Cable Car

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Having become the chosen one, Capricid decides without hesitation to ask the mirror world to materialize his kwami. With these thoughts, he closes his eyes and begins to imagine how his kwami is next to him. And he does it, and the truth his kwami appears in front of them. Noticing that his kwami is next to him, he opens his eyes.
Hurray! I'm here! I've always dreamed of being with you when you're in your heroic form!- joyfully exclaims goat-kwami Ziggy and hugs her owner.
Capricid smiles at her and hugs her back too. But suddenly his smile changes to a thoughtful face, because he began to think why he became the chosen one of the Canyon, and his friend the Rooster did not, because he also passed his test, but of course not himself, but with the help of the hero-turkey. After a little thought, he could not find the answer to this question and decided to ask those who know it.
A why did I become the chosen one, but the Rooster Bold did not? He kind of pass the test too?- the goat asks the turkey, coming back to them and finally standing next to them.
The turkey thinks a little about this question and then answers him: Hmm...I think I know why he didn't become the chosen one, and I think I have bad news for your friend! I of course, don't want to upset anyone, but something tells me that he didn't pass his trial.
Why?- The Rooster and the Goat ask him in unison.
But because, of course, he passed his test, but only with my help, and in order to awaken a spiritual animal and become chosen, you need to go through it yourself without otherworldly help, as you did - the Turkey answers them and glances at the goat to make an example of him- Well, as you see, he did not pass it himself and with my help, and therefore the test did not count that he passed by himself.
After listening to the Turkey explanation, the Rooster he became sad and lowered his head down realizing his mistake. The Goat noticed this and sat down next to him, put his hand on his shoulder encouragingly, and the rooster looked at him in surprise.
Nothing! Maybe next time you will be lucky and you will become the chosen one, or the mirror world will prepare another test for you! Capricid assures him.
I will have to upset you. The trials in the Canyon are the same for all heroes and this is the bridge!- The Turkey tells them, folding his arms crosswise.
Realizing that he missed his chance to become the chosen one of the canyon, the Rooster became even more sad, and the Capricid noticed this and comforted him by patting him on the shoulder.
Don't be sad! I don't like it when people are sad.- Ziggy, who has flown up to her master, tries to comfort him.
While the Goat was trying to comfort his friend. Meanwhile, not far from the bridge on the cable car, which broke off, a hero in an armadillo costume was hanging by the bar, and his kwami was holding on to his head.
Mda..... and it's called " We rolled"! And how did we manage to get stuck on a cable car and at the same time far from other heroes? Kwami the armadillo asks himself, looking at the water.
Nothing! Somehow are going to get out!The most important thing is, that Zoferos did not sent fog on us-the Armadillo answers him.
But after he said "did not sent fog ", suddenly a fog begins to rise in the place where they are, which immediately covers their area with a misty veil.
It's like he read it from my mouth-Armadillo says to himself in surprise and hints at Zoferos.
I wish you hadn't said that-the armadillo kwami tells him.
Seeing through the mirror that the armadillo-hero was stuck on a plank in the Midnight City, Miss Hound and Barkk were horrified, and Campbella gasped with her hands over her mouth:
Oh, no, the cable car broke off! But it not can be! Because the heroes who rode her said that she very sturdy and could withstand any weight!-Campbella says to herself and horrified by what saw
So someone set it up on purpose. Bet my ears and tail that Zoferos did it -Barkk furiously declares.
Maybe so, Barkk. But what if it wasn't Zoferos who built this, but the mirror world?- Miss Hound suggests
Campbella and Barkk looked at her in surprise.
A suddenly the mirror world realized that the Rooster Bold could not pass his test with the bridge and decided to give him a chance? What if this whole cable car situation is actually all a big trial for a Rooster Bold to give him a chance to become the chosen one?-Miss Hound continues to suggest.
Campbella looks at her in surprise at first, not understanding what she is talking about, and then smiles at her and approaches her.
You know, you're right about something. After all, the mirror world is able to feel us, but also sometimes talk to us if we really want to! It may be true that this situation with the cable car is a big trial for a Rooster Bold- Campbella smiles at her.
Miss Hound nods in agreement, feeling hopeful that maybe this challenging situation was meant to give the Rooster Bold a chance to prove himself and become the chosen one. Barkk, on the other hand, remains skeptical but decides to keep an open mind about the situation.And the three of them continued to watch the mirror of what was happening in the canyon.
Meanwhile, in the Canyon on the bridge, the Rooster and the Goat, along with two new heroes, notice that fog is approaching them from the side of the cable car where the armadillo is hanging, which quickly reaches them and covers their area with a misty veil.
The fog is approaching....Strange!....And the armadillo has not yet returned from patrol, although he promised to return here before the fog rises, says the Turkey.
Maybe something happened to him-Brawlli suggests, --and you should probably contact him through the mirror.
The Turkey nods at him, but before he is about to take his mirror out of his pocket, suddenly the mirror itself in his pocket begins to flicker with short flashes of light.Noticing this, the Turkey takes out his mirror and opens it, from which a few minutes later a huge gallogram appears that shows the very cable car where the armadillo hung. In the center of the hologram, the armadillo kwami was levitating and he was clearly agitated by something.
We have big problems!- the armadillo kwami excitedly says them through the hologram while holding the mirror of the armadillo hero in his hands.
What happened? Why didn't you go back to the bridge? Turkey asks him through a hologram.
Yes, we were about to return, but suddenly there was a little trouble...- the armadillo kwami answers them and flies several kilometers ahead , showing them a broken cable car - The cable car on which we were going to get back to the bridge suddenly broke off and we were stuck over the abyss , but that's not all the fog suddenly rose...- the armadillo kwami does not have time to finish as the Turkey interrupts him
Yes, we already know this, we ourselves are mired in fog, the Turkey tells him through the mirror
Yes, let me finish," the armadillo-kwami tells him.
The turkey immediately falls silent and the other heroes standing nearby.
Shortly As I said, firstly, the cable car broke off, secondly, the fog rose where we are, thirdly, we were surrounded- sighs armadillo kwami and shortly explains to him.
Who? -Turkey asks him in surprise
Yes, look for yourself, when you see , you will understand who it is - the armadillo kwami tells him.
The armadillo-kwami turns his back while holding a mirror in his hands so that they can see the full picture of what is happening on the Cable car. The heroes look closely and see such a picture that thousands of white hot eyes are looking at the Armadillo from both sides of the cable car, which are obviously waiting for it to descend to them.
The turkey recognizes these and grits his teeth: Imitators!
The armadillo-kwami turns to face them again and says: Yes, they are! Or maybe it's not them, but mirror shadows, I don't understand myself because of this thick fog it's hard to see!
Suddenly, Zoferos' voice is heard from behind the armadillo and he immediately turns his back to show what will happen next on the cable car
Come down, my friend, to you have guests - the voice of Zoferos addresses the armadillo from somewhere.
Aha, not this time! So that they my appearance be stolen and my power used against other heroes! No way! I better here stay !- the Armadillo fiercely says him.
Okay. If you don't want, how you want!Then the guests will go straight to you- Zoferos says to him, and then turns to the creatures waiting for the armadillo below. - Fly in, my children, a free toy that you can play with!
Then Zoferos's voice fades away, and the eyes that were below begin to slowly climb up the cable car to him. The armadillo clenches its teeth, expecting something terrible.
Oh no! They climb right up to him- the Armadillo tells them in fright and then turns to face them and abruptly begins to speak-In short, hang up! You probably here already realized that we are in big trouble here!
After that, the hologram from the Turkey's mirror abruptly goes out and leaves the heroes without knowing what is happening there.Closing the mirror and putting the mirror in his pocket Turkey makes decisive face.
Urgently to him, he in trouble there and he one will not last long -the Turkey says them in a decisive voice.
The heroes nod to him and quickly run to the cable car to help the Armadillo. When they reach it, they suddenly see that both white eyes have crawled up to him. But now these eyes have acquired the bodies of incomprehensible humonoid creatures that tried to touch him. At this time, the Armaddilo was trying to fight them off, still holding onto the railing of the cable car.
Shoo from me, you creatures! I'm not a toy you can play with!- Armadillo shouts at them, trying to drive them away from him, violently waving his arm and legs, and holding onto the crossbar with his other hand.
Don't listen to him, my children! When you have the chance to have so fun, play with him as much as you want and don't listen to anyone. A-ha-ha-ha - the voice of Zoferos addresses the creatures from somewhere.
Then Zoferos's voice faded again, and the Turkey standing on the other side of the cliff on the hard side, clenching his fists, finally recognized these creatures.
After all imitators and not mirror shadows, because they are trying to touch him and steal his powers to use against other heroes - the Turkey tells them firmly-Don't let them touch you, if they do, it's your strength and your appearance will be theirs!
The heroes nodded to him as a sign of understanding.
And how can we help him if we can't approach them that they don't touch us?- Capricid decided to ask him.
It is better not to interfere if you do not want your powers to be used against your friends. It's better to wait for now, suddenly they disappear on their own- the Turkey answers him.
The Rooster and the Goat looked at each other uncertainly, but then they reluctantly nodded at him, rejecting the idea of helping him and they began to watch together with the two heroes as the Armadillo fights off from Imitators.
But suddenly something terrible happens on the cable car, while the Armadillo was trying to fend off the Imitators who tried to touch him to steal his powers, his hand suddenly slipped off the lath and falls screaming into the swirling river.
Seeing this, the heroes gasped in horror, and the Wallaby closed her mouth in fright and tears flowed down her eyes.
Armadillo!- the armadillo-kwami called out to him in fright when he saw that he was falling into the water.
Also, Miss Hound and Barkk were shocked by the fall of the Armadillo, who watched through the mirror what was happening in the canyon while in the Midnight City:
Oh, no! He's going to fall into the river now-Barkk exclaimed in fright, covering her mouth with her paws in horror, noticing through the mirror how the Armadillo was falling into the river.
Don't worry, Barkk, he'll be fine! I think the Rooster Bold will save him, do not forget that with him is his power of "Sublimation" which allows him to acquire any power he wants- calms her Miss Hound.
Phew. I something completely forgot about this," says the already calmed-down Barkk and wipes the sweat from her forehead.
Meanwhile, in the canyon of the winds, who watched the armadillo falling into the river and could not do anything. The brave rooster decided that it was his chance to prove to the mirror world that he, too, was worth something and worthy of being chosen one and began to act. And he choose ability to fly with the help his power.
- Sublimation!
Endowed with the ability to fly, the rooster immediately swoops down and catches the Armadillo before it falls into the water and flies with it to the left side of the canyon. Having reached the canyon, he carefully descends with him to the ground and puts him on the ground, and he falls to the ground from fatigue.
Phew, I barely had time - says the turned rooster and wipes his forehead from his forehead.
It was cool! Thanks!- the Armaddilo thanks him for saving it
You're welcome! After all, we will soon be comrades, if the mirror world still makes me the chosen one after that-the Rooster tells him and begins to catch his breath.
When they see that he and his comrade armadillo run up to him and ask about his well-being, especially a Wallaby and runs to him from behind all her legs, which pounces on him and hugs him.
You scared me so much when you fell into the water-Wallaby confesses to him - Don't do that anymore, I almost fainted because of you!
Good, good, I understood! Won't do  anymore!- says  her the Armadillo.
Then his kwami flies up to him and also starts hugging him with tears in his eyes.  But while they were rejoicing that the Armadillo turned out to be in order, suddenly Zoferos's voice came from somewhere again:
Okay, yours took it! You've won this time!- adresses to them voice the  of Zoferos.
Then Zoferos's voice falls silent again, and the overhanging fog suddenly begins to disperse, revealing a clear view of the Canyon. Then the imitators disappear, leaving only black smoke.
Realizing that they have passed the most difficult part and it's all over, they decide to return to the bridge together. When they reach him, the heroes decide to make a halt and sit on the rocks, but when the Rooster is about to sit down, something begins to shine in his pocket with corn color and then a mysterious voice is heard:
Rooster Bold , for your courage and bravery for the sake of protection others who are in trouble, I reward you with your awakened animal, the mysterious one tells him and rewards him with the corn aura that surrounds his body- And, yes! As you probably realized, all this was one big  trial which prepared for you by the Mirror World, and you were able to pass it! Well done, you passed it!
The Rooster immediately understood what this meant and took out a mirror from his pocket, from which a few minutes later a column of light began to burst out, as it was with Capricid, who then changed  mirror to corn color instead of silver.But that wasn't all, because a ray burst out of the mirror that showed him the statue of Emu, which stood on the opposite side of the canyon and stood in the same place where the statue of the goat stood. The rooster crossed the bridge without hesitation, followed by Capricid. Finally, when he reached the statue, the ray of light began to change the statue instead of Emu to a Rooster who was sitting on the fence, then light poured out of the statue, which covered the entire territory where the Rooster stood and showed him that he was finally become the chosen one, as his goat friend. After the light showed him that the chosen one  light had disappeared.
Capricious, who stood next to him and watched him become the chosen one, put his hand on his shoulder.
You see!I told you that you will become the chosen one and you don't need to get upset before the reason!-The Goat smiled at him.
The Rooster looked at him and smiled back at him, and then looked at the other three  heroes, who were on the opposite side of the canyon, who clapped for him and were happy for him that he had finally become the chosen one.After looking at his companions for a while, he turned his gaze back to the statue and decides to ask the mirror world to materialize his kwami. He closes his eyes, and begins to think about his kwami being next to him. And he does it. After a few minutes of thought, his kwami still appears in front of him, noticing this, he opens his eyes.
Crowing, i'm here! Let's bring brightness to this place!-Oricco, who appeared in front of him, says him.
The Rooster smiles at him and hugs his kwami.
But besides that, Miss Hound and Barkk were happy for the Rooster, which watches for  him through the mirror in the Midnight Town.Then the hallogram goes out on this happy one, but our heroes are not sad because they were able to see how their hero-friends successfully passed the trials.
Hurray! He did it, he finally became the chosen one, just like Capricid!- joyfully exclaims Barkk, rejoicing for the success of the Rooster-After all, the whole situation on the cable car was one big test for the  Rooster Bold, which he successfully passed!
Miss Hound smiles at her and then says: Yes! It turns out to be so interesting to watch the trials of the heroes through the mirror, as if you are there next to them, but in fact you are in another place and watching them through the mirror!
Yes!But besides, when you watch them through the mirror, it's as if you begin to feel what danger lies on their shoulders, and what risk they put themselves at to pass these trials, but you also begin to understand watching them that when they pass these tests, they begin to become stronger not only physically, but also spiritually.After all, for this needs trials, that prepare them for the battle with darkness.-Campbella agrees with her opinion.
Miss Hound nods at her, and then says: I'll probably continue to watch the trials of my other hero friends through the mirror."
Campbella does not answer her, but simply nods her head.
A, I wonder who will be the next to take the trial?-Barkk asks.
That's a good question, Barkk! I think it's a good time to ask this to the Vamperin- Miss  Hound tells her.
Then Miss Hound starts writing a question for the Vamperin on the mirror that sounds like this: Hello Vamperin! A who will be the next to pass the test after the Rooster Bold  and the Capricid?"
And after a few minutes, she receives an answer to her question from Vamperin in the form of symbols that Barkk immediately reads:
She writes that the next one to take the test will be the Monkey King!
After finding out who will pass  the next trial, Miss Hound puts the mirror back in her pocket again.

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