Part 15 The Meet And Greet

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Rani smiled at Bititi then at  Hasani  knowing that she liked him but wasn't going to say anything. ''So  Hasani what brings you to the Tree Of Life'' Rani qustones? ''O I was just wondering if I could stay here a while I am all by myself and heard this place was a safe place for animals.'' "Of course, you can stay as long as you need as long as you respect the circle of life and yes we are the protectors of the Tree.''Rani said with excitement! ''Thank you your majesty and yes I will''  Hasani said with relief in his voice about hearing the fact that he finally had a home. 

They were all walking back to the tree in a line going..Kion, Rani,Bititi, and Hasani... except for the cubs,...they were running and playing with each other a little farther ahead. Rani stared at Bititi without her knowing and smirked. Rani knew there wasn't any more open dens at that moment that Hasani could use and she knew that Bititi's den was big so she was thinking of a way to make Bititi happy and doing it in a fun way. 

Rani walked away a few feet from the rest of the group while calling Bititi's name''Bititi can you come here for a minute ''she shouted.Bititi turned her head in Rani's direction and walked over to her leaving the two boys and cubs alone to talk.'' sure what's UP'' Bititi asked confused and a little scared because she could see the face that Rani was making meaning Rani had a plan and she probably wasn't going to like it. Rani smiled '' there aren't any dens open right now do you wanna share a den with Hasani or do you want him to sleep outside all by himself''. Bititi's face froze she didn't want Rani to know... yet.. that she liked Hasani by saying yes right away but she didn't want to be mean to him by making him sleep outside. Rani waited patiently for an answer until one finally came,''ONLY.. because it's going to be cold outside...Bititi passed and let out a little fake sigh...Hasani can sleep in my den.'' Inside Rani was head over tail in excitement but she didn't want to show it on the outside''ok great I will tell Hasani he has a place to rest until we can find him a den of his own.'' Rani walked away from Bititi with a grin on her face back to the group.

"Hay Hasani, we thought you might be tired from your journey here and we have arranged a den you can sleep in until we can find you your own.

With Kion and Hasani when the girls left

When both the girls walked off to talk Kion got a little closer to Hasani ''so what brings you here'' Kion asked. "O I was forced out of my home and just left trying to start a pride of myone until I found this place.'' ''I am sorry to hear that'' thanks. Hasani keeps steeling Secret glances at Bititi ''Hay do you know that blond lioness over there''? "Ya she is actually my mates best friend why''? "Hasani started to panic ''uuuu no reason'' Hasani said stuttering. "aww come on bro just tell me'' Kion begged. " Hasani sighed and gave in ''fine but don't tell anyone'' ''ok'' ''well..I.. it's just..I like that blond lioness''. Kion's ears lit up and so did his face'' well are you going to make a move on her''? " wait,..what, I don't even know how''. Rani walked over to the boys '' "Hay Hasani, we thought you might be tired from your journey here and we have arranged a den you can sleep in until we can find you your own''.

Back in the present

Hasani: ''thank you your majesty'' ''your welcome follow me'' Bititi was walking behind everyone because she didn't want to be any part of this until they got to her den. Kion's mouth fell open as he started to giggle and laugh. Rani looked over at her mate laughing, smiled at him while raising an eyebrow but just ignored him. Hasani looked over at Kion''what, what's so funny''? Kion stopped laughing just enough to whisper in his ear''this is Bititi's den you get to share a den with your crush. 

"You can share a den with Bititi here and we will leave you alone so you can rest. Hasani smiled as he walked into Bititi's layer and layed down and fell asleep.

When they got far enough away Rani looked over at Kion still smiling ''what was all that laughing about back there''Rani questioned. Kion smiled at her ''uuhh I'll tell you later''. rani raised an eyebrow at his confused'' okay?

They all got to the grass land and Kion wanted to go on patrol with the Lion guard''Hay Rani I am going to go on patrol''. Ok was all Kion could hear from Ranni before he was out of sight running to go find the lion guard.

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now