Chapter 45

702 12 14

September 13th, 2006, Cullen Residence

The house seemed so quiet, everything seemed peaceful. A human outsider would have believed that everyone inside the house was relaxed.

If the human were to go inside the house, they would be surprised to find:

"No! He has to pass the fucking ball to player 24!" Emmett screamed at the television in anger, making an angry gesture towards the flatscreen before slouching down on the couch.

"No! If 12 passed the ball to 24, 46 couldn't have scored, you idiot!" Oliver was quick to correct Emmett with a scowl.

Rosalie and Catherine were sitting on the couch with their backs against each other's, watching their husband/brothers in amusement. Their yelling was very funny to the two women.

Jacob then interjected, "I don't know if you two have been dropped to much as a baby, or if you're just stupid! 12 had to pass to 8, because he would've had a touchdown!" He exclaimed, before quickly cutting himself off to be quiet as not to wake the sleeping Renesmee in his arms.

"No! 8 would've been knocked down by 6 from the other team, that wouldn't have worked," Jasper calmly said from his place on the couch. His wife's legs laying across his lap, his hands softly caressing her calves.

"Maybe it's just not a big deal?" Catherine said with a short laugh and a grin. Her grin disappeared when that statement earned her very offended looks from all of the men in the room, including Jasper.

"My love, it is a really big deal, you just don't get it," Jasper shrugged and patted her knee soothingly. Catherine raised an eyebrow before rolling her eyes and leaning her head back against Rosalie's.

"I seriously don't get why you guys are so obsessed with a game of bald, middle-aged men running around a field, trying to pass a ball," Rosalie complained as she linked her arm with Catherine's.

"Babe, it's not about the bald, middle- aged men. The men are just an extra. It's about the game the bald, middle-aged men are doing!" Emmett exclaimed as he stood up and walked over to Rosalie.

"So what they try to do-" Emmett sat down next to Rosalie and placed a hand on her thigh, "I honestly don't wanna know, Em," Rosalie tried to interrupt him, but he ignored her. "They try to score in the area right there-" he pointed at the television with an excited glinter in his eyes.

Rosalie rolled her eyes and sat up to listen to her husband's explanation of a game she did not care about.

As Emmett proceeded to explain every single little detail of the game to Rosalie, from the first ever one, to every single rule and how many times they got broken, Catherine moved away from her sister to sit next to Jasper, not wanting to listen to Emmett's ranting.

She wrapped her arms around her husband's arm and leaned her head on his shoulder. Her legs were tucked underneath her, knees resting just on Jasper's upper thigh.

Jasper fondly smiled down at her and she cuddled against him with a satisfied smile etched on her face.

He eventually managed to pull his arm out of her iron grip, earning him a look from his wife that would've suggested she had found him cheating on her. After laughing at the betrayal in her eyes, Jasper wrapped his arm around her shoulder before kissing her forehead.

Catherine smiled up at him and wiggled her arm inbetween his back and the couch, wrapping it around him tightly as the other was placed on his stomach, lightly tracing his abs through the sweater he was wearing.

She let out a content sigh as she nuzzled her nose in the side of his chest, cuddling close to him.

Alice suddenly appeared in the doorway, only Oliver paid any attention to her that wasn't a glance as he stood up to greet her. "Hey, hon-" he was cut off by Alice.

Devotion, Jasper HaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin