A smokey night ~ Chapter 36

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London, England 1815

Crystal chandeliers hung from the high, vaulted ceilings, casting a warm glow over the richly dressed guests who filled the room with laughter and conversation. Eden stood at the top of the marble staircase, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Her gown, a deep emerald green, shimmered under the candlelight, and the delicate lace that adorned the bodice and sleeves gave her an ethereal appearance. Beside her stood her older brother, Gerard, brooding but handsome, his expression as cold and stoic as ever.

Gerard offered Eden his arm with a composed demeanor, and they began their descent. He was dressed impeccably in a tailored midnight-blue tailcoat, his cravat perfectly tied, and his polished boots clicked softly against the marble steps. As they reached the bottom, Gerard cast a quick, assessing glance around the room, his face betraying nothing.

"Remember, Eden four hours and we can leave," he said, his tone measured and reserved. Eden nodded, her cheeks "I'm glad you have became more agreeable." Eden tapped her brother's arm receiving a raised brow. "I've always been agreeable." Gerard responded slightly defensive of Eden's words "no you have not." Eden quickly replied "yes I am." Gerard turned to his sister "no." She argued "yes." The two bickered until Eden sighed "fine." Gerard smiled at his triumph "you have not."Eden muttered "I swear I will make you stay here until they take the candles down." Gerard shot a glare at his sister making her laugh.

The room was adorned with garlands of summer greenery and flickering candles, creating an ambiance of enchantment. The orchestra began to play a lively waltz, and the dance floor came alive with swirling couples. As Gerard led Eden into the crowd, they were greeted by a wave of familiar faces, each one offering compliments and warm wishes. Despite Gerard's imposing presence and icy demeanor, he quickly attracted the attention of several young ladies. They fluttered around him like moths to a flame, giggling and attempting to draw him into conversation. Gerard, for his part, remained aloof and curt, responding to their flirtations with minimal interest.

"Mr. Walseworth you simply must tell us about your latest travels!" one lady exclaimed, her eyes bright with anticipation.
Gerard's response was cool and clipped. "I have not been on any travels." Gerard quickly responded throwing a glance at his sister. Eden, watching the scene unfold, couldn't suppress a giggle. The contrast between her brother's stoic composure and the ladies' eager attempts at winning his favor was too amusing. She covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes sparkling with mirth.

Gerard, noticing Eden's amusement, shot her a look that was half stern, half bemused. Despite his best efforts to maintain his stoic facade, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, hinting at a suppressed smile. One particularly bold lady stepped forward, her eyes never leaving Gerard's face. "Mr. Fairfax, may one of us find you on one of our dance cards tonight ?" Gerard inclined his head slightly. "I am not much for dancing, Miss Harcourt. Perhaps another time." Undeterred, Miss Harcourt pouted playfully. "You are breaking hearts tonight, Mr Walseworth" Gerard eyes widen hoping his sister would jump in and save him but of course Eden was too taken in amusement to do anything. "I am afraid that I see some old pals from school I must speak to them at once." Gerard quickly bowed his head dragging his sister along.

Eden's eyes sparkled mischievously. "quite the attraction tonight Brother," she teased, a playful grin spreading across her face. "I don't think I've ever seen so many ladies vying for one man's attention well apart from Colin Bridgerton." Eden threw a look round the ballroom trying to find the new invented Bridgerton. Gerard's expression remained impassive, though a hint of a smile touched his lips. "They were persistent, I'll admit," he said, his tone dry. Eden giggled, nudging him gently. "Persistent? They were practically besotted! I was half expecting a duel to break out over you." Gerard shook his head, a soft chuckle escaping him. "Your imagination is as vivid as ever, Eden. I assure you, their interest will pass as quickly as it came." Eden's laughter rang out, bright and musical. "Oh, Gerard, you really must learn to enjoy these things. One of these days, you might even find someone who can melt that icy exterior of yours or perhaps you already have." Gerard's eyes softened as he looked down at his sister. "Hush." He quickly marched along over to a group of men.

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