Fairness will never be ~ Chapter 26

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The unnerving thing about life was always something Eden was never able to reach, never really able to grasp the concept of, but when the sudden crashing sounds of reality and change hit her she always resorted to the comfort of floating outside of her own body as she looked down at the events that happen below her the confusing feelings being stabled at the thought of her not really being present as though she was reading a book and these events were all just words. She never processed these things, it kept her safe. It kept her happy. It kept her alive.

London, England 1808

"I understand this may be very difficult and harsh news for you to hear, Mr Walseworth" Lady Danbury's words echoed through the halls of the cold and dim manor. Only a few candles stayed lit on this late night. Eden held George close beside her, the pair sat on the long-running staircase, and Clara was asleep peacefully and blissfully unaware in her bed.

Gerard and Lady Danbury, who was a great friend of their parents, had been in theirs father's study for over an hour, the door slightly agape as the heavy fiery hues poked out and all the sorrowful words spilt out into the nosy teenagers ears. The harsh reality of the truth came to the pair through whispers of Lady Danbury and their older brother.

George's head was buried in his sister's shoulder his sudden tears soaking her dress the pair waited for the soft words of Lady Danbury's voice to stop Eden's hand gently rubbed her little brother his arm, trying to soothe not just a George but herself.

Eden's eyes stayed heavily focused on the front door, the harsh rain pelted off the coloured pains, small leaks of water coming in through the bottom gap in the door. The sound of bushes and trees beating off each other from outside rang in Eden's ear, the words from the door a few meters away now seemed to just disappear fade into a fuzzy noise.

The portrait of their parents hung beside the front door, the bright eyes of their mother and father stayed staring down at the mourning siblings their charming smile now seemed so fake, so forgotten. The colours which brightly painted the happy couple now seem to be fading, becoming dull like the rest of the manor.

Eden stayed sat her body weightless her mind abandoned her brothers muffled sob beside her as her mind span with the sudden worries and doubt of what were to happen to the children. She should have been thinking of her parents but her mind only thought of what would happen to Clara,George and Gerard Eden heavy chest only became heavier and heavier.

The sudden noise of the door opening made Eden's eyes dart around the bannister to see the small figure of Lady Danbury walking down the hallway her cane tapping off the floor as her steps drew closer. George's head had lifted as he stared at his sister for direction. Any direction. But Eden's had no answer for her hopeful brother's eyes, and instead she looked at the floor like a scorned child. Afraid and confused once more. As Lady Danbury passed the pair, she stared down at the two Walseworth her eyes drifting over the two of them, a solemn expression on her face before she quickly made her way out the door.

George was the first to move, standing up from the stairs ready to approach the door which guarded their fathers study to get an answer from his older brother, but Eden's hand was quick to grab his, stopping him from any further movements. She made no effort to look at him, but he knew she wanted him to stay beside her, to leave Gerard alone just for now.

After a few moments in silence, the slow paced sounds of footsteps were heard. Gerard turned the corner ready to head up the stairs to tell Eden and George, but his face filled with a small hint of shock as he saw the pair seated on the staircase waiting for him. Eden noticed the red and puffiness of her brother's eyes, the blue which was usual dark now vibrant with pain, his eyes which were once so filled with joy and happiness. Gerard opened his mouth then shut it again, looking between the pair, "I-."

These days |Benedict Bridgerton|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora