The other gentleman ~ Chapter 13

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"Thunder" Eden groaned into her pillow, unable to sleep due to the loud booms and cracks outside her window. Rolling over onto her back, Eden stared up at the mural painted on the ceiling, a brief flicker of her and Benedict crossed her mind before another crack of thunder was heard. "Blasted weather" she mumbled, crossing her arms in front of her. She had been in and out of sleep for the last hour and had given up on getting any.

Eden had also been battling with herself to leave her room and go outside or to the kitchen. Maybe the Bridgertons would think her rude if she baked at midnight, maybe even slightly strange. But after 20 minutes Eden the stillness and silence was driving her mad.

Quickly leaving her room, Eden stood in the dark empty hallway no light to be seen, her hand drifting against the walls.
She felt like a child again. She felt fine.

All the rooms were still the same from when she was a child on the right was Colin's down the hall Eloise around the corner was Daphnes her hand traced across all their doors continuing round the corner.

A slight peak of warm light could be seen in front of her. Eden continued walking, forgetting whose room it was. Peeping round the door, she saw the back of Benedict, he was aggressively sketching on a pad of paper that rested on an easel. He stopped for a moment, standing back and viewing it, before ripping the paper from the pad and throwing it in front of him. A hand came to his head and one rested on his hips.

Eden realized how long she had been watching the man and decided to quickly leave before he noticed her. Eden walked down the wooden steps to the front door, she stared out at the pouring rain, the windows blurry with streams of water.

"So much for going outside" Eden huffed and turned back, looking around the room she saw that there was nothing to distract herself with. "Maybe baking wouldn't be so rude," Eden mumbled to herself, walking to the kitchens.

Arriving at the heavy oak doors, she slowly pushed them open to check no one was there. "Thank god" She grinned seeing the room empty she quickly made her way over to the small cellar implanted in the wall she opened it only to be disappointed. All that lay in was Milk, butter, and a small block of cheese. "Are you serious, this large house and all they have is this" Eden groaned throwing her head back.

Grabbing a mug and the milk, Eden decided to make hot milk, hopefully, it would soothe her to sleep crouching down, she fiddled with the nobs of the stove, getting ready to turn it on.

"What are you doing in my kitchen ?" Eden jumped, frightened by the sudden voice of Benedict, who was leaning against the door. "You frightened me." Eden admitted, her hand on her chest, a small smirk appeared on Benedict's face at her words.

"Why are you in the kitchen ?" He asked again. "Why are you here ?" Eden retorted, turning back to the stove. "Because I saw your shadow hurry past my study, didn't want to think a thief had sneaked in" He answered. "Even if I were a thief you wouldn't be able to stop me" Eden rolled her eyes snickering to herself.

"What are you doing down here rummaging in my kitchen ?" Benedict asked the woman again. "Anthony's Kitchen" She corrected the man who was observing her from afar. He didn't like it. "I couldn't sleep" Eden responded, standing up and dusting her nightgown. "So you try to set fire to my house with a stove you don't know how to use" Benedict nodded at the stove. "I know how to use it" Eden defended herself. "I don't even know how to use the stove" Benedict shook his head at Eden. "But I do" Eden tightened the nob on the front flames rising to the top. Benedict's brows furrowed at the woman while she grinned at her win of being right.

"I Mr. Bridgerton unlike some bake occasionally" Eden poured the milk into the pan. "Like a servant ?" He chuckled at her. "No, like a capable human being" Eden countered the smug man. "Why ?" he asked, his head now resting against the wall.
"I enjoy it just as you enjoy your silly sketching and painting" Eden answered slowly pulling the spoon around the pot.
"Right now I am not" Benedict muttered, crossing his feet.
"Yes I know" Eden added smirking down the pot below her.
"Were you watching me, Miss Walseworth ?" Benedict teased Eden. "Having a hissy fit? Yes," Eden replied, still stirring the pan. "I was not a hissy fit" Benedict chuckled lightly trying to defend himself. "Sorry, you just crumpled up your paper and threw it in front of you" Eden smirked at the man. "Rather aggressively" Eden added. "It was an artistic choice" Benedict smiled back to which Eden raised her brows.

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