An Angel Arrives

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I sat patiently, watching Sam and Dean talking to each other, casually glancing over at me, waving, and then going back to their conversation. All this time, Lucifer is just sitting in a chair, tied up, no place to go, and mocking every move the boys were making. I just shook my head watching him, wishing I could somehow wipe the smug look off his ugly face. At this point in time, however, I could barely take care of myself let alone go beat the piss out of a demon. I reached for my glass of water and took another sip, looked up at the boys and realized that Sam was slowly making his way back toward me. All of a sudden, there was a bright flash of light, and instinctively Sam jumped toward me and shielded me with his body. Oh how badly I wanted to touch those muscles! I had to snap myself back to reality, though, and wonder what the hell was going on in my bedroom. As it turned out, Sam had nothing to be afraid of; it was just Castiel making his grand appearance. It was nice to know that someone cared enough to make sure I was safe, though. Yes, I know he was just doing his job, but again, I really had no one in my life at this point, so it felt nice to be a part of...whatever this was. Dean had a few choice words for Cas, mainly because he gave us all a good scare, and Cas had some choice words for Lucifer, mainly because the demon was a big dick. Sam kept his attention on me, making sure I was still alright. Did he hurt me when he tried to shield me? Was I still feeling weak and dizzy? Was there anything else he could do for me at the moment? I assured him that although he caught me off guard, he did not hurt me (besides, I had been hurt worse in the past). I was still feeling a little weak and dizzy, but there was so much excitement going on around me that it was hard NOT to be a little out of it just then. I looked him in the eyes, those big beautiful eyes, and asked him if he could just continue to hold me and keep me warm. For some strange reason, I had started to feel a little chilly. I know what you're thinking, and no my air conditioning was not running and it was also not winter time. My body just can't take so much excitement in one sitting. Anyway, while Dean and Cas were arguing over what to do with Lucifer, Sam smiled at me and wrapped me back up in his arms. He asked me if I wanted to try and go back to sleep for a while, and assured me that nothing else would happen to me while he and his brother were with me. I figured things couldn't get any worse than when I first woke up that night, so I curled up on his chest and drifted off into the best sleep of my life.

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