Chapter 4🔞

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To hell with obvious. I want her. Picking up both glasses of wine, Freen headed towards the den. And as she entered the room, she realized that she'd moved from the couch and was sitting on the fake bearskin rug by the fire. It had been a gag gift from Heng, but it was extremely comfortable to sit on. Freen had thrown it by the fire for laughs, but now she was glad she had.

The firelight outlined her profile, that classic little face, that slender body, those magnificent breasts. Freen stopped, studying her face, felt her body tighten with intense desire, and started towards her.

She looked up as Freen approached her. The leather had been a little cold against her bare skin, so she'd moved toward the warmth of the fire.

"Cold?" She asked, handing her a huge glass of cold white wine, then sitting down next to her on the bearskin rug.

"A little. This is better," she said, indicating the fire. "And now you're here."

She saw a quick little light of pleasure flare in those blue eyes. Keeping her gaze on her, she raised her glass of wine into the air. She might not be able to tell her this was her first time, but she wanted to toast tonight. She knew what she was giving up, and she was doing this of her own free will. She'd waited long enough, and somehow this just felt right.

Right time, right moment- and the right woman.

Becky didn't want to live in her little ivory tower anymore. And no one back home was willing to give her any assistance in this. Lord knows, she'd tried. But more than that, something had happened tonight when she'd danced, and she found she wanted to experience a lot more of life than she had thus far.

"To tonight," she whispered to Freen. "To a night that, hopefully, will exceed both of our wildest expectations."

Freen touched the rim of her glass against hers. "I'm sure it will."

She closed her eyes and took a long swallow of the chilled wine, then set it aside. "Well, let's get down to it." She said brightly.

Freen seemed to choke on a little wine as she swallowed; it almost spewed out her nose. She coughed, then set her glass of wine down on the floor. "Just like that?"

"Don't you want to?"

"Of course I do," Freen seemed puzzled, "I thought women liked to talk a little first." Freen glanced at her, her expression sheepish. "And I didn't want you to think, you know, just because you're a dancer-"

"That you wanted me for a night of intense, no-strings-attached, hot sex?"

She'd rendered her speechless.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" She whispered, picking up her glass and taking another sip of her wine. It really was quite good.

"That doesn't upset you?" Freen said, sounding incredulous.

"Freen," she said, wondering if every girl had to work as hard at losing her virginity. "Do other women put all these demands on you?"


She was flying back to San Francisco after the weekend, and she wanted to take some sexual memories with her. A night of great sex, an out-of-town affair, was exactly what she needed, because she wanted to feel like she was actually participating in the sensual side of her life.

"Well," She said, setting down her glass and slowly lying down, arching her back slightly as she did so, "not this girl." She gave her what she hoped was a sultry smile as she rested her head on the stuffed bear's head that was at one end of the faux bear rug.

"Danger," she whispered, "is my middle name," she'd heard that line in  'The Lion King', and it had always made her laugh. And she'd always wanted to be in a situation where she could use it.

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