Chapter 14

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Freen tightened her grip on her waist. "Because she caught her last fiancé in bed with an old girlfriend and, oh, I don't know, maybe she just wanted to be absolutely sure she could trust Anda before she married her."

Becky swallowed, "Anda told you that?" She hated the fact that her voice seemed to come out in a squeak. Squeaking did not project confidence.

"She told me she was having a lot of trouble convincing Lookkaew she was a trustworthy woman because of what that other jerk had done to Lookkaew."

"Oh," Becky considered this. Freen was awfully good at putting all the pieces together. Her excuses were running out.

Freen pulled her closer against her. "Becky, I have a way we can solve all this, once and for all," She whispered in her ear.

"Good. I'd like that. I'd like you to put this ridiculous theory to rest, because I think you're just obsessed with this Mon dancer, and you're seeing her in every single woman you meet, including me!"

Freen studied her, "You're quite good. I have to admire your nerve. I've caught you dead to rights, and you're not even nervous."

"I have nothing to be nervous about."

"That's what you think," Freen said. "Here's my plan. We go back to one of the bathrooms, perhaps one that isn't so crowded. You dance practically naked, so showing off your body is no hardship for you. We go into one of the stalls, and you lift up your dress and show me your right buttock. No rose, I lose. A rose on that cute little ass, I win. Deal?"

Becky stared up at her. Why didn't she brough along any waterproof makeup, and why hadn't she thought to cover up her rose tattoo? Because she'd never met a woman like Freen Chankimha, and she suddenly realized Freen was not going to let the matter rest.

Well, the best offense was a good defense.

"I'm going to get into a bathroom stall with you, a total stranger—"

"Not so total after what we did last

"And lift my skirt up? You've got to be kidding."

"Hah, I knew it! You're Mon!"

"You're way out of line!" And with that, Becky wrenched herself out of her arms and marched off the dance floor.

Freen watched her go, then slowly grinned. She did so love a challenge.

"What a woman!"

They circled around each other like two big cats through more elaborate wedding photographs, and then when Lookkaew and Anda cut their wedding cake and fed each other pieces.

"Look," Becky whispered to Lookkaew after the cake cutting, searching for an excuse to leave and avoid Freen, "I'm going to have a race out of here pretty soon, so have a wonderful

"I saw you arguing with Freen. Is everything okay?"


"Sure. We were just having a spirited debate. Freen's got quite a few interesting theories."

"She is a neat woman. You know, she was the one who finally convinced me I should take a chance on Anda and trust her."

'Miss. Cynic?'

"She did?"

"She did. She told me that she'd never seen Anda so crazy about a woman as she was with me, and that I should marry her and put her out of her misery."


"You know," Lookkaew whispered. "It was kind of a fantasy of mine that you and Freen would get together and—"

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