The Hunter Within

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Months had passed since Dean saved my life by donating one of his kidneys to me. The three of us had been on several road trips in that time period, and Sam and I had finally defined our relationship. Ok, I know what most of you are thinking, and what we do or don't do behind closed doors is our business, but I was talking about officially becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. I'm sure there were several people who saw it coming (namely Dean and Cas, oh, and Sam), but as I have stated previously I didn't know how to handle my feelings at first. Now, there was no denying it. And I know how this explanation is going to make some people think this part of the story has to do with me getting pregnant or something, but it's not. This is the part of the story where hanging with Sam and Dean for so long finally rubbed off on me when I needed it most. You may remember me talking about my first "kill" a while back. At that point in my life, I was still trying to understand exactly what the boys do for a living, so I honestly do not count that as a true kill. The day started out like any other, with the boys heading to a new crime scene and me locked in the car keeping myself entertained. I had my headphones in, so I did not hear any disturbance of any kind, yet someone was sitting in the car with me (I just didn't know it yet). I put down my book, turned off my music, and looked up to see if the boys were nearby, and that's when I saw him. Had I forgotten to lock the car??? No, I know I locked it. I looked around me and saw that the passenger side window had been smashed in. Great. Dean was going to be pissed. Yes, my life may be in danger and yet I was sitting here worried about Dean's feelings. He seriously loves his Baby. Anyway, I looked over at the intruder to see if I could figure out his deal. Was he a demon? A witch? A vampire? Something worse?? His eyes were not black and he was not spouting off any weird spells of any kind, so that ruled out demon and witch. I smiled at the guy, hoping he would smile back and I could get a glimpse of his teeth. He didn't take the bait. Shit! What now? "Who are you and what do you want?" I waited to see if he would answer...he didn't. Instead, he started slowly making his way toward me. What the hell? Is this guy about to rape me??? We're in the backseat of a classic car for pete's sake! I very slowly put my hand down to the floor and reached underneath the driver's seat, knowing that Dean had to have some kind of weapon hidden there. I felt around and there were a few things I could identify without looking; one of those was an angel blade. Thinking this guy could very well be a vampire, I grabbed it and jabbed it right into his chest, right about where his heart should be. He doubled over in pain, but he didn't die. What???? I knew I had to do something else, and I really didn't want to, but it was either my life or his, so I reached back under the seat and grabbed a different kind of blade. The guy sat back up and started snickering, which is when I finally got a glimpse of his teeth...he wasn't a vampire. He looked ready to kill me, though, so I quickly swung the blade toward his neck and chopped his head off. As I watched in horror as his head fell to the floor, I suddenly became paralyzed with even more fear than I had thinking this guy was going to kill me. Holy shit! I just killed someone! I grabbed my cell phone, unlocked the car, ran into the nearest eatery restroom and called Sam. "Hey you," I could hear that gorgeous smile through the phone. "We're on our way back to the car." "I killed him, Sam," I was still in shock. "Killed who baby? What's going on?" Sam was definitely worried. "I don't know who he was," I said. "He broke the window. I didn't hear him because I was listening to music. He wasn't a witch, demon, or vampire, but he definitely wasn't human. I stabbed him in the heart and he didn't die! So I had to chop off his head..." "Where are you now?" Sam asked. "I'm in the bathroom of the cafe," I told him. "I'm still so scared. Tell Dean I am so sorry about Baby. I'll help get her fixed. And the body...oh my god, the body..." "Calm down, sweetheart," Sam was quite calm now. "Dean loves his car, yes, but he loves you more. He'll just be happy you're ok." "I think I'm going to be sick," I said. "I can't believe I did that." "Which cafe are you in?" Sam asked. "I don't know," I was being serious. "I think it was a bistro or something." At that very moment, someone knocked on the bathroom door. I was almost afraid to speak. What if it was another supernatural being? I lost it, and by it I mean everything I ate and drank that day. There was another knock, followed by someone saying "the men's room is over there, dude." I heard Sam's voice saying, "My girlfriend is in there, dude, and she may be sick, but thanks for the info." I found my strength again, flushed, got up and washed my hands, and opened the door only to fall right into Sam's arms. He helped me back out to the car. I buried my head on his chest, remembering the gruesome scene I had left in Dean's car. "Don't worry," I heard Dean say. "I got rid of the evidence." I looked up at him and said, "But the blood. Oh my god, the blood..." "This is part of our job," Dean said. "It's all gone. The window is the only evidence left." Sam helped me back into the car and then joined me in the back seat. On the drive back to our hotel, I finally mustered up the courage to ask Dean exactly what kind of being I had killed. "I believe you encountered a very, VERY strong werewolf," Dean said. "That's why he didn't die when you stabbed him in the heart. It's almost as if he was immortal." "I still can't believe I actually killed someone," I said. "You had too, baby," Sam said. "Your life was in danger." "Plus, hanging with us, you will pick up on a lot of things you never thought you could do," Dean added. "I guess so," I said, finally smiling. I had always heard the saying that if you hang out with people long enough, you start acting like them. I guess being a part of Sam and Dean's world had made me somewhat of a hunter myself. I just hoped I wouldn't have to kill anyone else for a really, REALLY long time....

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