Chapter 10

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The country club had been transformed completely, both for the Christmas holidays and for this particular wedding. If Lookkaew looked like a fairy princess in her bridal finery, then this was her kingdom.

As the four of them walked into the club, Becky glanced at the enormous floor-to-ceiling noble fir Christmas tree in the foyer, decorated with twinkling colored lights and dazzling, hand-blown glass ornaments. Farther inside, in the spacious ballroom, she would see what Lookkaew, her mother, and the wedding planner had been up to.

Right now, she was horribly conscious of Freen, right next to her. Their arms were touching because she'd graciously offered her arm as they'd left the limo, and she'd taken it, knowing that not to do so would probably arouse suspicion. Feeling the hard muscles in her arm beneath her suit jacket had been a stange sort of torture, as she'd remembered what those muscular arms had been capable of. But even beyond those thoughts, all she could really think about as she carefully maneuvered the snow-covered steps up to the front door, was what she'd revealed in the limo.

So it had been special, as special as she'd thought it had been. The thought thrilled her, until she realized she could never reveal the fact that she was Mon, she'd danced on the family room table, she'd gone back to her den, dared her to kiss her, and ended up naked in her arms. She couldn't betray her best friend and start her wedding off on that kind of note.

But she kind of suspected Freen would get the fact that something was off when she opened her door at ten tonight and there was the real Mon. Becky wondered what this Mon looked like. But Freen would know, for sure, that the dancer who'd had food poisoning wasn't the Mon she'd spent the night with.

And then what?

Once inside, the four of them made their way down one of the long halls until they came to the main ballroom. As they entered, Becky's eyes widened. Lookkaew hadn't been kidding when she said her father and mother had gone all out to give her the wedding of her dreams. Her friend was the youngest of five children, and as she had four older brothers, this was the only wedding her parents would ever finance.

They'd definitely gone all out.

"The florist is going to use sixteen different kinds of roses to get the effect we want," Lookkaew had told Becky over the phone. "I can't wait to see it!"

Spectacular was the word that came to mind. Each of the round tables, which seated about twelve people, had and incredible floral centerpiece, along with several candles, already lit. The lights were low, and the ballroom looked like a fairy kingdom come to life.

Lookkaew had told her that the menu for dinner tonight was pepper-crusted lamb and lobster, but the pièce de rèsistance was the six-tier wedding cake, a vanilla-butter-cream cake covered with thousands of sugar flowers. And Becky knew she would have enjoyed all of this immensely if she didn't have to worry about Freen.

It wasn't that she thought she was going to do anything crazy. Strangely enough, Becky found herself veering back and forth between telling her and remaining  silent. She wasn't even sure how mad she'd be at her, though she was sure she'd be at least slightly annoyed. There was even a chance she might really laugh at the entire incident.


It was just that it was so hard for her to walk away from her after the intimate night they'd shared. Yet there was another part of her, the chicken part when it came to relationships, that wanted to do exactly that. And if she was honest with herself, she had to admit that she didn't even know this woman. And yet.......she did.

She turned to Lookkaew, "Your mom wanted me to remind you to powder your nose before the photographers arrive."

Lookkaew was busily kissing Anda.

Becky cleared her throat, suddenly uncomfortable. She realized that a part of her wanted to haul off and kiss Freen. Freen was simply temptation in a tux. Testosterone on the hoof. How ironic, that she had the woman of her wildest sexual dreams right next to her, and she couldn't do a thing about it.

"Ah, young love," Freen whispered next to her. Something in her tone made Becky look up at her sharply.

Maybe she didn't know her as well as she thought she did.

"You don't believe in love?" She said.

"Let's just say I have a healthy respect for its limitations."

'Limitations? Oh, great. Not only can I never blow my cover, I had to hook up with Miss Cynic. Miss Cynic with great moves, but a cynic nonetheless.'

"Freen, I get a feeling that you were the sort of little girl who didn't believe in Santa Claus."

"Not for long. What's the point?"

Becky frowned, "When the time came to tell me, I was told that the spirit of Santa Claus was in everyone and everything, and Christmas was the time we keep it alive."

Freen considered this, "I guess that works."

"What do you mean, that works! It's true!"

Freen smiled down at her, "You're a dreamer."

Becky bristled beneath her gaze, "Is that so bad?"

"As long as you keep it on a realistic level."

Becky narrowed her eyes. Freen might be great in bed, but there was definitely some problems, her cynicism being number one on the list. But what did she care? If things went as she thought they would, she'd never see this woman after tonight.

"What about that dancer?" Becky regretted the words the minute they left her mouth. She couldn't believe she'd said them.


"Yes," She said, and a part of her couldn't believe she was stubbornly continuing this train of thought. It was sheer suicide if she connected her to her role as Mon the dancer. "What about Mon? You said it was more than just sex."

Freen laughed, "Oh, no. Don't go trying to pretty this up and make it all romantic. I know what it was, and even knowing what it was, it was pretty incredible."

So Miss. Cynic didn't believe in love. Interesting. And Becky found she wanted to tweak her again. She just couldn't resist. Feeling as if she had one of those cartoon devils on her shoulder, while the cartoon angel on other shoulder was making motions like 'cut! Finish! No more! Stop now!' Becky said, "And what exactly was it?"

"The single best physical experience with a woman I ever had in my entire life. Just incredible."

'Touché. Me, too. But then again, what do I have to compare it to?'

"Really," She considered this, and for some strange reason, she felt incredibly proud of herself. Even with all her inexperience, it had been that great. And even she wasn't naive enough to believe that she was in love with a total stranger she'd shared a night of hot sex with. But she could still belive that they had a special connection.

She glanced up at Freen again, studying her face.

"But could.....could the best sex of your life lead to something else?"

'You are playing with fire.'

Freen gazed down at her, a speculative gleam in her chocolate brown eyes.

"You want to think so, don't you?" Becky caught her breath as Freen took her chin in her hand, her touch so gentle. Studying her face, Freen said, "Becky, find yourself a good man or woman. Someone who shares all your dreams. You need that sort of person, because the real world is a very tough place."


A/N: wise words i must say...hahaha. so how was the chapter? Vote? Comment? Follow? See yaa<3

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