Part 42 The Secret

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When everyone was done eating Hasani took Kion over aways away from everyone. ''Dude, did you see Bititi's face when she was talking to Rani'' Hasani asked worriedly. Kion smirked and shook his head ''only you would notice that''.

''Rani made faces too so you should have noticed that right''.

Kion rolled his eyes ''whatever but why did their faces make you worried'' Kion asked.

''Because they were worried faces and Bititi looked scared when she came back from her walk''.

''I'm sure she is fine, she would tell you if something is wrong wouldn't she'' Kion assured him.

''Ya I know ... .ok fine but if she dies I blame you''. Kion laughed ''you worry too much she wont die''. Come on, let's go back over to the group'' Kion said.

Hasani sighed ''fine ok''.

They walked back over to the group and Kion stood next to Rani. ''Hey Kion, you wanna come to the mud pots with me and Hasani? '' Rani asked. ''Sure but what for?'' Kion asked. Rani smirked ''we are going to umm go over there and I was going to male Bititi pretty and you too''? Rani said with her voice getting a little squeaky. Kion's eyes lit up ''uhh actively I just remembered I uhhh....have to help the guard with something.'' Kion ran off towards the guard and Rani rolled her eyes. ''I'm going to get him to let me do it one of these days...I mean after all its kinda just mud on his face with some leaves.....oooOOOOO that's why he doesn't want to do it because it reminds him of his scar cause he had to put mud on it'' Rani said out loud realizing.

Rani started to walk off and go find Bititi so she could go with her. Rani knew Bititi would come with no hesitation because Bititi loved mud so much it would take the hole day to get her out of it but Rani was also excited to see how she would react when Rani tried to get mud on her face for a face mask because Bititi absolutely hated getting pretty.

Rani found Bititi laying just outside her den in the sun ''Hey Bititi'' Rani said. ''Hey.'' Bititi sat up as Rani began to talk but Bititi column't here it all because her brain shut off after mud. ''Bititi do you wan't to come with me to the mud pots blah blah blehbleh bleh mud bleh'' Rani asked. Bititi jumped up ''Yes come on lets go''. Bititi ran off but then stopped and ran back into her den ''hang on lemmy get Hasani''.

Bititi do you wan't to come with me to the mud pots blah blah blehbleh bleh mud bleh= Bititi do you wan't to come with me to the mud pots and get pretty with mud masks.

Hasani was laying down inside his den when Bititi came flying in and sat down next to him waking him up. ''Hu Bititi what's going on''. Bititi smiled ''you wanna come with me and Rani to the mud pots'' Bititi asked. Hasani smiled and stood up ''sure I'll come''. Before Hasani could take one step Bititi was off running as fast as she could towards the mud almost running Rani over coming out of the den yelling ''YaYyyyy''. 

Rani giggled ''Someone seems happy'' but Bititi couldn't hear Rani, she was two far away. Hasani came trotting out of the den as he walked over to Rani. Rani giggled ''I'm guessing you said yes''. Hasani smiled and nodded. ''So why are we going over to the mud pots'' Hasani asked? 

''Cause I was bored and I wanted to challenge myself and try to get Bititi to let me put a mud mask on her but the hard part is she hates getting pretty and loved being dirty''. Hasani huffed as he smiled ''yep,... I can help if you want'' Hasani suggested.  Rani smiled ''Ok.''

Bititi stopped running and looked back to see Rani and Hasani WALKING. ''Come on you guys are slow'' Bititi yelled to them. Rani looked up ''Your running too fast'' Bititi raised an eyebrow ''you can't make me wait for mud and you know that'' Bititi shot back''. Rani didn't say anything back she just raised an eyebrow back. Bititi just smiled and returned to running. 

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now