Part 39 Cubs

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Kion woke up to see Rani sleeping on his chest and was still dead tired from what they did last night. Kion smirked as an idea popped into his head. Without waking Rani up, Kion stretched over and woke Rija up. Rija yond and opened his eyes ''o morning dad''. Kion smirked ''morning, hay you wanna do something funny''? Rija smiled and walked over to Kion ''ya what is it''? Kion smiled and looked over at Rani with the look of revenge in his eyes. "Go scream loud in mommy's ear. Rija's eyes lit up '' really can I'' Rija asked excitedly! Kion smiled, nodded his head, and placed his paws over his ears, getting ready for Rija to scream. Rija screamed as loud as he could into his mom's ear. Rani woke up with a startle and had fear in her eyes ''HOLY KINGS...... RIJA WHAT THE HECK'' Rani screamed. Kion and Rija started laughing as Sawa woke up. "What was that'' Sawa asked tiredly and rubbed her eyes as they got used to the morning sunlight. Rani gave Kion and Rija a frown ''O it was nothing just Rija and Daddy being annoying.'' Sawa smiled as she lay back down ''o ok''. 

Bititi woke up on Hasani's chest and stood up. Hasani was still sleeping but Bititi didn't care she walked over to him and started nuzzling his face until he grunted and opened one eye. "uhh wwhhaattt'' Hasani complained sleepily. Bititi smiled ''come on get up''. Hasani shook his head as he fell back asleep ''no I don't want to I want to sleep''. Bititi rolled her eyes and tried everything to try and get Hasani to move but everything she tried didn't move him one inch. Bititi gave up but smiled as an idea popped into her head. "Hhasaniiii'' Bititi cooed ''if you get up I'll give you a kiss''. Hasani smiled and slowly stood up. Bititi laughed ''I should've known that would get you up''. Hasani smiled but didn't say anything. Bititi walked over to him, lifted his chin, and kissed him on the muzzle.

Hasani pulled away and smiled at Bititi's face ''come on you wanna go get breakfast with me'' Hasani asked. Bititi stopped blushing and nodded as she followed Hasani over to the hunting grounds. 

They both started hunting a nearby buffalo. Bititi was about to make a move on it but then the same pain she had with Scar shot through her body and she fell to the ground screaming in pain. ''Aaaaaa''! Hasani immediately stopped hunting and ran over to Bititi. '''Bititi what happened'' Hasani screamed! Bititi rolled over in pain''Uhhh i don't know but-.....AAaAaaaahhhhhhh''. More pain shot through Bititi's body making her clench her stomach. ''What do I do'' Hasani asked worried. ''Aaahh I don't know but something''. ''Um ok what about this''. Hasani leaned forward and started massaging Bititi's stomach. 

After about two minutes of massaging Bititi's stomach, Bititi was calm again and had stopped screaming in pain. Bititi lay on the ground tired as she looked at Hasani and smiled. ''Thanks Hasani''. Hasani smiled back at her ''your welcome and I'm sorry for getting you pregnant and having to go through all this pain'' Hasani admits sadly as he looks at the ground. Bititi smiles, lifts her head, and licks Hasani's cheek making his eyes go back on her ''I'm not... as long as your by my side I'll be fine''. Hasani smiled and nuzzled her cheek ''always''. ''I'm going to hunt you stay here and rest I will be right back''. 

Bititi sighed ''but I-'' ''stay'' Hasani interrupted giving Bititi a stern face.  Bititi rolls her eyes she knew she wasn't going to win ''fine''. Hasani smiled ''good.'' Bititi watched in boredom as Hasnai ran off to go back for their buffalo.

Hasani came back about ten minutes later dragging a motionless buffalo behind him. Bititi smiled a little ''nice catch'' Bititi complemented. Hasani dropped the Buffalo right in front of Bititi and cleaned his paw of blood. ''Thanks ... you feel better'' Hasani asked?

Bititi smiled ''now I do''. Hasani gave Bititi a flirty look as they both started eating.

Bititi was now two months away from giving birth to hers and Hasani's cubs and Hasani couldn't be happier. 

Two months later

Bititi and Hasani were out on a walk when a tremendous pain shot through Bititi's body making her fall to the ground screaming. Hasani stopped what he was doing and ran over to Bitit as he started to massage her stomach. Bititi started to scream louder ''no Hasani its not that THE CUBS ARE COMING RIGHT NOW''. Hasani's iworld froze as he took action. Hasani picked up Bititi as gently as he could put her on his back and brought her to the Tree. ''Lucky for them Kion, Rani, and the cubs were awake and had just walked out. Hasani ran up to Rani ''Rani Bititi is giving birth.''

Rani's eyes lit up ''Ok bring her into the tree''. Hasani did as instructed and set Bititi down on the rock. ''Ok Hasani out''.

''WHAT N-, out now''. Hasani frowned but walked out with Kion. Hasani heard a blood curling scream coming from Bititi. Hasani was about to run in but Kion stood in his way blocking his path. 

Hasani started pacing back and forth ''uhhh how long does it take''. "Hasani calm down I had to deal with this too just take deep breaths.'' Hasani did what Kion suggested and it helped a little. 

Rani looked at Bititi ''ok Bititi I need you to push''. Bititi pushed and a male golden lion fell into Rani's arms. "You are doing great just one more time. Bititi screamed again and started crying as she gave one final push.

A female lioness fell into Rani's arms and Rani put both the male and female next to Bititi so they could nurse.  

Bititi smiled at her cubs and started cleaning them. Rani walked out and got Hasani. "Ok Hasani you can come in now''. 

After hearing those words Hasani bolted into the tree and ran to Bititi who was holding two cubs in her arms. Hasani smiled ''their beautiful''. "What do you wanna name them'' Bititi asked? "How about Asani for the boy and you can name the girl. 

"Ok her name can be Terema''.

Just born Asani means "rebellious"

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Just born Asani means "rebellious".

Just born Asani means "rebellious"

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Just born Terema means "Give Up". 

Kion and Rani smiled at them ''come on lets give them some space''. Kion and Rani walked out of the Tree and back over to where Rija and Sawa were playing.

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now