Chapter 3

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"Do you have a way back home?" Freen asked, watching her, watching the way her eyes moved to the side, the way she couldn't quite meet Freen's gaze.


"You're such a liar," Freen whispered.

"Oh, yeah?" She finished the cake, licked the last smear of frosting off the paper plate, and set it down on the coffee table to the side of the leather couch. "What makes you the expert?"

Freen didn't say anything, wondering why she had the urge to be so rude with her, to get her going. And Freen found that she liked arguing with her.

"How about a little game?" Becky asked.

Freen liked the way her eyes were sparking. This woman radiated fun. "What kind of game?" The images in Freen's head were totally X-rated.

"Truth or dare. I get to go first."

"Fine," Freen has never been on to turn down a dare.

"Were you pissed off, having to baby-sit Anda?"

Freen hesitated. The quiet honor between friends warred with the truth.

"Tell the truth please," Becky said softly.

"Yeah. I was."


Freen stared at her. "Are you some kind of exotic dancer?"

"You could say that."

"Yes or no. Truth."

"Yes," she smiled up at Freen, and Freen watched as she moistened her lips with her tongue. Those thoughts of Freen, definitely X-rated.

"Are you attracted to me?" Becky asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Freen didn't even hesitate. "Yes."

"Do you want to kiss me?" She asked.

Freen hesitated.

"Tell me honestly." She said.

"Yeah," Freen answered.

The silence stretched between them until she said, "Well, we've done the truth, so how about the dare part?"

"What do you mean?" Freen said. Her heart was pounding heavily, slowly speeding up. This woman was absolutely incredible. A fantasy come true.

No, make that her fantasy come true.

"I dare you," She said, her eyes never leaving Freen's.

"Dare me what?" Freen asked.

"I dare you," she said, "to kiss me."

It was a dare Freen didn't even try to resist.

"You got it," Freen said softly and was pleased at her reaction. Those incredible soft brown eyes widened slightly, and Freen's entire body hummed with sexual anticipation as she watched her tongue come out and nervously lick those glossly red lips.

"Truth." Freen said, "Are you scared?"

"Of you?" She replied. "Of course not!"

"Good," Freen said, and she got up from the leather chair she'd been sitting in and approached the couch she was lying on. As Freen came around the large coffee table, She caught sight of the expression in her eyes and realized she was as excited as Freen was.

Freen knew it was going to be good with her, as Freen lowered her body down on to the couch. She sat down by her side, then leaned over.

Freen decided to go for broke and kicked off her shoes and slid over her, so her body was pressed along every single inch of hers. Their faces were close, but she still hadn't kissed her.

THE DARE (G!P Freenbecky)Where stories live. Discover now