Whistledown's new subject ~ Chapter 34

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London, England 1915

Dearest gentle reader,

When the tide of change turns it can be sudden, fierce and deadly. Especially for the unprepared. Its seems to this author that our bon ton is moving with changing tide to be sure. While others are clinging firmly to that which they already know. None more so than our Queen, who has still yet to choose a diamond. This author wonders if her hesitancy is a symptom of fortitude or fear. If it is the latter, pride in past achievements will not benefit her, as our debutants are ready to play this season. Your serve, your majesty. Dare I say, this author is ready to play as well. While the new Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton happily enjoy there blossoming romance of there honeymoon days the viscountess dear sister, our previous enchanting diamond has been sent away to her home in India. New romance have blossomed such as Lady Piperting and Lord beBrooks who have been spotted dancing more then once at this seasons event or Baron Deckton and Lady Blecking who have seemed to escape each other grasp or maybe the newly promised Lord Colton and Miss Walseworth , who has seems to make a quiet return to London bustling society was it for a scenic change or a for something entirely different. But do not fret as I do not dear change. I embrace it. And then they are some who take the embrace of change a step too far, as with Mr Colin Bridgerton, who has seemed to embrace a new personality entirely. But one must wonder, is this new character the real him, or simply a ploy for attention ? And does Mr Bridgerton even know ?

Eden sat in the parlor of their London townhouse, the soft morning light filtering through the lace curtains, casting delicate patterns on the green Persian rug. She read through the latest gossip letter, her curiosity piqued by the tantalizing rumors it promised to reveal.As Eden's eyes scanned the elegantly scripted lines, her interest growing as she reached a particularly juicy segment. "What are you reading ?" She heard her brother curious voice from beside her she glanced up to see Gerard stern gaze staring down at her "Lady Whistledown" Eden turned the paper over "must you read such ridiculous an-". "It mentions Edwina." Eden saw the way her brother hands grasped for the paper but she quickly pulled it away almost making him topple over the couch with his eagerness.

Gerard, who had been in the study organizing his correspondence, was having a peaceful day until now. His dark hair was slightly disheveled, and his eyes held a mix of curiosity and concern as he cleared his throat and straightened his jacket receiving a disgusted and disappointing look from his sister "What does it say ?"  Eden leaned forward, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "It appears that your dear Miss Edwina has been quite the topic of conversation. She's gone back to India, as you know, but it seems her departure has left quite a stir in her wake Whistledown suggest that she has left because she is still heart broken over her sister and Anthony marriage." Eden raised her brows at her brothers "what a ton of shit." Geared became very defensive over the accusation "what person writes of someone who is not even here to defend herself." Gerard grabbed the paper from Eden grasp no matter how hard she fought "because Whistledown knows that Anthony and Kate will see it." Eden sat up completely her eyes following her brother "and they simply will not care." Gerard opened the large window tossing the paper outside onto the dirt. "Really ?" Eden furrowed her brows at her brother unnecessary actions "yes." He quickly nodded walking way from his petty crime.

"On lighter news I did receive this." Gerard pulled an envelope out of his inside pocket handing it to Eden who quickly took it not bothering to read who it was addressed to. "It's from Aunt Polly  she writes about Clara... it's the first of her letter which I have received." Gerard knew Eden would like to know how Clara was doing hell he wanted to know himself all he could trust was there Aunts inked words.

Edens eyes narrowed as she recognized the elegant, yet severe handwriting on the front. It was from their Aunt Polly. She sighed deeply, already dreading the contents of the letter. Aunt Polly was not a woman known for her warmth or kindness. In fact, she was quite the opposite – cruel, cold, and often condescending. The only reason she had taken Clara on this trip was out of a sense of duty, or perhaps to flaunt her supposed generosity.

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