Chapter 65

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Romanov growled and took a threatening step toward me before Amity could do the spell. His eyes were still a darker shade of red, and my heart skipped a beat before it pounded hard and fast in my chest. "What is taking you so long, Amity?" he asked, baring his teeth in warning. "Where is my fucking stone?"

"Somewhere that you can't get to it," Amity said with such bitterness and disgust in her voice that it seemed to shock Romanov to stop growling and moving toward us. She didn't turn to look at him but stayed staring at me as well as my mother, aunt, and uncle.

Her whole body was tense and shaking, and there was a look of fury and anguish on her face while she tried to keep her cool because she knew that one wrong move could end up getting all of us hurt or worse...

"What is wrong with you?" Romonav asked, gaining his voice back. He narrowed his eyes and bared his teeth in warning while he stared at the Witch before us. "How dare you speak to me like this, and how dare you forget your place, Amity. Have you forgotten who controls you?"

There was this tone in his voice that had Amity flinching and growing tense in front of me while she closed her eyes, and I couldn't help but press my lips into a thin line while my heart became filled with worry and fear.

Even though she wasn't under his control, she was still under his control...

"Ams..." I said, my voice barely above a whisper, and I couldn't help but silently pray that she would look at me.

Unfortunately, she didn't...

"You might have to use the bond," Tigress said, flicking her tail back and forth, and I could feel her worry match my own while we stared at Amity. "He still has control over her, even though he doesn't have control over her."

I bit back a small sigh and mentally nodded, silently agreeing with her while I closed my eyes, shooting a prayer to the Moon Goddess that this would work.

I didn't want her to end up hurting someone on accident...

I took a deep breath and released it with a small, whoosh, focusing on the bond between us. "Amity," I said and opened my eyes, feeling the bond between us grow stronger. My voice was firm yet soft while I looked at the Witch that was destined to protect the throne and those that sit on it, including me.

Amity's whole body grew slightly relaxed but became tense again. She kept my mother, aunt, and uncle in the same position, but her hand shook ever so slightly. She didn't say a word nor look at me like I hoped she would, and I couldn't help but pray that she would submit and follow my lead.

She needed to be freed, too...

"Amity, look at me," I said, praying that she would listen to the power in my voice and the bond we shared. "Please. We need to talk, and you need to listen to me."

"Do not look at her, Amity," Romanov said, baring his teeth in warning while he took a threatening step toward us. "Fight that stupid command that is put on you. She is going to kill you. You are safe with me, and you know it. You will die without me."

I scoffed a laugh and rolled my eyes while I scowled and narrowed my eyes, but I kept looking at Amity and didn't say anything to him. I pushed the bond toward her, silently praying that she would forgive me for doing this. "Look at me, now," I said and bared my teeth while I narrowed my eyes further. "Listen to the bond, and do not continue to fight it. Relent and submit to me like you are supposed to. Do you understand?"

Finally, Amity submitted, her shoulders sagging in defeat and hopefully relief. "Yes, Your Highness," she said, her voice void of any emotion. However, she didn't look at me like I wanted her to.

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