Chapter 36

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August 20th, 2006, Cullen Residence _______________________________________

"Oh, honey, I'm home!" Catherine jokingly sang as she opened the door to her and Jasper's bedroom. Her mate had heard her coming, of course. He was sitting on their bed with his feet propped up and a book in his hands. He was looking at her with a loving gaze.

"Good morning, beautifil," Jasper smiled and closed his book, putting it down on the nightstand before approaching his mate. "I can see the hunt went well," he commented as he took in her appearance. She had some dirt covering her face and a rip in her shirt, probably from wrestling with Emmett.

Jasper took her chin in his soft, cold hand, looking down st her with a piercing stare as he examined her. "You got yourself dirty. Did you fight with Emmett again?" He asked, his cold breath hitting her face. Catherine took a breath in, the very familiar scent of his cologne entering her nostrils.

She hummed in contentment as her hands moved up to grab his waist. "We did, but it was very, very fun." She licked her lips as she gazed up at him with a small smirk. He raised an eyebrow and moved his hand from her chin to the side of her neck. "Did you win?" He asked, knowing that with the way she was feeling, she did.

"It would not have been fun if I hadn't. Come on, sweetheart, I was trained by the best." Her hands ran up his chest and softly rested there. "So, are you gonna kiss me or what?" She flirted as she stared up at him with those tempting black doe eyes. Jasper had to hold back a hungry growl as he studied her face, her lips had a little dirt on them, her nostrils were flared, taking in his whole scent, her eyes lustfully staring up at him.

Jasper rubbed her cheek with his thumb, he licked his lip as he tugged her a little closer to him. "Your wish is my command, my darlin'," Jasper leaned in and teasingly hovered his lips over hers with an amused smile on his face. His lips brushed against hers at a slow pace. Catherine wasn't having it, she grabbed the sides of his neck and pulled him down into a rough kiss.

Their lips melded together perfectly, their hands exploring each other's bodies, slight grins on their faces. Jasper backed Catherine up, pushing her against one of the many bookcases in their room. The impact caused some books to fall down, eliciting a laugh from both Catherine and Jasper.

Jasper's hands moved down from Catherine's waist, to her hips and then her thighs. He swiftly lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist.

She deepened the kiss as her hands shot up and buried in his hair. She softly tugged at the roots, earning her a low groan from him. His hands reached for hers, he grabbed her wrists and pushed them against the wall, restricting her movement.

His lips traveled down to her jaw, he stayed there, sucking and kissing and licking at her pale skin. Catherine surprised him by dropping her feet down on the floor again and twisting them around, pushing him against the wall.

Her wrists were now free from his hold, so she grabbed his face again and pulled his face closer to hers. She kissed him, a little softer now.

Catherine wrapped her arms around his neck, keeping a tight hold on him as she started moving to lay on the ground. When they fell down, he broke her fall with his hands and flipped them so she fell on top of him.

"Catherine! We're going shopping-" Alice exclaimed as she barged into Catherine's and Jasper's room unnanounced, Rosalie following behind her. Apparently they wanted to go shopping.

Catherine and Jasper were still in bed, tangled together after their the night before. He had his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly as they layed on their sides. His chin was on her shoulder and his nose was buried in her neck. His eyes were closed, anyone who didn't know what he was would've thought that he was sleeping.

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