Unwanted devotion ~ Chapter 21

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The room was the filled with the noise of classical music, the air smelling of smoke and rum. "A arty party" many called it, but it was now Benedict's safe space, a space he escaped to when things became too much. His new-found purpose.

"I personally think that-" Benedict was quickly stopped by his elder brother's voice. "Benedict" Anthony called his brother from the doorway. Many of the students' heads turned, taking a glance at the current ton's talk, before quickly turning away from the scandalous viscounts scowling gaze. "Brother, I didn't know you'd be stopping by tonight." Benedict wiped his mouth, standing up, making his way other to his brother. "Neither did I" Anthony looked his brother up and down before turning his attention to the rest of the room.

"The royal school seems to be providing a different sort of education than what I had pictured or, perhaps, exactly what I had pictured." His gaze returned to his dishevelled brother, who stood tall. "Can I- Can I get you a drink ?" Benedict went to walk away, but was grabbed back by Anthony. "Is there somewhere we can go that is quieter ?" Anthony asked. "It is a party brother" Benedict shrugged his brother grip holding his hands up in celebration.

"It is something... Do you do this every night ?" Anthony's concern was evident in his voice. "Do you come to admonish me ?" Benedict groaned, slowly falling back into the velvet crushed arm chair. "I only mean to say you may be second son, but that does not exempt you from familial duty altogether, it merely makes you second" Anthony stared down at his brother who was grinning.

"Is this to do with whatever is truly going on with you and the Sharma's ?" Benedict leaned forward, the same grin on his face. "Particularly the eldest ?" Benedict raised his brows. "Mother is not the only one who sees the way you look at her" Benedict stared up at his brother. "How long do you plan on punishing yourself for and wallowing in such misery" Benedict rose to his brother, holding his shoulder and reciting the words like a poet. "Forget I came and have a goodnight Benedict" Anthony turned reaching the door.

"Look things may seem bleak now brother but if I'm learning anything from my studies it all about ...perspective" Benedict held his hands up. "I look at my art and if I do not like what I see I simply alter my colour pallet, I do not toss the full design aside" Benedict laughed at his metaphor. "Hmm, do you ?" Anthony stood staring at his brother. "So, will Clara Walseworth be your next design ?" Anthony's tone was harsh, and his brother's smile suddenly faded. "Clean yourself up Brother" Anthony spoke before quickly leaving the loud crowded room.

Benedict stared at the door in which his brother had just exited, his words still in his head. The words which brought back the thoughts which led him to these last night escapades of drinking and smoking. He sighed loudly, rubbing his face before and downing another smothered drink from the glass taking look around the room. The chatter of these people made Benedict's head begin to hurt, and the loud laughters made him uncomfortable, and, without a second thought, he knew no longer wanted to be here.

The cold breeze aired through Eden's gaped window, the crisp air somehow putting an ease to her restless mind. She laid in her bed as though it was a chore, absently staring up at the ceiling she had looked at so many times before. Every night was the same routine since she was eighteen. The house was left in an uncomfortable and lonely silence, the only sound to be heard was the whisper of the blowing wind. Eden began to follow the small cracks on her ceiling, hoping her slumber would soon take over. She noticed a new one and the one beside it had got longer while others around it had stared new branch's.

As her eyes began to feel heavy, a small smack was made from something hitting the wooden floor. Eden quickly lifted, startled by the sound, looking around to find a stray pebble on the floor. Then another one followed after. Eden pulled her cover back, running to her window before seeing another pebble fly past her head. Reaching over her window, she saw the man ready to throw another. When his eyes met hers, his hand slowly went down and dropped the pebble.

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