Chapter 16

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As the jumbo thundered through the night sky toward England, Becky had no idea that as she slept, emotionally exhausted, sprawled in her seat in her bridesmaid's dress, Freen Chankimha was doing everything in her power to find out how she'd managed to infiltrate the bachelor party. And what city she'd escaped to.

Freen had ordered both herself and the real Mon espressos and chocolate-dipped biscotti, and paid for them, which seemed to have reassured the voluptuous dancer immensely. Freen's first clue that things weren't quite on the up-and-up was when Hani, a gorgeous blonde woman she definitely recognized from the party the night before, gave her an absolutely horrified look when she saw that she was sitting at the coffeehouse table with Mon.

"No, it's okay!" Mon called across the expense of the coffeehouse, "She doesn't want a threesome or anything like that, she just wants to talk!"

Her announcement stopped all conversation in the coffeehouse dead. And Freen had to laugh at the expressions on the men in the coffeehouse. Some date they thought she was having!

"Sorry about that," Mon muttered. "But a girl has to be careful. Sometimes, the work we do, we come into contact with a kind of unsavory element, if you get my drift."

"I understand," Freen said.

Cautiously, as if she were traversing a minefield, Hani approached their table. Eyeing her warily, she eased herself into the seat across from Freen.

"Is this true?" She said.

"Cross my heart," Freen replied.

"I'd try for the threesome myself," said a thirty-something man at the table next to them. He had an unruly shock of bright auburn hair and was dressed in a brown handknit sweater and a pair of corduroys.

"Your mother would be ashamed of you!" Said Hani, but the young man only laughed. She turned back toward Freen. "I must be losing my touch. That line usually gets them."

"Mom and apple pie? I should think so. Do you want some coffee?"

"A latte would be nice. A grande."

"You got it. Biscotti?"

"I'd rather have a croissant. Chocolate if they have it."

Once they were all settled with their coffees and pastries, Freen got straight to the point.

"Who was the girl who called herself Mon last night?" Freen glanced over at the real Mon. "Because it sure wasn't her."

Mon glared at Hani. "I don't know. I wasn't there."

"Look," Hani began, nervously stirring two packs of sugar into her latte with a wooden coffee stirrer. "Rico gets really pissed off if things don't go according to plan."

"Does he get abusive?" Freen asked, concerned.

"No, nothing like that. He's one of those guys that never lets you forget a mistake. Know what I mean?"

Freen nodded.

"Anyway," Said Hani, "Mon called me right before your party and told me she was dying because she had to have this taco—"

"Tony's Taco Joint," Mon chimed in. "A great taco, but the aftermath wasn't worth it, let me tell you."

"All right," Freen interjected. "The real Mon got a bad taco and couldn't make it. So where did the fake Mon come in?"

"We met her just outside your house," said Hani. "Me, Ash and, Bae. She said she wanted to get inside your house and see what was really going to go on. You know, with the groom."

"Was it because of Lookkaew?" Freen said.

"How'd you know?" Hani eyed her with new respect.

"I've been trying to put the pieces together."

"Yeah, that was it. It seems this Lookkaew caught the last guy she was engaged to in the sack with an old girlfriend, and she was really insecure the night before her wedding, so this friend of hers—"

"What was her name?"

"Daisy something. Or was it becca."


"That's it! So this friend of hers is a dancer anyway, and Lookkaew begged her to infiltrate the party and report back to her if her wife-to-be sampled the goods, if you know what I mean."

"Okay. Go on."

"So we were all huddled outside wondering what to do because after all, you hired four dancers, and we were one short, and, well....." She looked up at Freen beseechingly. "It just seemed like a good idea at the time."

Freen sat back in her chair and considered this. Just as she'd thought. Becky hadn't been able to resist Lookkaew's pleas.

"Are we in some kind of trouble?" Hani asked quietly.

"No. I called Rico the morning after the party and told him you all did a terrific job."

"Like he mentioned anything about it to us," Mon muttered.

"Then I asked him if I could see Mon this evening—"

"And I," said Mon to Hani, "finally feeling better, went to her house, only I could tell I was the wrong girl from the look on her face when she opened the door."

"Do you know anything else about this woman?" Freen asked.

"She's kind of a free spirit," said Hani.

'No kidding.'

"It was real sweet of her to help us out, don't you think?" Hani said. Her eyes suddenly narrowed as she looked at Freen. "Why do you want to know?"

"I want to see her again, and I can't seem to locate her."

"She had to be at the wedding today," Mon observed. "Did it go off as planned?"

"Beautifully," Freen said, "I recognized her too late, and she'd already left."

"Tough break," Hani took a sip of her coffee. "I'm trying to remember — wait a minute, when we were talking outside your house, she said she had this dance troupe she was a part of— wait, wait, I'm trying to remember......"

Freen held her breath. Oh, she knew she could have called Lookkaew when she got home from her honeymoon, but she didn't want to wait ten days, and she certainly didn't want to bother the happy couple while they were at their villa in the Bahamas. And she couldn't quite picture asking Lookkaew's parents.

And she was sure Lookkaew or any of her family would call Becky and alert her to her nosing around, and that was the last thing she wanted. She hadn't been that happy with her when she'd skipped out of the wedding.

"Emotion in Motion! That was it! It's this sort if artsy dance troupe. She said they did one recital in nothing but blue body paint."

Remembering Becky's body, Freen wished she could have seen that one.

"You've been really helpful, both of you," Freen said.

"You're not so bad yourself," Mon replied. "You know that thing I said about the threesome? Now I feel bad. I mean, you're a really good looking woman—"

"It's okay," said Freen, trying not to laugh out loud at the awed and slightly envious expression on the red-headed man's face at the table next to them. "I'm kind of in a hurry, but maybe some other time."

"Sure thing!" Mon called after her as she got up from the table and headed towards her car. Hani smiled and waved.

"Bye, Freen! Thanks for the coffee!"

Emotion in Motion, huh? Wait my little Becky I am going to find you very......very soon...

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