Bring me back ~ Chapter 31

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England 1815

In the dimly lit room of the grand manor, Eden sat by the crackling fireplace, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns of the armchair. The silence echoing through the halls, broken only by the occasional creak of the ancient floorboards beneath her. Memories of childhood danced in the flickering flames, casting shadows of a time long past. The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow upon the sprawling estate grounds. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it the secrets of Walseworth generations past. Alone in the vastness of the manor, she felt a sense of both nostalgia and apprehension. The memories of laughter and love mingled with the shadows of loss and longing. But amidst it all, there was a palpable sense of wanting.

Eden was immersed in the world of one Gerards old books. The flickering flames cast a warm glow upon the pages, illuminating the intricate calligraphy. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she traced the words with her fingertips, lost in the story that unfolded before her. She quietly giggled at the thought of her brother owning a book of romance. As the fire crackled merrily beside her, Eden lost track of time, completely engrossed in the world that lay within the pages of the book.

For months now, Eden had been confined within the walls of her childhood manor, isolated from the outside world. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, each day blending into the next in a monotonous cycle of solitude. At first, the solitude had been suffocating, the empty halls echoing with the ghosts of memories past. She spent her days wandering aimlessly through the rooms, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings yet finding only echoes of the life she once knew. As the weeks turned into months, Eden grew accustomed to her solitary existence. She found comfort in the quiet routines of daily life - tending to the gardens, reading by the fire, and exploring the hidden corners of the manor. Yet, beneath the facade of contentment, a sense of longing lingered, a yearning for the warmth of human connection.

Occasional visitors would come and go - servants and tradesmen carrying out their duties with silent efficiency. But their presence only served to remind Eden of her own loneliness, a stark contrast to the bustling life she had known before her exile. Eden had yet to see the sight of the small fox and dog it memory almost as fleeting as the sighting.

Startled by the unexpected knock, Eden glanced up from her brother's book as the footman, John, entered the room with a letter in hand. The flickering firelight danced across his solemn features, casting long shadows that seemed to flicker and dance. "Eden," John announced, his voice echoing softly in the cavernous room dimmed room, "a letter for you from your brother." Eden lifted her head staring at the footman "just put it on the side please John." Eden gave a small smile to the man before retreating back into her book. "My lady I believe it may be important." John held the letter stiff in his hand.

And at his words Eden's heart quickened with as she reached out to accept the, her fingers trembling slightly as she broke the seal. Her brother's handwriting, though familiar, felt like a lifeline connecting her to the world beyond the manor's walls.

My dear sister

I hope my writings find you well and in good spirits. Although you are most unlike to read this letter when it first arrives I am writing to inform you that matters have been settled, and you are welcome to return to the comfort of our family estate in London.

Please make preparations for your journey, as I eagerly anticipate your return and hope to see you. Until then, know that you are dearly missed.

With all my love,

Your older brother, Gerard.

Upon reading the letter, Eden's expression remained stoic, betraying little of the tumultuous emotions swirling within her. The words, though formal and cold, struck a chord deep within her heart, stirring a mixture of resentment and resignation. She knew Gerard would remain displeased with their previous interaction but after all these months did her words really cut so deeply into her brother thick skin.

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