Part 17 A Step Up

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Bititi smiled at Hasani soundly sleeping in the corner of her den and went to the opposite side of her den and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Rani was laying down on kion's chest on top of their rock. It was quiet at the Tree until Kion broke the silence''Hay do you know if Bititi likes Hasani''Kion asked Rani?  Rani looked up at Kion but kept her head down on his chest ''Actually ya why, how did you know''. Kion's eyes lit up '' o that's great and I didn't know I just guessed,....its because Hasani told me this morning that he likes her and that was why I was laughing because he had to share the same den with his crush and I just found that funny''. Rani smiled''of course you did''Rani said while rolling her eyes...'' we should tell them in the morning, you tell Hasani the Bititi likes him and I will tell Bititi that Hasani likes her.'' ''Alright'' after a little time Rani fell asleep but Kion didn't know and needed to talk to her about something. "Hey Rani'' he said while looking at answer ''Rani'' he said again ''I need to talk to you''.... still no answer... "o your asleep well I will tell you tomorrow morning then good night I love you''. Kion was a little sad and looked frightened but he kissed Rani on the head and fell asleep.

Kion woke up to the moonlight followed by a sharp pain in his scar again'' owww '' Kion moned rubbing his eye but he knew it was going to get worse and with his scary thought in his head he didn't know how to stop his scar from taking over Kion tried to get up but quickly realized that runny was still sleeping on his chest he didn't manage to get up fast enough before his scar took over halfway. Ion brought out his claws and sliced a cut on Rani's leg just barely making it bleed. Rani shot up from her deep sleep '' owww Kion what was that for Rani yelled looking down at her leg. Kion snapped out of it and looked at what he ha done. He had tears in his eyes and without saying anything ran off because he was scared he might hurt someone else. " Kion wait come back'' Rani yelled after, him ignoring the small pain in her back leg. "I think his scar was hurting and something he was thinking about, probably me, set himself off and that is why he lashed out at me'' Rani whispered to herself. Rani needed to go talk to him and to help him hopefully completely healing his scar for good she hated seeing Kion sad when he did something bad his scar made him do. Rani knew she needed to go find Kion but she needed to go alone so she needed to run and get Bititi so she could watch the cubs.

Bititi usually laid down in the corner where Hasani was sleeping when it was cold but she wanted him to feel comfortable. It was starting to get cold and Bititi started to shiver but still had her eyes closed not knowing that Hasani had woken up. Hasani noticed that Bititi was cold and walked over to her slowly. "Are you cold'' Hasani asked Bititi smiled and opened one eye ''um ya a little but i'm ok''. "U Shure cause all I could see was you shivering'' Hasani said teasingly. "I could lay here with you and keep you warm if you want''. Hasani started blushing and so did Bititi '' if you want to''. Hasani had a big grin on his face and laid down next to Bititi. Bititi was laying behind him (close) and gently laid her head on Hasani's shoulder'' instantly becoming warmer. Bititi's eyes bobbed up and down from the warmth until she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer and fell asleep. About two minutes later Rani made it to Bitit den and walked in only to find her and Hasani curled up together... she couldn't break that apart. Rani looked at them for a few more seconds before she ran out and over to Makini's tree. When she got over there to Makini's tree she called for her ''Makini sorry to wake you but can you help me for a sec''. Not long after a gray mandril came out of her tree and climbed down until she was on the ground with Rani. "sure what is it'' Makini asked. "can you watch the cubs again, thear asleep in the tree, I really need to talk to Kion''. Makini sounded confused ''sure''. "I'll tell you what happened later'' Rani said while running boff in the same direction Kion ran off in. Rani knew Kion varry well and knew just the right places to look for him at. She found hi curled up in a little ball on the top of the same hill he took Rani for their date night. Kion lifted his head up just enough to see Rani walking towards him '' you shouldn't be here it's not safe''. Kion said ashamed. Rani sat down next to him and raised his face with her paw before kissing him. "I know something set your scar off tell me what it is and i can help. Kion felt a little better now but looked Rani straight in the eyes to tell her that he was serious '' your not going to leave me right'' Kion whispered. Rani looked up at him in surprise as she nuzzled her mate affectionately'' of course not who would ever want to leave this cute ball of fur, is that what made you lash out at me because you had a dream about it''? Kion nodded while getting up with Rani'' don't worry Kion I won't stop until your scar is healed and you know why..., because I love you. " Kion smiled thanks Rani I needed that and sorry about your leg''. "it's ok it will go away, now come on there is something cute I need to show you''. 

Kion and Rani Surprise attackWhere stories live. Discover now