked at how cruelly Zoferos was treating them. She wanted to help them, but she didn't say how. And she just nodded her head to them instead of answering. Then they sat in silence in silence, Leona and Lynx were sad, realizing that they were behaving like naive children, but they could not do anything about it, and the Tigress looked at them with a drop of sympathy.
While they were sitting in silence, something began to shine in the pocket of the Purple Tigress where the mirror was located.  Seeing this, the Tigress immediately took out a mirror from her pocket, from which a few minutes later a high column of light poured out, which then changed her mirror  into fuchsia color instead of the gray one. Realizing that it was her turn to become the chosen one, she stood up and did the right thing because immediately after that a ray appeared from the mirror that pointed her to a statue that stood nearby from them, to which the Tigress immediately ran up. This statue was a column with a Cougar stand that stood on the mountains. But now, when the light from the mirror engulfed her, she changed and now became a tiger instead of cougar, that stood on the mountain.But it didn't end there because after a few minutes, light poured out of the statue, which gradually changed its location, showing that it is now the chosen one of this place. Showing her that she was the chosen one, the light immediately disappeared after that.

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