Chapter 17

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The captain's voice startled Becky awake.

"We'll be landing in London in about fifteen minutes. The weather there is fifty-eight degrees, with a bit of fog. If everyone could please fasten their seat belts and make sure their tray tables are in place...."

Groggily, she sat up, stretched as best she could, and brought her seat to an upright position.

"She is so!" She heard a childish voice whisper.

"Is not!" Another voice whispered back.

It took her a few seconds before she realized that the two children, a boy and a girl, were talking about her.

"Is what?" She asked them. Both blonde and blue-eyed, the brother and sister were sitting just across the aisle from her.

The little girl go straight to the point. "My stupid little brother thinks you're one of Santa's helpers."

This was interesting.

"Why do you think that?" She asked the boy.

"Because you're wearing such a pretty dress and you have those flowers in your hair."

Ah, yes. Her stunning travel outfit, courtesy of running out on Freen Chankimha.

"Are you?" The girl insisted.

Becky studied her. She couldn't be more than eight years old. 'So young to be so wary, so cynical.'

"Santa has helpers all over the place," Becky hedged.

She noticed the children's mother sitting in the seat behind them, and the woman gave her a tired smile.

"So do you think that you can get any present you want?" The girl insisted, and Becky heard the same edge of upset cynicism in her young voice.


"If you've been good," Becky said.

"I've been very good!"

"Then I'm sure you'll get exactly what you want."

"Good! Because I want a pony!"

Becky turned toward the girl and noticed her mother just beyond the shining halo of blonde curls, slowly shaking her head No.

Becky leaned closer to the girl, "How long have you wanted a pony?"

"Forever and ever. Santa didn't give me one last year, cause my mom said that I'm too young."

Becky's gaze carefully took in the two children's outfits. Though they were clean, and they both looked well cared for, the little girl's navy and white sweater was slightly faded, and the ribbed cuffs were worn. The knees of her navy pants were shiny, and their mother's outfit had seen better days.

And something in the child touched her deeply. She saw herself at that age, full of dreams and wanting nothing but happiness, before she'd learned so abruptly that the world sometimes didn't give you what you wanted most.

She had a feeling that this child was in the midst of learning the same life lessons, and she was much too young to have realize that.

She made her decision with lightning speed, and it made her happy. These were the moments when Becky was glad her family had a ton of money. She loved creating happiness.

"Where do you live? Could a pony live with you?"

The girl told her the suburb outside of London where she lived, and Becky knew there were several stables in the area.

"Well, we'll see what Santa can do, but if it doesn't happen this year, it won't be because you were bad."

"Then why not?" The girl insisted.

"Santa works in mysterious ways."

The plane touched down at London Airport, and Becky waited until everyone was waiting for their bags at the luggage area before she approached the children's mother. The woman's daughter was keeping an eye on her little brother, who was running around a short distance from them.

"I'm sorry if my children bothered you," the woman said. Standing this close to her, Becky saw just how tired the older woman was.

"Not at all. They're beautiful," she hesitated just a heartbeat before she said, "Is money the only obstacle?"

For a moment she thought the woman wasn't going to continue their conversation. And she had been asked a rather personal question. Becky realized this woman was sizing her up and must have seen something she liked, because she began to talk.

"Yes. My husband passed away unexpectedly almost two years ago, and things have been.....difficult."

"Would your daughter be good with a pony?"

The woman smiled tiredly. "It's all she ever talks about."

"If I could get your daughter a pony, find a place to board it, arrange for riding lessons, and get her a scholarship to defray all the pony's expenses, would you want her to have this responsibility?"

"Would that be possible?" Becky loved the spark of hope she saw in this woman's calm gray eyes.

"Leave it to me. I just wanted to check and see if it was all right with you before I did anything," She hefted her duffle bag more firmly up on her shoulder, then said, "Can I reach you at work?" She glanced over toward the luggage carousel, and noticed that both children were approaching them. "That way we can talk freely."

"Here's my card." The woman rummaged in her purse and handed Becky a business card. "But, I don't understand. Who are you?"

Becky smiled. "Just call me Santa's little helper."


A/N: I know short chapter but i will give you guys a double update today so that's why. Vote? Comment? Follow? See yaa <3

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