Chapter 37

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August 30th, 2006, Cullen Residence

"Out of the way, Oliver! I got it!" Jasper exclaimed as he pushed Oliver aside, both of them running after a mountain lion. Jasper grunted as he jumped up, landing onto the deer and sinking his teeth into it's neck, killing it in an instant.

Whilst Jasper was feeding off the lion, Oliver came back hauling two deers with him. He threw them on the ground before also going to town.

After the two vampires had fed, they strolled back towards the house. On their way, Jasper killed a dear and and took it with him for his Catherine.

The vampires ran back to their family home. Pushing and wrestling on their way.

"I'm gonna go find Ally, alright?" Oliver said as they entered the back yard. He and Jasper did a bro-shake before he ran back into the house. Jasper threw the deer on the ground before entering the house aswell, following the scent that would lead him to Catherine.

"Mornin', gorgeous," Jasper leaned down to kiss Catherine's cheek as he entered the living room. Catherine didn't look up from her very, very intense game of chess with Rosalie as she mumbled a "morning,"

Jasper frowned at her dismisiveness of his affection as he walked over to the couch with his eyes on his sister and wife. "What're they doin'?" He asked Emmett, who was also slouched on the couch next to him.

"They've been playing chess since 3 in the morning." Emmett grumbled, his expression a mixture of annoyance and jealousy. Jasper's eyes fell on the clock that rested on one of the clean, white walls. '9 o'clock', it read. Jasper sighed and slouched next to Emmett.

The two vampires watched as Rosalie frowned. She moved her king to the right. Catherine cheered and yelled. "Check mate, bitch!" As she moved her tower to knock away Rosalie's king.

"No!" Rosalie exclaimed as Catherine added a tally to her side of the chalk board. "And that means that I win ths tournament! Sucks to suck!" Catherine cheered and stood up. Her eyes fell on Jasper and Emmett.

"Hey, honey, when'd you get here?" She asked as she approached Jasper. She placed her hands on his shoulders and smiled down at him. Her smile faded when his face stayed stoic. "I said hi to you! I kissed your cheek! You said hi back!" He exclaimed as he stood up.

She giggled and reached down to take his hand. "Sorry, I was really caught up in the game. I didn't even notice." She raised his hand to her mouth and pressed a soft kiss on his knuckles. She apologetically looked up at him, a small smirk on her face.

"You are really damn lucky that I love you, Cathy." He leaned down and pressed his lips against her forehead.

"I left something for you. It's outside. Why don't you go and get it?" He jerked his head towards the back door. Catherine excitedly smiled and took his hand as they made their way outside.

"No!" The vampires in the house heard glass shattering and Alice's terrified cry. Everyone quickly ran towards the source of the distressed yell.

Catherine's eyes went wide as she saw Alice standing in the hallway with wide eyes, a vase filled with flowers, now broken, at her feet. Oliver was immediately at her aid. "Alice, love, what did you see?" He asked as he gently placed his hands on her shoulders from behind.

"I gotta make a phone call," Alice mumbled whilst taking out a phone. The vampires all heard the soft taps of her fingers dialing a number and then her phone going off.

"Alice?" They heard Bella exclaim in a breathy tone as she picked up. Catherine and Jasper looked at each other, confused. "Bella?! Are you alright?" Alice exclaimed as she nervously fiddled with the sleeves of her shirt.

"Yeah.... well, I'm not 100 percent sure," she hesitantly responded. "Why? What's wrong?!" Alice started pacing. "I just had..." she trailed off as she started chewing the nail on her thumb. "You just what?" Bella asked, "Alice, what did you see!?" She exclaimed in an almost hopeful tone.

"Hand me the phone, please," Carlisle held out his hand to take the phone from his youngest daughter. "Here's Carlisle," Alice handed Carlisle the phone and leaned back against Oliver. Catherine and Jasper shared a glance. Jasper took her hand and softly squeezed it.

"Bella, what's going on?" Carlisle spoke into the phone with a serious expression. "I'm not really sure. I'm a little worried, can vampires go into shock?" Bella quickly spoke. "Has Edward been harmed?" Carlisle asked in a concerned tone.

"No," Bella discarded that idea, the vampires heard her shuffling around the room. "I know that it's impossible, but, Carlisle, I think that I am pregnant." Bella exclaimed in a hopeful tone. The Cullens all shared a worried glance. "How... ?" Emmett softly said as he placed a hand on Rosalie's arm.

"Woah!" They heard Bella exclaim, their heads all perked up. "Carlisle, I swear, something just moved inside of me!" She was breathing heavily. They heard rustling on the other side of the line and then Edward was on the phone.

"Is this even possible?" Edward asked, he sounded exhausted. Rosalie had a pained expression as she left the room. Her only dream ever had been a baby. Catherine and Emmett's eyes followed her as she walked out of the hallway. The last they saw was her rubbing her face as she turned a corner.

"I don't know." Carlisle hesitantly responded as he started pacing. "The sooner Bella's here, the sooner we can find out what it is. I need you to get to mainland this instant."

"It?" Catherine asked in disbelief, she looked over at Jasper for support, but he kept a stoic, emotionless face. "We'll get to you as soon as possible." Edward said before hanging up.

"It?" Catherine angrily said as she  approached Carlisle. "They're a baby!" She exlaimed whillst throwing her hands up into the air. "We don't know that," Jasper softly mumbled from behind her. Catherine looked at him in disbelief. "It's someone that was conceived by a man and a woman. It's someone that's being carried by a woman. Ergo, it's a baby!" The rest of the Cullens left Catherine and Jasper in the hallway alone.

"We don't know what it is! It could kill our sister-in-law!" Jasper angrily exclaimed as he and Catherine dived into a fight.

For the next few hours, all of the Cullens could hear Jasper and Catherine having a heated fight. They threw insults and arguments at one another for hours on end. Their fight ended with Catherine dry-sobbing in Rosalie's arms and Jasper angrily running out of the house, into the woods.

Rosalie had her arms around Catherine as the brunette sobbed into her sister's chest. Since she was a vampire, she couldn't actually cry tears. Rosalie's heart broke at the sight of her sister's face, contorted into pain as she tried her best to catch her breath.

Emmett watched from the doorway with a sad expression as Rosalie soothed their sister.

The household split in two, but Alice and Oliver had the same opinion, and so did Rosalie and Emmett. Carlisle and Esme were both way more mature, so they just agreed to disagree, choosing that this wasn't their hill to die on. Catherine and Jasper, however, had a bad fight about it and both angrily stormed out before they could finish it, leaving their anger to boil.

The deer remained dead in the backyard, untouched.

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