Chapter 33 - Cintra 26!

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[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cintra, northern kingdoms.



For the first time in this life, Madara finally devoted himself to studies, Mousesack kept teaching them until the end of the morning, but nobody went out for lunch, with the servants bringing their meal with permission from the royal guard. Calanthe, as much as she liked to have lunch with her granddaughter, did not force her to come to the royal table, since she also wanted Cirilla to dedicate herself to her studies, so she sent a servant to bring the food.

While studying, Cirilla did not study the same things as Madara, after all, she did not need to learn the basics of the Northern language, so Mousesack made sure she learned other more important things, such as the politics of the Kingdom and other issues that were directed to her education as a princess.

Madara had Mousesack's assistance in literacy in the language while starting with basic words. Being a child, he knew he would quickly master the language, especially with the use of the Sharingan, 'I believe in one month I could master everything...' He thought. But he would not let himself be limited to just the Northern language, after all, he had a great opportunity to learn a lot about the knowledge of this world with the scholar, being an education that he would not find anywhere else.

Even with the afternoon coming, they remained studying, but Cirilla as always, occasionally stopped reading her texts with Mousesack writing something in his book, asking some things to Madara, curious, but nothing related to studies, but rather about the combat he had.

"Hey, where did you learn to fight that way? Did you have a master? Could he come here too?" she asked, excited.

Madara looked at her and sighed. "Hard to say..." He casually replied.

"Because... I will talk to my grandmother! She will surely let him train me! I can fight just like you, I would be even stronger than grandma!" She said.

Mousesack stopped writing to look at the girl insisting on her questions to the boy, while he tried to concentrate on his book.

"You have a big problem on your hands, boy," Mousesack smiled, while Cirilla seemed oblivious asking more questions.

"I have never seen anyone fighting like that... We will make a duo, I have decided!" She exclaimed with determination.

They continued like this, but studying until it got so late that Cirilla's servant knocked on the door, saying it was time for her to return to her room.

"I have to go, goodbye Madara, goodbye uncle Mousesack!," she said goodbye as she left the place, leaving Madara and Mousesack alone.

"Well, boy, we'll finish here for today. Tomorrow I will be with the queen, but keep the books to study on your own, I will inform a servant when we have our next class." Mousesack said, but had not yet finished. "What will you do tonight?" he asked, wanting to know the boy's plans after the meeting they had with the royal guards.

"I will start investigating. You want me to find out all the gang hideouts and I will do this by looking for some evidence." Madara spoke as he started to leave the place with the books.

He returned to his room, already knowing a bit of the path he had taken in the castle, and opened it while starting to search his room, since he would act tonight. After organizing and wearing clothes where he could carry an adequate amount of kunais, along with his sword, he left the place, trying to keep his presence hidden while running through the castle corridors upside down past numerous guards and servants.

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