Part 21 Truth Or Dare

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Rani, Bititi, Rija, and Sawa found Kion and Hasani still by the watering hole talking and Bititi probably knew what they were talking about that didn't matter because Rani knew what they were talking about.  Rani walked over to Kion and Hasani ''hey boys you wanna play truth or dare with us'' Rani asked? 

Kion: "sure I'll play, is anyone else playing.''? 

"Umm we are going to ask the rest of the lion guard and the night pride when they wake up'' Rani said.

Hasani stepped forward ''sound fun i'll play too''. Rani and Kion looked at each other and immediately knew what they were thinking and they were thinking the same thing. Bititi didn't  notice the king and queen's faces because she was estranging glances with Hasani.  

Rija got bored of the grown ups talking so he ran over to Bititi and climbed up on top of Bititi's head and started shouting to bring the attention to him and when Bititi saw he was trying to climb up she sat down to make it easier. ''WWWWooooo I made it to the top of the mountain'' Rija shouted when he made it to the top of Bititi's head. Bititi laughed as all the  conversations stopped and everyone turned their attention to Rija and they joined Bititi with gigging and laughing. Hasani smiled at Rija then at Bititi '' you're really good with kids'' Hasani said to Bititi. Bititi smiled and looked up at him as the Tree of Life fell silent ''thanks that's why I am Kion and Rani's royal babysitter, because I love kids''. Sawa came running up to Bititi also '' hey I wanna climb mountain Bititi too'' Sawa said as she began to climb up Bititi. Kion started to giggle ''alright come on are we gonna play or not''? "Ya your right let's go get the lion guard so we can start the game'' Rani said as she lead the pack of lions over to the lion guard. The lion guard was resting in the jungle watching Bunga do tricks on a vine until the lion pack walked over to them, scared Bunga, and made him get his foot tangled up and stuck in the vine. Kion laughed at Bunga and walked over to him to help. "Hey guys what's up'' Fuli said still laying down. "Hey Fuli lion guard we were just wondering if you wanted to come play truth or dare with us '' Rani  asked. "Yay,sure,ok'' the lion guard all said '' will play, ya me too''. Kion walked underneath the upside down honey badger so that when he fell Bunga would land on him. Kion opened one of his claws and used it to cut through the vine making Bunga free and landing safely on Kion's back. "Thanks Kion'' Bunga said as he climbed off his best friends back. "no problem Bunga Kion said as he rejoined the group of lion's. "Ok now who wants to go play truth or dare '' Kion said eagerly. Everyone got up and walked with the Royal family over to a nice open grassy space were they had plenty of room to play and mess around. They all got in a Circle and to Rani's surprise the cubs did too and we're actually paying attention''ok so who wants to start us off'' Rani said. Sawa steps forward one step ''I do I do''. Rani smiles ''ok who's it for'' Rani asked? 

Sawa had a mysterious smile on his face '' ok  Bunga truth or dare'' Sawa asked, ''I pick dare'' Sawa smiles ''ok...Bunga you have hang upside down until it's your turn again. "Bunga rolled his eyes '' so basically I should have had Kion just leave me in the vine tangled up in the Tree'' Bunga said with a smile. Rija nodded his head ''yep''. "Alright I except,...... Anga give me a lift''. "Sure''. Anga takes off and flyers over to Bunga picks him up and flies him over to a tree where he gets stuck in it for his dare. While Bunga was hanging upside down the wind was spinning him in a circle making the others laugh. 

Rija: I wanna go next. Every looks up at him meaning ok ''Bititi truth or dare''? "Dare''. Rija smiled and turned to Hasani. "Hasani truth or dare''? Hasani was a bit hesitant but went on with it and shrugged ''I guess i pick dare too''. Bititi put her paw over her face and was already imbarost that she had to do a dare with her crush. Rija smiled ''ok you both have to race to see who can catch and eat their food faster. Bititi was relieved that it wasn't anything crazy because she could do that challenge but Hasani not so mutch,... Bititi heard Hasani mumble under his breath '' o mad I suck at catching food'' which made Bititi smile at how she might have an advantage. 

Kion didn't look to thrild with this dare like the others. ''Guys I don't think that's such a good idea''. Bititi looked over at him with shock ''come on Kion we'll be fine its just eating but faster''. ''That's my point I remember a time I did that dare and it didn't go so well'' kion said as he looked over at Rani who was now smiling at him also remembering that day. ''We'll be fine'' Bititi edged on''. ''Fine'' Kion huffed. 

Rija ran over to beshty and climbed on top of him because he was the tallest and spoke loud as Bititi and Hasani hot into position ''ON YOUR MARK........GET SET......GOOOOOO'' Rija shouted. Bititi and Hasani ran off to go hunt and right away Hasani had beginner's luck on his side because he spotted a zebra close bye how was alone. He crept up in the tall grass behind it and waited for the right time to strike. 

While Hasani was doing that Bititi was a little far away and was on a gazelle trail. Bititi had espearanse hunting so she knew just what to do. She hid in some grass witched helped mask her sent and when the gazelle turned its head Bititi jumped out and bit its leg making it fall to the ground. When it fell Bititi ran over and wrapped he jaw around its neck applying pressure until it was dead and started to bring it back to the group to eat it for the other part of the dare , to eat it. 

Hasani leaped up and clawed at the zebra making it go crazy and start to kick. Hasani ran after it and jumped on top of its back and bit its neck hard 4 times before it was dead. By the time Hasani had started  dragging the zebra back to his new friends Bititi had already made it back and was about to start eating witch gave her a head start.  Bititi had already started eating but Hasani made it back and had a bigger jaw than her and could chew food faster because he was a male. Hasani started eating and everyone was cheering for them both. By the time Bititi had half her food left Hasani had caught up to her and was about to pass her. Hasani passed her and was about to finish with Bititi close on his tail but Hasani was to fast. Hasani took his last bite and stood up looking full. Bititi looked over and said ''thank god and rolled over on her side feeling sick. Kion knew this face and walked over to Bititi '' Ya I knew this was going to happen''. Rani walked up to Bititi and nuzzled her chin and whispered '' you almost beat him'' which made her smile even tho she could barely move. She only had enough energy to turn around and throw up making her feel even more sick. Kion looked up ''ya that happened to me too i was dared to race Fuli and I got sick because I ate to fast. Fuli laughed ''ya then Nermalla dared Rani to help you''. Rani blushed knowing this was all true. Bititi moaned in pain a little but smiled. 

Soon everyone was laughing or giggling remembering that day but little did they know that Scar was heald and was watching them playing their little game now knowing that Bititi was once again sick.  

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