Part 2 The plan

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Ok so hears what we are going to do Kion said whispering to Azaad checking that Rani is not spying on them. We are going to act nice to them all day like first we wake up before them and get some food so that when they wake up there will already be food there for them. Then when they are done eating ,offer to take the cubs from them so they can relax and do whatever they want. Then when you have Surea ,meet me here and we can both take the cubs up to the snow to play with them and hopefully tire them out. {Surea means moto}I like that idea but aren't they going to get suspicious when we all of a sudden start to act all nice and innocent? 

Kion: yes that's why every now and then we complain about something and pin them down and act like nothing's happening. Then we can - Aaa Kion felt a sharp pain in his scar and starts to rub it with his paw cutting him off from his sentence. Azaad shot up, Kion are you ok. Ya it's just my scar but I should probably go see Rani just to make sure I don't act up Kion said weekly still rubbing it. 


Meat me here tomorrow and I will tell you the rest of the plan and also night.


They both walk there separate ways towards their layer. Kion gets back to his layer and when he enters it he can see Rani sitting up on the Rick watching the cubs play. Hey Rani Kion said, sorry I took so long I was talking to Azaad. It's ok. Also could you check up on me my scar is starting to hurt again. Rani jumped down from the rock and took Kion outside. Before they left the layer Rani told the cubs to stay in the tree she did not want them to get hurt and they did. Ok Kion stand right here, I am going to push you slightly hard and you have to stay in control and not let your scar take over, got it. Kion nodded and got ready for Rani to hit him. Rani stepped back a few steps back and pushed Kion to the ground. Kion looked up strat into Rani's eyes and started to growl.

Rani: Kion calm down it's just me Rani you don't want to hurt me remember you love me. Kion was still growling and was about to pounce on her but resisted the urge and instead of attacking her he ran to a nearby tree and rared at it sending ot flying. Kion calm down she said to him agen looking him straight in the eyes this time. Kion was no longer mad and Rani could tell this. Kion are you ok she said in a calm but worried voice? 

Kion: yes thank you

Rani let out a sigh of relief. You are doing better, this time you didn't try to attack me. Ya thank god. Let's try it again but this time try to stay where you are are try not to roar at anything. Ok. Rani got ready to push Kion again and when she did Kion fell to the ground. There was silence for a minute in till Kion started laughing ooww I thought you said you where going to push me only a little hard. Kion was smiling so was Rani. Rani ran over to him ''You did it Kion I am so proud of you'' she squealed as she licked him on the cheek. You are almost Healed. Rilly! Yes now come on we can't keep our cubs waiting forever. They both walked into the tree and almost immediately Rija jumped on top of Kion's head. Dad was that your roar he asked in shock? Ya it was. WOW that was loud do you think I will get it some day?

Kion: As a matter of fact yes you will! You will be giving the roar of the elders as the new leader of the Lion/day pride and your sister will become queen and the leader of the night pride.

Sawa: Wait did you say that I am going to become queen and the leader of the night pride? Rani" yep you will one day be responsible for all this. Rani takes Sawa outside and shows her the look of their land. WOW that a lot to rule. It is but we know that you will do grate. Rani nissled Sawa and Kion nuzzled Raja. Ok you 2 time for bed. They all walk into the layer. Kion and Rani jumped onto the rock and Rani snuggled into Kion's chest while Rija and Sawa snuggled into hers. After a couple minutes of silence they all fell asleep.  Kion woke up before Rani as he planed and lifted his head up to see the cute lioness still sleeping raped up in his paws. Kion gets up from the rock, stretches, and  quickly walks out of the layer to go get some food for breakfast. 

Over With Azaad and Fuli

Azaad wakes up with the plan that Kion had told him about yesterday rushing through his head. He sits up and notices that Fuli is still sound asleep next to him. Azaad looked at his mate with affection and whispered" I love you Fuli but I gotta do this". He smiles and runs off to catch breakfast. Azaad can see Kion hiding in the grass stocking a zebra. Kion can smell Azaad's scent and knows he is there but doesn't look up to make sure that the zebra does not run off. Kion waits for the right time to attack ..... then jumps on top of the zebra's back  and bites its neck killing it with only one bite. Azaad watched this happen and was shocked that Kion could kill his prey with ease. He had never seen anything like that before. Kion smiles at him while dragging his prey over to a nearby rock to wait for him. Azaad had found a gazelle close by  and started to track it down. Azaad jumps up and bites its neck but because Kion's jaws are stronger it takes Azaad more bites to kill it. Evenchily Azaad drags the gazelle to where Kion was.  Hey kion  Azaad said. Hey, so now step one of the plan is done... well at least once we get it back to them and start eating. Yep. 

See you in a little bit Kion said as he started to drag the gazelle back to Rani and his cubs. 


The boys both bring back the food and walk into their layers. Azaad made it back first because he lives closer and went to wake up Fuli who was surprisingly still sleeping. He nudges her with his nose and Fuli starts to wake up. Ok ok I'll get up and go get some food Fuli said as she started to get up. Before she could get 3 steps she can feel something pulling on her tail, It was Azaad. Achily Fuli I got the food this time"." Really Fuli said in a surprised tone as she walked outside to see a freshly caught gazelle laying on the grass.  Fuli is smiling at Azaad. Thanks she said as she walked back into their layer to get Surea.  Your welcome and they all started eating. Kion had finally got back to where Rani was and she was waiting for him outside laying in the grass playing with the cubs. " What made you think you could go get food by yourself and leave me with these troublemakers all alone she said sarcastically and put a paw on her forehead and laughed rolling on the ground. Kion smiled, I was so very bored out of my mind. Come on let's go eat. Kion, Rani, Sawa, and Rija walked over to the zebra and started eating it. 

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now