Chapter 09 - Cintra 02!

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[Chapter Size: 1800 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cintra, northern kingdoms.



Madara ascended in the cloak of night, leaping between the buildings of houses until he neared the orphanage, treading silently on the wall, he kept his body horizontal as he walked to a window.

"Did you hear the boy?"

"Yes, such nonsense."

"He said he saw Madara, that brat who had disappeared, Sister Tunny."

"Stop the nonsense, even if he saw, the brat is lost somewhere in the city, we can't do anything." The woman's voice commented.

"We should go after him, he would be good to be handed over for the next batch of children, I'm sure that man would like the boy and it wouldn't even raise suspicions about his disappearance." Said the voice.

Madara looked into the window and saw the woman who took care of the orphanage and an old man, who was the caretaker, he entered through the window without them noticing, while listening attentively to the conversation.

Sister Tunny looked towards the window swearing she saw a shadow, but everything seemed normal, so she went back to the caretaker.

"Whatever, tomorrow talk to Fred and the others, they can look for the boy around the city and take him to that man." She said and the caretaker nodded.

"So, you want me, this seems even more fun." A voice was heard, startling the two present and when they looked up, they saw Madara upside down above them with a small smile, his eyes glowing scarlet in the darkness.

Before they could react, Madara left the ceiling and with a pirouette kicked both their necks, causing the caretaker and Sister Tunny to fall to opposite sides.

Both fell dazed with immense pain and unable to speak, since Madara hit the neck muscle so they couldn't talk for some time. The sound of them falling was loud, but not compared to a scream of surprise, and the orphanage seemed still in silence.



Both tried to speak more without success, "You will stay like this for a few hours," He spoke looking at the two people scared and in pain. "So, it's been 6 months and the first thing I hear from you is talking about me, how ironic, let me know more about this." He said leaving them even more scared with the child's eyes.

"You deliver children to Fred's gang, but who is this man you were talking about?" He asks and both just looked in silence with eyes shining in fear.

"You don't need to talk, after all, you can't do that now, just answer yes or no with your head, how about that?" Madara spoke, but the caretaker, looking scared, started running towards the door, Madara didn't think twice before drawing a kunai and hitting the man's head, making him fall dead the next moment.

"Well, as you saw Sister Tunny, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, it's up to you." Madara commented, the woman in front of him was really scared now, imagining how that boy had become this monster.

"Don't look at me like a monster, after all, we are the same, you sacrifice boys from here, and I pursue my goals, well, I'm willing to sacrifice you too." Madara spoke without any hesitation, he had killed many in the last months and was getting used to it.

Sister Tunny, still scared, nodded her head.

Madara began to question her about how this scheme worked, despite not being able to speak, Madara got what he wanted, he didn't know much about the mysterious man, and Tunny didn't seem to be lying while questioning.

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