Chapter 02 - Sistema/Chakra!

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[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cindra, northern kingdoms.



Madara was immersed in thoughts, alone in the square, while people went about their business, passing by the place without caring about the child there. The orphan boy was still trying to assimilate the astonishing appearance of the blue screen and the words that accompanied it, along with the revelations that came with them.

He vaguely remembered the name Madara Uchiha, a legendary figure he knew from stories and tales. "Who was Madara Uchiha?" he wondered, intrigued and confused.

The name evoked images of a powerful warrior, someone revered and feared in equal measure. Madara Uchiha was a legend, known for his unparalleled strength and abilities that defied comprehension even in his world. But how were this name and this legacy connected to him, an orphan boy in a world that was not his?

Madara examined the screen more closely, touching it again. It reacted to his touch, displaying more information, details about abilities:


Peak of Power: 1%

Chakra: 100 Chakra (Equivalent to a genin.)

- Note: Chakra is the vital energy used to perform Jutsus. It must be managed carefully.

Sharingan: 1 Tomoe

- Note: Allows enhanced perception and the ability to anticipate basic enemy movements.

Mangekyo Sharingan: [Locked]

Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan: [Locked]

Rinnegan: [Locked]

Fire Jutsus:

- Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Fire Technique: Phoenix Flower Jutsu)

- Description: Allows the user to spit multiple fireballs in rapid succession. Requires practice for perfection.

Wind Jutsus: [Locked]

Wood Jutsus: [Locked]


The boy looked at the list again, dazed, "1% of the peak of Uchiha Madara," he read aloud, feeling a mix of excitement and fear. What did it mean to have even a small fraction of the power of someone so extraordinary? Sharingan 1 tomoe, chakra equivalent to a genin, and a fire jutsu? How could he use this power? And more importantly, why had he been chosen to receive such a gift?

Furthermore, what were the rest of the locked abilities, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, Rinnegan, and Mokuton? Just one of these abilities could unbalance the world he found himself in.

"With such power," Madara pondered, "I could be invincible. I could face any challenge, defeat any enemy." The idea of possessing such formidable abilities was both exhilarating and frightening. In a world like "The Witcher," filled with dangers, monsters, and political intrigues, such power could be a blessing or a curse.

'Well, this is something to think about in the future, for now, I'm just 6 years old and an orphan in a capital, I must first resolve my current situation.' Madara knew these were not questions that could be answered quickly. They would require time, experience, and probably many challenges in this new world.

Madara was about to leave where he was when, suddenly, without any prior warning, the blue system screen vanished before Madara's eyes, disappearing as if it had never existed. In its place, a new sensation began to emerge within him, an energy that flowed through his entire body. It was a vital, pulsating, and powerful force, something that Madara intuitively recognized as Chakra.

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