Chapter 30 - Cintra 23!

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[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cintra, northern kingdoms.



As Madara and Cirilla walked toward Mousesack's laboratory, the princess could not contain her excitement. The guard still looked at Madara like a hawk, still wondering who this boy was and how he had ended up in an audience with the queen and was instructed by the wizard to go to his laboratory accompanied by the princess, who was so excited it strongly contrasted with the calm Madara usually maintained.

"Did you see, Madara? Did you see how my grandmother agreed to everything? That means you're going to stay here with me! We're going to do so many things together!" Cirilla jumped for joy, her eyes shining with the excitement of a future full of adventures alongside Madara, thinking she could even join him on his hunts, in her imagination.

Madara, keeping calm, simply nodded in response, but without agreeing with the girl. "Yes, it seems I'll be around for a while," he said.

"I can't wait to show you everything in the castle! And, of course, you'll have to teach me some things too. Maybe, how to be a warrior!!" Cirilla's excitement continued, while the guard did not seem to appreciate it much.

"Teach you? Even if I tried, your grandmother didn't seem to like such a thing," Madara responded calmly.

"I'll talk to her! You'll see how she'll allow me to fight with you!" Cirilla seemed convinced, while Madara remained silent as they walked through the castle, climbing the stairs again.

He might not show much, but Madara liked Cirilla. Though the princess's imagination soared high, dreaming of almost surreal possibilities for someone of her status, she was, despite being spoiled, quite cheerful.

"We're here!" Cirilla announced, pushing the huge door with some effort. Madara helped her, and they were faced with Mousesack's laboratory.

It was the first time Madara had seen a wizard's laboratory, observing the place in silence. The space was filled with books, scrolls, and various magical instruments, which was quite predictable for Madara, after playing The Witcher 3.

"Look, Madara! This is Mousesack's laboratory. There are so many interesting things here, but I don't know much!" Cirilla began to explore the place with childlike curiosity, having Madara by her side.

She turned to the royal guard who had also entered the room, "You can leave us." She requested.

"That's not appropriate, princess..." The man spoke, but the princess seemed determined about it.

"You don't need to, we're in Mousesack's laboratory and Madara is a guest by my grandmother's invite, you can leave us." She spoke with a tone harsher than usual, but amusingly childlike, the man, albeit reluctantly, nodded in the end and left the place to stand outside.

Madara looked surprised at this but didn't say anything. Meanwhile, she chattered about everything she could, and that continued until the door opened again with the wizard entering after the meeting with the queen. When Mousesack entered the laboratory, he found Madara sitting next to Cirilla on one of the chairs while the girl talked and smiled.

He ended up smiling with satisfaction at Madara's decision to stay in Cintra under the protection and patronage of Queen Calanthe. This was a chance for the boy to help the kingdom someday and even be loyal over the years. "Madara, I am genuinely pleased that you have decided to accept the queen's offer. I believe your presence here will be beneficial both for you and for the kingdom of Cintra," Mousesack began, clearly satisfied as Madara nodded his head and the princess by his side opened a wide smile. "Now, let's talk about what we expect during your stay and how we can help you integrate and make the most of this time." He said.

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