Chapter 18 - Cintra 11!

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[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cintra, northern kingdoms.



Two days had passed since the meeting with the royal mage. Madara woke up feeling somewhat better from his injuries; he felt the potion the druid was making take effect. After seeing he was well, he decided to go out for the first time after the chaos he had caused. He jumped out of the window of the place and went for a walk in the city after removing his bandages.

Madara needed to raise money again, but without causing all that chaos or drawing too much attention. As he walked through the city in noble, yet not too flashy clothes, almost no one noticed him, seeing him as just a child. And he continued to walk until he reached a square in that district, Cintra remained the same, with people walking and guards patrolling. Upon reaching the square, he went to a large board of announcements and services in the middle of the square.

In this world, it's common to have such places for people to advertise their things, especially for those seeking solutions to their problems and those wanting to earn some money by solving others' problems.

There was such a board throughout the city, and he was in the east square, first noticing that his wanted poster was no longer there, thinking that the druid was behind this. Shrugging, he went to look at the other posters, but there was a big problem for Madara.

"I can't read this language..." Like any child from an orphanage, he was not literate. He even knew 3 languages from his past life like English, Spanish, and German... but in this world, that was quite useless... 'Maybe I should accept the mage's invitation to get educated in the castle...' He murmured, but would think about it later.

He looked at the sheets pinned to the board, despite not being able to read them, he knew he might find something interesting with the drawings, since requests for monsters usually had a drawing of the creature. He unknowingly passed by a poster about a lost dog, another poster about house swapping, the sale of a residence, some requests for food aid. There was all sorts of things there, but something caught Madara's attention in the last posters: there were rewards for missing children and the hunt for some monsters.

Seeing the images of children drawn with a title of lost, something he at least knew, he already knew what had happened to them, but there wasn't much he could do. Then he ran his hand through the posters of monster hunting. There, there was a small hunt to catch some drowners that were bothering a small village outside of Cintra. He didn't see much information, but it mentioned the name of the village and the creature that needed to be hunted.

After taking the poster, he then decided to take on this mission. Seeing that he needed to get a map, since he didn't know the village, he went to a place where they sold various items and he asked a man for a map who looked suspiciously at him, but, seeing his clothes, didn't care much and ended up selling. Madara paid in coins he still had and looked at the map patiently. After managing to locate himself, he decided to go to that area south of Cintra and do the mission on the same day.

Instead of taking the gate, he simply went to the wall and jumped over, heading south. Although he wasn't a criminal now, he still didn't want to waste time going through the gate when he could quickly get past all the guards unnoticed. And instead of taking a horse, he ran, since, being a ninja, he could be faster than anything there.

Three hours heading south, while jumping between trees and running with his hands behind through the forest, finding nothing but wild animals, he finally arrived at the small village. He approached and saw many people working in the fields, some children of his age running around the place, some parents talking with each other, some even arguing with the children. As he walked, a local farmer saw the boy approaching and found it strange, because he didn't recognize him and saw that he also wore clothes far superior to those of the village.

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