Chapter 26 - Cintra 19!

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[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cintra, northern kingdoms.



The night ran its course in the Northern Realms as Madara continued to traverse the forests of Cintra. Leaping from tree to tree, not stopping for a moment, as he planned to do so in the capital. Madara was unbothered by the lack of light or the sound of various predators during the night, as he used his Sharingan to navigate through the forest, and it wasn't until a few hours had passed that he finally emerged from the jungle, finding the city's lights reflecting in the dark sky some distance on the horizon.

It was amusing for Madara, who for the first time directed his gaze even higher and saw the constellation in the sky and not just basic stars, but the entire center of the galaxy, very similar to the Milky Way that you could observe in just a few parts of his old world, but here, due to the lack of so much lighting, it was somewhat a common sky.

"This world has its own beauty too..." Madara murmured, before he resumed running like a ninja across the fields towards the distant city.

It didn't take long for him to finally arrive now as he moved like an animal at high speed while his hands were placed behind him, reaching the city walls, he didn't stop quickly, leaping and climbing at high speed while keeping his chakra in the soles of his feet.

Some guards who were watching on the walls of the wall, didn't even see when the boy passed by them, so fast and blending into the darkness, that they thought it was just the wind. Madara simply jumped from the wall in free fall into the city, even a little excited to feel the thrill of almost flying as he fell. 'This never gets old...' He murmured internally.

He landed on a house and quickly gained momentum from the roof without breaking it and leaped again from roof to roof as he made his way to his location in the city. Arriving at the abandoned building, he sighed as he landed on one of the windows.

He quickly prepared to rest, as he lay down on the cape after storing all his equipment, he thought satisfied with his last actions, he had done two of the 3 jobs and even earned 1000 coins for saving a noble who, deep down, didn't want to be rewarded, but those 1000 coins were welcome.

Madara then slept satisfied, and the next day, he had one more mission to complete. Leaving the ghoul's head in the place, hoping it wouldn't stink too much, so much so that he put it on the window and not inside the room. Madara had prepared with his equipment, while placing his kunais in easy-to-grab spots on his belts and bags, sharpening his small sword for a proper cut in his view.

The last job was quite simple: eliminate a nest of Nekkers in a forest a bit far away, Nekkers were easy to defeat, but in this specific location, there were at least dozens according to the druid, and they were harming some hunters and farmers. It was almost noon when he just organized his things and checked if everything was OK. Putting his bag and his small sharpened short sword, he then set off again.

The place was a bit far, but Madara had no difficulty getting there, even having to have traveled the entire day. When night fell again, he had arrived at the location, but this was intentional, after all, these creatures spread out during the day through the forest and returned to the nest at night.

'Now let's look for them...' Madara murmured internally. He began to jump between the trees trying to find the location of the nest until he finally found a place smelling of rot and with the sound of small growls in the area, these creatures did not bother to hide their presence until he finally found it.

He landed on a tree where he had a good view and saw that there were, at least about fifty of them surrounding a nest, which was a place made with various debris they found, and even bones of animals and people.

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