Catherine and Jasper

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May 24th, 1950, Texas

"So, are you excited for today?" Alice asked Catherine as the latter sat down at Alice's vanity chair.

Today would be the day Catherine and Jasper would finally wed. After being together for 10 years, they decided to finally tie the knot and become man and wife.

Catherine was nervous, after her last wedding she wasn't very happy. One the other hand, Jasper made her feel like she was in seventh heaven.

After meeting in 1940, Catherine spent five whole years in Texas with her newly-found mate to help him get used to her diet. She terribly missed her family during that time, but she knew it was all worth it, since it would help their relationship blossom.

Jasper met her family in 1945, he was skeptical of them, he was stuck to his mate's side for almost a month before she forced him to spend some time alone with the guys. Her reasoning being that he "needed to get to know her brothers and father".

Jasper asked her to marry him exactly five months prior to the wedding, but with mainly Alice's help, everything was organized perfectly and beautifully.

Catherine wanted to get married in Texas, since she wanted to know where her fiance grew up, so Jasper made sure her wish would come true.

Carlisle had bought a home in the middle of nowhere so Jasper could stay connected with his roots, which he was very thankful for.

In the backyard of that very house, Jasper and Catherine would be married in just a few hours.

"I'm very nervous!" Catherine exclaimed as she flapped her hands around, rising from the chair befors pacing around the room.

"What if he has doubts? What if I trip and fall? What if he feels like he needs to marry me? What if everything goes to shit!? I don't want anything going wrong, I love him too much!" Catherine ranted, her breathing picking up.

"Okay, calm down!" Rosalie entered the room with a raised eyebrow. She was already completely ready, makeup, hair and dress on. She rolled her eyes at her sister's distress and grabbed her biceps.

"Stop freaking out! If Jasper has any doubts, I'll kill him, you won't trip, he loves you more than anything and nothing will go wrong!" Rosalie yelled whilst shaking Catherine.

"I was just in his room, he's just as nervous as you are," Rosalie calmly soothed Catherine as she led her back to the vanity and gently sat her down.

"So, are you excited?" Rosalie asked as she pulled Catherine's hair back so it fell down her back. The action elicited a pleasurable shiver out of Catherine, who then smiled.

"I'm very excited, I can't wait to finally be married!" The bride smiled as she glanced at Rosalie through the mirror.

"We should get you ready," Alice said whilst taking out a bag filled with makeup. Catherine grinned at her and rapidly nodded.

Rosalie and Alice got Catherine ready together. Her hair was done by Rosalie, who had always loved doing hair. Her hair was half up, so some curls would still flow down her back, since she knew Jasper loved that style on her.

The makeup was quite simple. Her eyeshadow was pretty neutral, getting darker on the outside of her eye, and lighter on the inside, with a little shimmer there too.

Her lips were a nude, matte pink that complimented her skin very well.

Alice and Rosalie were very proud of their work as they showed it to Esme, who had decided to check on how her first daughter was doing.

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