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After that, Viperion thanked her for wishing good luck to his friends and began his journey to the Twilight City, but suddenly something forced him to stay. Because he suddenly remembered that Vamperin had told him that it was safest to move through the mirror world with the help of portal mirrors and he did not know how to summon it.
-A how can I summon a mirror portal so that I can get to the Twilight Town?Viperion decides to ask his question to Salamander.
To summon him, you just need to think about him so that he appears in front of you, the Salamander answered him from afar
Thank you, Viperion thanked her from afar
You're welcome, the Salamander answered him from afar
Then Viperion closed his eyes and began to think about the portal mirror, and after a few minutes of his thoughts, this mirror appeared. He felt that the mirror appeared, Viperion immediately opened his eyes and without hesitation entered the mirror, disappearing from a Quiet Gorge and finding himself in a Twilight Town on the same street where this mirror appeared, his hero friends did not go far at that time.Having appeared in the Twilight City on the street, his friends were not surprised at this, except for Vamperin, who was surprised at his return.
Why did you come back here and not stay in the Quiet Gorge? Vamperin asked Viperion in surprise.
I just wanted to know what kind of trials my friends were going to face," Viperion replied to her-Is something wrong?
The fact is that other chosen ones should not interfere with the passage of tests by heroes who are preparing to become chosen, if the chosen one prevents them, then the test will not be considered passed-Vamperin explained to him.
Okay.I understood. But I won't bother them, I just want to know what kind of trials they will have, that's all,-Viperion told her.
Okay. You can stay, but after I announce their trials to them, you must go back to the Quiet Gorge-Vamperin told him with a sigh.
If you want to see how their trials will take place, you can look through the mirror, but it's better not to bother your friends and do not argue with Vamperin, she is be in this world a lot and know a lot about it than you do, Noxxi advised him.
Yes, I wasn't going to bother them, I just wanted to find out what kind of trials my friends would have," Viperion told them.
After that, he and his hero-friends calmly returned to the center of the Twilight City and stood near the tree.
Okay, then let's start," Vamperin sighed, "Listen carefully to what places you will have for the tests that I will tell you.
The friends of the heroes of Viperion immediately quieted down and began to listen attentively to her.
Since one of you has awakened his spiritual animal, Vamperin tells them, mentioning Viperion, who has already awakened his spiritual animal, As I said, your spiritual animals are not awakened and they are in the sleep stage, and you need to awaken them so that they wake up.
The hero friends nodded their heads understandingly, realizing the importance of awakening their spiritual animal.
I will choose your places for trials, looking at your spiritual animals,- Vamperin explains to them. She closes her eyes and starts running her hand over the characters as if choosing someone and stops at Carapace.
Carapace, your trial will take place in a Quiet Gorge, since Viperion has already awakened his spiritual animal, but not in this place, but here. A quiet gorge, perfect place suits for your spiritual animal,-says Vamperin, pointing at him with his hand with his eyes closed.
But are there two chosen ones in one place?-Viperion decided to ask her.
Yes. There is. And even in two places, as I remember, there were two chosen ones, Noxxi answers him, remembering that there really were two chosen ones in one place before that.
Yes, and then in such cases when two chosen ones haves one test for two in one place-Vamperin explains to them- But since we have a case here when the hero awakened his spiritual animal in the wrong place where he will be tested, one of the you must awaken him in this place.
Carapace nodded understandingly, then Vamperin began to move her hand again until she stopped at Rena Rouge.
Rena Rouge, your trial will begin in the Dense Forest- Vamperin tells her-But be careful, the Dense Forest is much more dangerous and mysterious than other forests that are found in your world
Yes, but the test has its advantages, the fact that the hero who passes it will have access to the Eagle Owl sage of the Dense Forest who with his advice can direct any hero to the right path-explains Noxxi to her.
Yes, it's true. He helped me a lot once too- Viperion confirms Vamperin's words, remembering that he had previously met with an Owl.
Rena Rouge nodded understandingly and began mentally preparing for the test. Vamperin nodded understandingly and began to move her hand again until she stopped at the Rooster Bold and the Caprikid.
Rooster Bold and the Capricid, your trials will begin in the Canyon of the Winds, in a place where the winds always blow. Be careful when you pass through its expanses, because sometimes the winds can betray you and turn you off the right path - Vamperin explains to them and warns them, reminding them of the dangers in the Canyon of the Winds - Yes, your test will be one for two.
The Rooster Bold and the Caprikid looked at each other in surprise, but then smiled at each other. Vamperin nodded her head understandingly and began to move her hand again until she stopped at the Monkey King.
The Monkey King, your test will begin in the Impenetrable Jungle, the place where only the most agile and dexterous will be able to overcome it- Vamperin explains to him about his test
Yes, be careful when you pass there, as I heard there is a very hard crust on the trees and it can leave abrasions on the body - Viperion warned him, remembering that The Koala heroine told him about the jungle.
The Monkey King nodded confidently, ready to face the challenge of the Impenetrable Jungle. Vamperin then moved her hand once more, stopping at the Pegasus.
Pegasus, your trial will begin in endless plains, in a place where you will meet infinitely long plains that never end, only the most attentive and careful will be able to pass this place to the very end- Vamperin explains to him about him trial.
Pegasus nodded understandingly, knowing that he needed to be on full alert during the test on the endless plains. The Vamperin moved her hand again and stopped in front of the Bannyx.
Bannyx, your test will take place in distant fields, this place is very similar to Endless Plains, but it is much bigger and more mysterious than this place- explains Vamperin to her.
Bannyx nodded understandingly, preparing for the upcoming test in the distant fields. Then Vamperin started move her hand again until she stopped at the Minotaurox and Polymouse.
Minotaurox and Polymouse you trials will pass on the Uncertain Cliff, this place is so called because of its slopes that can lead either up or down, to pass the test there you need to have a considerable dozen of courage- explains Vamperin to both of them.
Minotaurox and Polymouse exchanged determined glances as they prepared for the ordeal the cliff had prepared for them. Then Viperin waved her hand again and stopped at Pigella.
Pigella, your test will take place in a Fragrant clearing, this place is famous for its beautiful flower meadows and the wonderful aroma of these flowers that surrounds this clearing," Vamperin explains to her.
Pigella looked back with a smile at the Purple Tigress, who also smiled at her with her smile. At this time, Viperion was learning new places from Vamperin that Athena had not shown him yet, and was surprised at the amazing multitude of places in the mirror world. When the snake hero was thinking to himself, Vamperin passed her hand again and stopped at the Purple Tigress who was standing next to Piggela.
Purple Tigress, your test will take place on an Indefinable slope, a place where only the determined and purposeful can climb to the top of this slope, explains Vamperin to her.
The Purple Tigress was about to nod her head hesitantly, so suddenly she was stopped from this action by someone who wanted to ask the Vamperin something.
Wait, why didn't Athena show me this place? Viperion asked her his agonized question.
Because there is a whole nightmare going on in this slope -Noxxi answers him- Wild storms rise there all day long, which prevent you from climbing to the top of the slope and forever knock the heroes down. By the way, these storms are created by Zoferos himself.A what am I telling you, let me show you?
After these words, Noxxi flew to Vamperin's pocket and took out a mirror and opened it while saying the phrase "Mirror, Mirror show me what's going on on an Impassable slope!". And after this phrase, the mirror showed a huge hologram, but instead of showing what was happening on the slope, on the contrary, it showed a blurred picture.
Hmm, it's strange, isn't it supposed to be clean on the slope today?- Vamperin expresses his doubts
Is this really it?Noxxi suggests, clearly hinting at something.
It looks like it!-Vamperin answers her, obviously also assuming something.
While they were thinking, suddenly the white burning eyes of Zoferos appeared in a blurred picture, looking at our heroes, clearly plotting something.
Oh, I see in my domain new guests -Zoferos said in a mysterious voice, continuing to crush the heroes with his hot gaze.
Our heroes were surprised by the sudden appearance of Zoferos, some heroes were even scared by this look and goosebumps ran through their bodies, but except for Viperion, who looked at Zoferos with eyes full of rage.
Zoferos!- exclaimed Viperion, recognizing him.-Where Athena?
It's none of your business, you've already missed your chance, now she belongs to me forever!-Zoferos answered him in a gruff voice.-By the way, you wanted to see what's going on on the Impenetrable Slope, right?
Viperion did not answer, but only clenched his fists tighter.
I suppose that means yes!- suggested Zoferos-I think you will like it, I just wanted to show my new children to someone!
After that, Zoferos' eyes disappear, and a blurred picture begins to appear and showing our heroes the following picture as two heroes in a leopard and lynx costume, along with their kwamis, stand on a cliff slope and look down somewhere, and behind them stands a heroine in a cougar costume who looks clearly with some kind of secret grin.
As you can see the usual picture here, our heroes kittens were finally able to get to the slope, but of course with my help, but they do not suspect what danger is behind them -the voices of Zoferos explain to them.
After that, Zoferos's voice falls silent, and the characters look excitedly at the picture as the two heroines look down at the slope in confusion and do not understand what they are doing here.
I still don't understand Puma, what are we doing here on the edge of a cliff slope?- the heroine in the cheetah costume asks her in surprise, looking down at the water.
Don't you see what a beautiful river flows from below?- with a clearly sinister smile, the Cougar answers her
Yes, she is really beautiful!-honestly the heroine in the leopard costume answers her - But I still don't understand what we are doing here on the edge of the slope?
I can smells fried- kwami-the leopard suspects something.
Oh, don't worry, I'm not plotting anything sinister against you, I just want you to swim in the river a little bit," he assures her with some sinister tone.
The heroine in the leopard costume wanted to answer her something, but did not have time when suddenly the Cougar furiously pounces on them and pushes them off the edge of the cliff that they immediately fall down. But fortunately, the heroine in the leopard costume manages to grab the edge of the cliff with her hand and hold the hand of the heroine in the lynx costume with the other hand.
Puma, why did you do that?- the heroine in the leopard costume asks her furiously, trying to hold on to the edge of the cliff so as not to fall down.
Yes, you told us yourself that a mommy cat never attacks her kittens," the heroine in a lynx costume furiously declares to her, who is hanging from below holding the hand of the heroine in a leopard costume.
Didn't you still understand?- Puma asks them mysteriously.
What should we understand?- the heroine in the leopard costume asks her a counter question
That I am not the one I pretend to be, the Cougar mysteriously answers them.
And suddenly a Puma is surrounded by fog that changes it and after a few minutes they are faced by a mysterious humanoid creature that looks very much like a Puma, but only with white eyes and no mouth.
Imitator- the heroine in the leopard costume exclaims in fright after recognizing this creature
Ugh, I knew it- the leopard-kwami furiously says, which is not satisfied with this, clinging to the head of his partner-I told you not to trust her, she's not here anymore! And what is the result, we've been tricked again!
Well, how could we know, her image was poorly visible because of the fog?- The Heroine in the leopard costume asks her furiously.
While they were trying to figure out which of them was to blame for being pushed off a cliff, the Imitator at this time grinned viciously to himself and disappeared from this place.
At that time, our heroes, still being in the Midnight Town, were shocked by what they saw and looked at each other in fright.
Suddenly, Zoferos' voice rang out again from the hologram of the mirror:
As you can see, these kittens have fallen into my trap again, because their hearts are still true to their old chosen one. It is not for nothing that they say that the chosen ones are considered in the world as a leader to whom mirror researchers should be devoted to the end - Zoferos explains the situation to them and after that he falls silent again and the hologram of the slope from the mirror suddenly goes out.
After these words, Noxy carefully closes the mirror and puts the Vamperin back in her pocket.
Purple Tigress, it looks like you have a reason to pass this test in any way,- Vamperin calmly comments on the situation.
The Purple Tigress only nodded her head uncertainly instead of answering. Then Vamperin continued to distribute tests to the heroes and said that the tests of the Ryuuko and Argos would take place in Lonely Islands, and have Vesperia it would take place in the Weeping Valley and finally settled on the Miss Hound, which she paid special attention to.
Miss Hound, I see your heart is devoted and true, as is your spiritual animal. Your test will take place in the Midnight City and you will be the first to open a chain of tests after which your friends will go - Vamperin tells her in a mysterious voice that even Miss Hound herself does not understand her- Yes, By the way, your trial has already begun.
Finally, when everyone has already received their tests and places to pass them, Viperion decides to leave first, knowing about the rules not to interfere with other heroes passing their trials.
Okay, guys.I'd probably better go to my place, otherwise I'm already the chosen one and I need to stop other heroes who are preparing to become the chosen ones from passing them! - in a calm voice says Viperion and steps aside.
His friends smile at him knowingly and wave goodbye to him before he summons his mirror and walks back into the Quiet Gorge.

Miraculous story of miracle workers: On the other side of the mirrorWhere stories live. Discover now