Part 8 Recovery

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Rani screamed as Bititi's head hit the ground and she blacked out"NO"! She bent down and placed her ear on Bititi's chest where her heart should be. She can't feel a heartbeat and started to cry as she looked at the unconscious lion laying on the ground. Kion walked over to Rani and licked her cheek before putting  his ear down to lison. He does manage to find a heartbeat but it is faint. Kion looked up at Rani"I can still hear her heart she is not gone yet". Rani looked up at him" then we need to help her help me take her to the tree of life." Kion bends down as Rani grabs Bititi by the scruff of her neck and pulls her on top of Kion. Kion and Rani run off to the tree with Rani in front.

Rani bursts into the tree to see Makini playing with the cubs. A few seconds later Kion is walking into the tree with Bititi on his back.

Mikini walks over to Kion to see Bititi. Kion what happened she asked. With more tears filling Rani's eyes she quietly whispered between sobs"Scar". Kion laid Bititi on the rock and walk up to Makini. "can you help her, we don't know what happened but all we know is that scar did something to her because it was only her and scar standing there and when we got there she collapsed to the ground. Makini walked over there to her and felt her forehead. Makini turned to Rani.''Rani can you pls go get Nermalla. Rani ran out of the tree to get her without hesitation. 

She found her in her layer laying down next to Surak. She didn't want to wake her but she was worried about her friend. She walked in and pushed her face up agents Nermallas. Nirmala wakes up and looks at her lifting her head.

 "Rani is everything ok"?

"Actually no,we need your help Bititi is really sick and we don't know why. Ok I will come right now. Rani and Nermalla ran back over to the tree where they could see Makini trying to get some mederson down she throat little bit by little bit so she will not chock. 

"Ok good your back with Nirmala'' Makini said in a sigh of relief. Nirmala listened to Bititi's stomach then to her heart. The only way to heal her is rest and the tree. Nirmala jumps up on the rock next to Bititi and places one paw on the tree route and the other paw on Bititi's stomach. The tree grows Brite green.  Bititi doesn't wake up right away and with tears rolling down her face Rani nuzzles her head in Kion's.

Nirmala jumps off the rock. "the only way she is going to get better is with rest now and hopefully when she wakes up she can tell us what happened then we can do more to help her.

Kion: it's going to be okay Rani. "Thank you Kion"she said while walking out of the tree with the others. Kion: come on Rani let's go get some food it will take your mind off things. "I guess''. Kion and Rani walk off to go get dinner. When they got to the hunting grounds Rani had so much anger because she was very mad at scar for hurting her friend. Kion was mad at scar because of all the trouble he has caused and for making his mate mad!

Kion and Rani found a lonely zebra by himself which is a perfect target for them. They hide in the grass and water for the right time to pounce. Kion jumped out and onto the zebra s back clawing at it. Rani pounced from the ground grabbing onto the zebra's neck choking it. She bites a couple of times and the zebra falls on the ground motionless. 

Kion: '' see that the way, feel better''. Rani smiles'' Ya I do thanks''. Kion and Rani lay down and began to eat their food. When they were done eating Kion decided to play with Rani and make her feel better. When Rani wasn't looking Kion pinned her down and lick the side of her cheek. Rani's face lit up as she kicked Kion's feet making him fall so Rani could jump on top of him. Kion pushes Rani off him and tages her while running off" tag your it". Rani had a smile on her face as she started to chase off after Kion. Kion gets a good distance away from Rani before stopping to turn around and sits down on the grown waiting for Rani to get closer. Rani took this as an opportunity to tag Kion. She ran full speed towards Kion and when she got close she stuck out her paw to tag him but right as she stuck out her paw Kion stepped away and that made Rani trip and fall on her back. Kion laughed at Rani as he ran off at full speed leaving her in his dust. Rani growled at him in a Playful way, jumped back to her feet and bounded off chasing back after him. Rani eventually caught up to him and pounced. They were rolling down a hill with there pass raped up together. They landed at the bottom of the hill with Kion on top of Rani and their muzzles landed in a kiss. Kion pulled away and smiled. Aninwas blushing and Kion got off of her. Rani stood up and they started to walk around. A few minutes later Ullu came flying towards them. "King Kion,Queen Rani, it's Bititi she is awake. Rani looked up at her and had the biggest smile across her face and before Kion could say anything Rani took off running towards the tree of life. Kion was smiling because after hours Rani would get to see Bititi again. Kion ran after them and followed them into the tree of life. 

Rani ran over to Bititi and nuzzled her." How do you feel are you ok?

Bititi: Ya I'm fine just a little tired.

Rani: smiled "that's good but what happened?

Bititi looked up at Rani." It was scar he took some lilies and put them in the water that I was drinking from trying to kill me because he was still mad that I was the only one who survived. Rani was fuming and turned to Kion,'' Kion can you and the lion guard take out the Lillis from the water or wash it out with more water so no other animal drinks the poisoned water. " Sure'' Hay Ullu can you tell the lion guard to meet,e at the watering hole?"Yes your majesty'' Ullu said before she flew off to get the lion guard. Kion walked off to the watering hole and when he got there he could see a little purple and pink flower that he had never seen before floating in the water.

Kion was about to pick up the flower in his teeth but then she heard Ono screaming his name''KION STOP DON'T PICK THAT UP''! Kion stopped and turned his head around to see Ono flying towards him. "Hu why'' Kion asked? Ono walked up to him''Kion you can't touch those flowers because if you do you will get sick too. They are poisonous to cats witch means you and Fuli can't get them out. What ugg fine! The rest of the lion guard comes running up to Kion and he tells them what happened with scar and Bititi. 

Kion: Bunga you and Beshty get the flowers out of the water, Ono and Anga you keep all the animals away from this water. The lion guard does what they were told to do and Bunga and Beshty start taking out all the flowers. When they are done taking out the flowers Kion walks over to the water."Everyone get behind me! The lion guard all get behind Kion and Kion uses the Roar of the elders to Roar at a cloud and make it rain which washes out all the bad water and fills it with new water. Now they all walk back to the tree of life to check on Bititi.

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