Chapter 08 - Cintra 01!

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[Chapter Size: 1500 Words.]
Third Person POV

Cindra, northern kingdoms.



As Cirilla returned to the castle of Cintra, Madara moved silently through the dense forest, his scarlet eyes sweeping the area for signs of the monsters he was hunting. Having spent these months away from civilization, he had adapted to the rhythm of nature, learning to read the subtle signs that indicated the presence of dangerous creatures.

Even though it had been a few days since he found Cirilla and Geralt, he had not yet succeeded in his quest, only today he managed to find new tracks of a group of necrophages with his sharingan. He advanced cautiously, and when he finally encountered the necrophages, there were many bodies of dead people in the area, which they sought in the forest or killed, to turn them into these creatures, as they are creatures that arise from corpses.

Madara did not hesitate, he advanced to the nest and attacked with precision, throwing chakra-enhanced kunais before approaching for hand-to-hand combat. The fight was brutal, but Madara was prepared.

As soon as the creatures noticed his presence with the first necrophages falling to the ground with their faces hit, and they advanced towards Madara, he had already performed the hand seals and took a deep breath.

"Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu." Fireballs rained down on the creatures as the nest and the corpses were all consumed by fire, some creatures managed to escape, and ran up to Madara running strangely, Madara used his small sword and skillfully dodged the claws while executing quick cuts of the creatures, although it was not a silver weapon to kill them, he still managed to tear off limbs, making it difficult to move, if someone was watching this fight closely, they would see a 6-year-old boy doing pirouettes and handling a sword that shone with the meeting of the sun in his movements while being surrounded by 6 leprous creatures making sounds of anger.

They would be even more alarmed seeing the boy winning as the monsters begin to lose their arms, heads, and legs, Madara after symbolizing all of them, he launched his fire jutsu again, ending the monsters.

"I guess with that, I won," Madara murmured seeing the place being consumed by the fire of his jutsu that began to spread through the place.

He had spent six months of intensive solitary training in the forest, achieving remarkable mastery over his current chakra, jutsu, and sharingan. His days were always consumed by a rigorous regime that alternated between deep meditation, jutsu practice, and hunting monsters that infested the darkest regions of the forest. This relentless routine refined his skills, making him a formidable hunter and a master in chakra manipulation among his current capabilities, he would say if he were to measure his current power, he would be at the level of Sasuke before the chunin exams.

Despite significant progress in his skills and an increase in his physical and mental strength, the system kept him at only 1% of the total power of the legendary Uchiha Madara. This restriction intrigued and frustrated him in equal measure, as he had no clue how to unlock more power from the system.

Madara often speculated about the workings of the system, pondering the actions or achievements he would need to accomplish to unlock more of his latent power. But in the end, his theory that he had to do something big was what he trusted most, despite that saving people from death, destroying a bandit camp, and hunting monster nests was never enough.

"My training ends here, as I'm not gaining anything more from this," Madara murmured, decided to return to the capital, Cintra.

He wanted to observe the lives of the people of this world more closely, understand more about this world, now that he had enough strength to protect it from almost any individual danger.

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