A seasons ball ~ chapter 33

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London, England 1815

The grand hall of the Danbury Manor was adorned with opulent decorations, chandeliers hanging like glittering cascades of starlight, casting a warm glow over the assembled guests. The air was filled with the sweet scent of roses and lilies, mingling with the soft strains of a string quartet playing a waltz. The season ball was in full swing, a dazzling event attended by all of high society.

Gerard and Eden stood on the sidelines of the grand ballroom, a quiet island of calm amid the bustling sea of dancers and chattering guests. The chandeliers above cast a warm, golden glow, illuminating the opulent decorations and shimmering gowns of the assembled company. Eden, dressed in a lilac gown that complemented her brown curls and eyes, scanned the room with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. Beside her, Gerard, in his usual dark green tailcoat, remained a steady and reassuring presence.

"I have got to say Gerard I do enjoy this sudden change of colour in your wardrobe." Eden prodded her brother's arm "change of colour ?" Gerard ached his brows quizzical "if you are referring to our house colours I have always worn them." Gerard sighed "yes but the were so hidden you seem to have stepped out of your shadow of a body recently. Is there some defying change in your life ?" Eden look to her brother out the corner of her waiting to see any change in his face that would give him away. "No." Gerard answered his face stoic but Eden could see the small curl of lip.

Eden's disregard the conversation knowing she would get no where with her brothers secrets so she decried to have her eyes flitted from one corner of the room to another, searching for her soon-to-be husband. She liked him well enough. "Do you see him?" Gerard asked quietly, his gaze following hers across the room. "No... he wrote saying he was going to be in attendance" Eden replied, her voice barely audible over the music. "I know he's here somewhere he promised." Gerard's eyes casted down to his sister who now fidgeted with her white gloves.

Eden's thoughts were a tangled web of duty and unfulfilled longing, her smile forced as she tried to maintain the appearance of composure. She scanned the crowd once more, her gaze wandering almost unconsciously to the grand doors at the far end of the ballroom.

Just then, the doors swung open, admitting a new wave of guests. Eden's breath caught in her throat as she recognized the tall, dark-haired figure leading the group. Benedict. He was impeccably dressed in a black tailcoat that emphasized his strong frame, his chiseled features softened by a welcoming smile as he greeted the quick and marching Lady Danbury . His family followed close beside him, their presence commanding the attention of the room. Her eyes were fixed on Benedict. She felt a rush of emotions—joy at seeing him, but also a deep, aching sadness. Benedict did not see her; he was too engrossed in conversation, his laughter echoing faintly across the ballroom.

"Miss Eden, Mr Walseworth ," a familiar voice rang from behind them as the pair turned the saw Edward greeting them with a polite bow. "It's a pleasure to see you both."

"And you, Mr Colton," Gerard responded with a respectful nod. "My sister has been looking forward to seeing you." Edward turned his attention to Eden, his expression softening. "I hope you're enjoying the ball, Miss Eden." Eden forced a smile. "It's lovely, thank you." Eden kept her smile "I hope your travels were well ?" Eden added her hands fidgeting once more with her gloves "they were well...homely and burdensome my mother insisting on preparing a room for the new lady Colton." Edward chuckled. "But I did not come here to talk about my family I was hoping we might share a dance?" He held his hand out to Eden who happily took it.

Gerard watched as Edward led Eden to the dance floor, He knew Edward was a good man, the kind of man who would treat Eden with the respect and kindness she deserved. As the music started, Edward and Eden moved together in a graceful waltz. Gerard stood on the sidelines, observing the pair with a mixture of pride and concern. Eden's movements were elegant, her lilac gown flowing around her like a soft cloud. Edward was attentive, his hand steady at her waist, his eyes never leaving her face.

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