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. . .AFTER KANE AND I's victory, we're quickly ushered into the One Life Headquarters and separated.

I'm led to an examination room, not unlike the one where I first met Pippa in Solara. A trio of Sanares take care of the cuts on my hand and throat and any other wounds I've earned in the past two or so days. Then, for the first time in what feels like forever, I am completely alone.

I have a private celebration the same way I did in the Solara exam room, only this time, I'm coming down from an extreme adrenaline high and have to brace myself on the bed. A part of me feels as though I can't celebrate until Kane and I are together again, whenever that will be. Hopefully soon.

It occurs to me that after this, we have the choice to stay in the Aura forever or go home forever. I know what I'm choosing, but what will Kane do?

I should've asked him. I should've asked him more about everything. I wish I hadn't pushed him away while we were dancing.

I'll tell him why I did.

The door pushes open. I expect another Sanare, or maybe even my father—I heard they bring visitors to see the winners after One Life ends. Instead, however, my very best friend Tala Arryn enters the room, quietly shutting the door behind her.

"Tala?" I cry. I run up to her and squeeze her so tight my arms ache. She laughs and squeezes right back.

"Val," she sighs, relief evident in her voice. "You're okay."

"Okay? I'm better than okay," I say. "I can't believe I won."

Tala nudges me. "I can, V. I always knew you would. You practically came out of the womb with that armband on."

I grin. "I'm so happy you're here."

Tala smiled. Then her face lights up, and she pulls something out of her pocket. A telepiece. Putting it in my hand, she says:

"I know you wanted one of these. My aunt wanted you to have it once the competition was over. It's totally against the rules, but you deserve it."

I'm at a loss for words as I stare down at the thing. A few buttons sit on the band, and I wrap it around my wrist. Tala points at one of the buttons.

"Press that one later. It's got all sorts of info about the Aura; things nobody outside Sector One knows. But you've earned your spot here."

I clutch my wrist to my chest. My face feels hot with emotion, and I pull Tala in for another hug. "You can teleport with it, but I bet you knew that," she says. "Just picture anywhere you want to go, and it'll take you. Maybe you can visit me."

"I will," I whisper. "And thank you."

Tala doesn't reply at first, only returning my hug, squeezing tight. She doesn't complain about me wrinkling her nice dress like she usually would. She just hugs me until I can barely feel my arms.

"Hey, V?" She whispers finally. Her voice sounds strange. I pull away.


Tala looks me dead in the eye. "Your job isn't done."

I back up. My job?

"What do you mean?"

Tala walks towards the door. "I need you to trust this, Val. Please make the right choice."

With that, she leaves, her blonde hair sweeping over her shoulder as she goes. I call her name, but she doesn't listen. The door reopens and in walks Atla's president, Deserra Keres, in all her glory.

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