Chapter 11 - Cintra 04!

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[Chapter Size: 1700 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cindra, northern kingdoms.



The sounds of drinks, laughter, and even moaning women were replaced by the silence that followed Madara's declaration.

Everyone looked around, unsure whether they were more surprised by the boy killing the man so easily or by his statement that he would eliminate everyone there while his red eyes followed each person present.

Fred, from his chair, threw his prostitute aside without care anymore and looked at Madara with anger. "What are you waiting for! Kill that red-eyed freak!" He gave the order, and even though they had no weapons at the moment, many advanced with sticks they had found scattered around the hall, while others picked up knives to attack the child.

Madara remained motionless as he saw the men approaching, very cautiously, especially because he seemed so calm when surrounded. His scarlet eyes were now fixed on Fred, he advanced a few steps, everyone still cautious, the boy walked among them as if he expected them to attack him. The women present at the party were watching cautiously while they gathered in a corner.

"What is this monster doing?" said a man with a piece of wood.

"What are we waiting for, get him, we need to capture the prisoners, if the guards catch them before us, they will charge us a good amount of money!" said Fred, enraged.

The first man acted, he was fat, and had a large piece of wood in his hand throwing it at Madara. The boy, until then walking calmly, dodged the wood and with a pirouette, he reached the fat man's neck before quickly cutting it with his knife.

This move stirred the rest of the men as they all ran towards Madara with anger at seeing a gang member being killed like that. It was a strange scene, but Madara quickly was surrounded and began to dance among them all just using his knife and dodging to avoid attacks, for everyone around, it was bizarre to see a boy doing pirouettes while men tried to kill him, although they already defined Madara as an aberration.

"AHHHH!!!" A prostitute screamed in fright.

At a certain moment, Madara began to retaliate and started to cut and kill the men with fatal blows, even the boy had blood on his body while fighting the rest.

"Go! Kill the boy!" Fred shouted to other men standing just watching, they began to run into the fight too.

Even being clumsy drunks and even drugged around Madara, anyone could die surrounded in that way, while Madara made one man fall after another, spreading blood all over the place. Even the men affected by alcohol began to retreat in fear, seeing that the aberration in front of all of them had already killed more than 10 men and continued untouchable beyond the blood of the men themselves that got on his clothes.

Fred, frowning, "Where are the archers! Shoot him!". 3 men emerged with loaded crossbows, they aimed at Madara and the boy decided to act, moving away from where the bodies were, he ran towards the men, the bolts from the crossbows went in his direction, one he used his body to lower, another used his knife, and the last bolt was missed by the archer. He approached the group of men while starting to cut them again.

Screams of terror filled the place that until moments ago had drunk laughter and lascivious conversations, the women who sold their bodies, began to flee not wanting to stay there, "Where do you think you're going!" Fred screamed and was enraged with some men trying to escape too, but surprisingly, Madara had thrown knives he found on the ground hitting them and making them fall dead.

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