The Walseworth ~ Chapter 2

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He stared at the woman in front of him, his face dumbfounded by her presence. "Eden, what are you doing here ?" he questioned. "I came here for peace and relaxation from that hell hounded of a party, but it seems it has followed me outside". She still held her rose coloured dress up. "No, I-I mean, what are you doing here in London ?" he stuttered his large hands still holding her .

"I'm here cause my brother wishes for me to find a husband" she confessed looking away from the Bridgerton sticking out her hand. "May I now have my shoe back, my leg is getting rather tiered standing here like a flamingo". "You certainly do look like one" he muttered a smile gracing his face. A smile Eden did not see. "From a rose to flamingo Mr. Bridgerton you certainly are a character" She was still holding her hand out waiting for him to give her shoe back. "Well, that was before I saw who it was" he now began to place the shoe back on her foot. "Let me do it" Eden bent down trying to take the shoe off him there face were side by side the pearls which adorned Edens hairs gracing Benedict's face. "I'll do it" Benedict grabbed her leg, bringing it forward. "No, I much rather do it myself that way it will be done correctly" Eden grabbed the shoe which Benedict still held on tight too he lifted his head his face mere inches away from Edens. "Why must you be so diff-" Eden's words suddenly stopped by the loud sound of mud spatting. She now looked down to the man who was sitting in the dark thick mud. His neatly pressed black trousers and jacket covered. Eden stared down at the scene forcing herself to bite back the cackle which was begging to come out.

"I mean I truly am so-" Eden began to speak but the strong tug from the gentlemen beneath her made her legs buckle and she was now sitting opposite to the man. The cold and stiff feeling of the mud soaking through her dress made Eden stare in complete shock at Benedict who now wore the biggest grin ever

Eden looked across her body a few stray bits of mud which had leaped onto her skin now quickly began drying. A deep chuckle erupted from the man in front of her. "Uh you child you-you absolute" too angry to even speak, Eden huffed, looking forward to seeing that man in front of her was still laughing away. She removed her gloves throwing the two at him which just made the man laugh harder. Her hands dug into the mud beside her picking up a handful throwing it at the laughing Bridgerton. "Eden" he exclaimed a smile still wide on his muddy face at the woman's actions.

Quickly standing up she walked forward to Benedict his eyes following her. She grabbed the champagne bottle from beside him and tossing it far away from him, the drink now spilling out onto the floor. "Enjoy your night Mr. Bridgerton" Eden hissed stomping away in a petty mood. "You too Miss Walsworth" he managed to get out from his laughter, he turned to see the woman walking away the back of her rose coloured dress now fully covered in thick brown mud.

Huffing out of the garden trying to scrape the dry mud off her arms Eden looked around to see if they were any passers-by, luckily for her, there were none apart from one whose back head looked awfully familiar.

"George" Eden shouted in a whispered tone, the man now looked around cluelessly."George" she repeated until he turned to her pointing to himself and mouthing "me". "Yes of course you who else would I be shouting" the man put his cigarette out on the floor standing on it before quickly jogging over to his sister. "What's up sister not having fun ?" he sarcastically frowned. "Oh, do shut up" Eden quickly retorted, George noticed the freckles of mud on her arms and dress.

"Do you know you've got mud on you ?" he spoke making his sister look up at him her face unchanging from the scowl she had been wearing for the past five minutes."Really I would never have guessed" she turned around showing George the back of her dress. "Hmm what have you been doing to have so much mud on your backside" his eyes squinted and a smirk appeared on his face. "Having secret affairs in posh gardens oh is that why you're so opposed to marrying, so your love-filled affair with this mysterious gent may never end wait till Gerard finds out I mean you may just kill him" his eyes widen at his made-up story. "Will you do me the pleasure of shutting your mouth and bringing the carriage around, so I may go home and flee upstairs before Aunt Polly sees my dress" Eden now looked back to her brother with a forced smile. "Hmm, I guess so." Just as George was about to abide by his sister forceful request a man walked out of the garden turning to Eden and George. "Evening" he tipped his head before smirking at Eden and walking towards the building, his back covered in mud. "Oh wow, my story may have just become a reality" George was now smirking still staring forward at the man."I'll explain in the carriage" Eden took one last look at the man before walking a way from her brother.

The paired tumbled into the carriage without a word and the ride remained silent,but George opened his mouth as soon as the two left the black family carriage.

"so what was that ? because my curiosity has taken over I mean Benedict Bridgerton ? I would have thought different" he smirked. Eden began explaining the situation to how she and the Bridgerton man both ended up having mud all over them. "I guess I'll believe it" George huffed whilst looking around the family's garden, Eden looked up from the floor. "what do you mean you guess you'll believe it ?".  "I mean, it is the perfect cover-up story having everyone believe you hate the man and that you would never go near him by choice but then having a secret affair you may have thought were smart sister, but it just seems like I am smarter" he rolled his eyes jokingly. "Incredible I mean I can't believe you have figured it out" she slowly clapped her hands."Now distract Aunt Polly while I rush upstairs, so she doesn't see my mud-covered dress" She gestured her brother forward to open the door which he did reluctantly. 

Running up the stairs Eden managed to get into her bedroom without any witnesses that is until she then heard the door squeak open, slowly turning she saw her sister Clara leaning again the door.

"New dress ruined, whatever will Aunt Polly think ?" Her sister stood smirking."What do you want ?" she narrowed her eyes to her younger sister. "Ribbons seem fitting" she smiled a wicked smile. "Fine, I'll get you new ribbons now get out and shut the door" Eden turned back around trying to remove her dress."At your request, dear sister" Clara left the room shutting the door behind her. 

Shortly after another knock was heard, "who is it ?"Eden called trying to remove the last of her dress. "It's Lizzie" the voice answered. "Ahhh come in Lizzie please" the blonde maid entered. "shut the door quickly" Eden threw the last of her dress over her head. "Do you need any help," Lizzie asked smiling at the woman in front of her. "Yes, actually what do you know about getting mud out of dresses ?" Eden asked "Not a lot but the basics" Lizzie smiled looking at her friends dress. "Do you think you can get the mud out of this ?" Eden asked the woman in front of her."I can sure try" she took the dress peering at the back covered in mud. "Do you want to tell me why and how your new dress is covered in mud ?" Lizzie raised her brows. "Tomorrow morning definitely right now I'm tired of explaining the situation" Eden rested her hands on her hips. "Completely understandable good night Eden" Lizzie nodded smiling before exiting her room. "Good night Lizzie".

*Authors note*

Ayyyyee second chapter hope you all are enjoying it so far love you all x

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