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. . .I FEEL AS though I'm floating, if only for a minute. Then, pressure from all around. Bright light burns my eyes. I can't feel Kane's grip, but then my senses return, and I'm sprinting out the other end of the Auragate. 

I'm on a desolate street. Everything is spotless, each skyscraper extravagant, with perfectly trimmed trees on each side. A city designed for Atla's elite. But there's no crowd, no cheering, no grand finale waiting. This city reminds me of a wealthier Solara, but it feels far more barren, even disregarding the lack of people. No flowers on the buildings, no fiery lampposts, no excitement.

But the sky.

Up above, soft shades of pink, purple, orange and blue seem to fight each other for dominance. On the horizon I can see the sun hanging low, just barely peeking out. Behind, the moon does the same. It's as if they're playing a teasing game to see who will reveal itself first.

I've only seen photos of the moon. It is smaller than I imagined, but oh, so beautiful.

This is what I've been fighting for.

"Kane, look at the sky," I say, but when I turn to face him he's staring down the street at the moon with a crestfallen look on his face. "What's wrong?"

He blinks, his daydream shattered. "Nothing. Just... missed it."

I'm about to reply when a strange sound thunders from in the distance. Voices. Thousands of them, shouting and cheering in one place. That must be the city centre, where One Life's winning contestants make their final run to the finish line. That's where we'll find our last Holopasses. That's where I'll win One Life.

"That's where we have to go," I say, a smile erupting on my face. "You ready?"

Kane isn't smiling. Certainly nerves. "Yeah. Let's go."

We take off into a run down the empty street, and I laugh into the air, feeling more free than I ever have—

A pressure wraps around my waist.

My feet grind to a halt.

I'm thrown back onto the asphalt, skidding towards the Auragate. Towards a certain Gravita I can't seem to shake.

"You honestly thought," Nox shouts, "That we'd give this to you?"

I call Kane's name, hands burning raw against the pavement as I try to free myself of Nox's hold. Kane freezes.

Nox strengthens his pull and I find myself on the receiving end of a punch to the gut when I reach him. I fall winded to the ground, and he puts his foot on my stomach, looking at Nymisa.

"Get Hinata," he orders. Nymisa sprints towards Kane without a word.

Pain. Horrid pain, in my chest, my stomach, my head and my hands. That's all I can think about, laying here like a useless fool. It reminds me of days at the academy when Nox would get the best of me during spars. He would hold his hand out and correct me flippantly. It irritated me then, but I wish to God he would offer his hand now.

I use all my strength to scream hoarsely for Kane to run. But judging by the sound of shattering glass in a nearby building and Nymisa's frustrated yelp, he's already done so.

The street quiets. Nox and I are alone.

He looks not too much worse for wear than I am. His hair is tousled and windswept, his shoe dirty on my dress, but otherwise he's alright.

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