Part 30 Don't lose control

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Nobody dared to move for they were waiting for Scar to make the first move. Scar walked around Kion once then stopped. "Well if it isn't my little nephew'' Scar said while smirking Kion rolled his eyes ''What do you want Scar'' he said in annoyance? "It's simple really...all you have to do is hand over your roar and your land along with it.'' 

''What I am never going to do that"Kion said in surprise. 

Scar shrugged ''have it your way then'' just then a lot more leopards came into view surrounding Kion,Rani,Bititi,and Hasani, and there were a lot more leopards than before. "Is this supposed to be a threat'' Kion asked? "No...but this is..... get her" Scar demanded. Kion was focusing on Scra and didn't realize a leopard and snuck up behind them and grabbed Rani by the neck pinning her down almost choking her. Kion didn't realize anything until her heard Rani screaming his name ''KION HELP'' Rani screamed in Terror because the leopard who was holding down her neck was also holding down her legs and arms so she couldn't fight back. Kion whipped around to see his mate almost getting strangled and the leopard who was on top of her had his teeth out towards Rani's neck getting ready if anything happened. "NOO'' Kion screamed! Scar smiled ''hand them over or the lioness gets it''. Rani could tell Kion was about to explode with rage but she couldn't do anything except talk ''Kion calm down think first'' Rani pleaded. Kion ignored her and walked straight up to Scar ''Let her go now or i'll roar you off that cliff'' Kion threatened now bringing out his claws and smacked Scar across the face. ''Scar stepped back and rubbed his cheek where Kion hit him. "I guess our threat isn't working as much so let's take it up a notch''. Scar nodded at the leopard that was holding down Rani and the leopard lowered his head biting down on Rani's neck drawing blood on his muzzle. Kion ran over to Rani to help but was quickly surrounded by 7 lions. Bititi cried into Hasani's shoulder as she watched as Rani's eyes began to flodder meaning she was almost out of air. "Not again'' Bititi mumbled to herself before taking off. Bititi head butted the leopard off of Rani with all her strength and as Rani's head hit the ground still bleeding all of the other leopards were triggered on too. Seeing Rani's eyes closed took all the calmness out of him and filled himself up with rage and Kion could feel his Scar starting to talk over. Kion couldn't help it and went full lion on Scar ripping him into shreds but that just made Scar even more angrier than before. Hasani jumped into the fight and ran over to help Kion. Hasani looked up at the sky to see pitch dark clouds rolling in at the speed of lightning ''umm guys... what's happening'' Hasani asked crouching down in fear. Bititi stopped fighting for a quick second and looked up at the dark clouds. "Oo Noo run run now run into my den ''! 

Bititi ran over to Rani's body grabbing her by her scruff and dragged her into the den with just enough time before Kion used his Roar.

"I'v told you once and I'll tell you again...I will never surrender to you scar''Kion yelled just then Kion roared at all the leopards and Scar sending them all flying far far away. Kion stopped roaring and collapsed to the ground in exhaust and closed his eyes. Hasani ran out of the tree to see Kion and all he saw was a tired,hungry, and sleepy lion laying on the floor. Bititit walked out and looked at Kion as she walked over to him. "Kion are you ok we need to go get Rani to the tree now before it's too late.'' Kion's eyes flew opened ''Rani'' he shouted before running into the den. Kion tries his hardest to wake her up but nothing he tried worked not Evan when he kissed her. Tears were forming in his eyes as he picked up Rani placing her on his back as they left for the Tree. 

Right before they got to the Tree Ranni opened her eyes and realized she was moving ''hu what's going on where's Scar ''Rani asked in a weak voice? "Shhh it's ok Rani it's just me and I Roared at him and the leopard when I lost my temper because your head hit the ground hard.'' Rani placed her head back down on Kion's back closed one eye because she still didn't have much strength.  

They had made it back to the Tree and walked in and when they did Rija and Sawa were just waking up. ''Daddy what happened to mom'' Rija asked walking over to his mom and dad. Kion didn't say anything all he did was hold back his tears and placed Rani down on the rock. Kion looked at his cubs then at Rani ''stay here I'll be back''. Before Rija or Sawa could say anything Kion ran out of the Tree and went to find Nirmala. 

Kion found Nirmala with the rest of the night pride getting ready to go rest. Kion ran up to Nirmala calling her name. "Nirmala, Nirmala'' Kion yelled. Nirmala stopped walking and turned to look at Kion'' Kion?'' ''Kion are you ok we heard you roar the lion guard was about to go find you.'' Kion stopped running and put his head down '''s Rani'' Kion put his head down as tears came streaming down his face''I.....I almost got Rani killed...can you help her she is in the Tree''. Nirmala gasp ''Is she ok''.....Kion started crying now...''you know what, tell me what happened later'' right now we need to help Rani.'' Kion didn't say anything just nodded his head still leaving it hanging. Nirmala and Kion ran off back to the Tree. Nirmala walked in but Kion stayed outside. Kion watched as Nirmala listened to Rani's heart rate with her ear before placing one paw on Rani's chest and one on a Tree root. The Tree lit up Brite green and when the light faded Rani slowly opened her eyes. "Hi Nirmala, where's Kion?'' Rani asked. "Hi Rani I don't know, he was right behind me''. "He seemed pretty sad he even started crying''. Rani's eyes lit up ''really''? Nirmala nodded her head yes. 

Once Kion saw that Rani was ok he ran out of the Tree as fast as he could and started thinking to himself ''if I isolate myself then I can't hurt anybody''. Fuli saw a yellow blur running away ''Kion?'' Kion didn't stop to talk he just started crying harder and ran all the way out of the Tree and back over to the frozen lake that he had to cross coming over to the Tree......

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now