Merman! Erik X Reader

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Request from: Lieblingslok_01

Happy Mermay y'all!


   Water has always been so interesting to me. The color, the coolness of it, the sound of it pouring out of a glass or rushing off a cliffside, the life it holds, all of it. It is calming to rest beside a river or relaxing in a warm bath. I have spent all of my childhood swimming and venturing too far into the water. My family would bring me to the ocean for vacation, there is nothing quite like it. The warm sand, the incredible waves, the sea life, the rocks that emerge from the water. It is one of my favorite places to be. I have always wanted to be a part of the sea...which is why I became a marine biologist. 

   My work has brought me to Paris, France. I have been spending most of my time beside the gorgeous rivers and waterways. That doesn't change even when I have time off from work. Today is a day such as that. 

   The opera house has intrigued me greatly since being here, so much so I had to go see an opera at this magnificent building. While I was there I heard a rumor about "The siren of the opera." Apparently, this "siren" lives below the opera house in a lake. Whenever employees happen to travel down to the cellars they hear a mystifying voice that is filled with a deep sadness. The moment anyone hears this they are pulled into a strange trance, but every person I have spoken to was able to break out of it and run away. There have been a couple deaths and incidents that have happened below the opera house, and most people blame it on this siren. Others only describe it as unexplainable, and leave it at that. 

   What if I could find an explanation? Sirens and mermaids are only fairytales, so it must be some alone creature who might need help. I'm not sure if a large animal could live down there though. There might be nothing. A lake is still there though, and that is enough convincing for me. 

   After talking to a few people to get information on how to get down there, I meet Madame Giry. She was extremely apprehensive, but once I explained my job and how I wanted to see the lake she leads me down below...


   "Thank you for bringing me here! I can find my way back on my own." I shake Madame Giry's hand as I give her thanks. She has a stern expression on her face as she gives me a warning. 

   "Be careful down here, don't stay too long. And...enjoy the lake."

   She gives me a curt nod and turns around to make her way back up to the passageways. I chuckle quietly from her odd behavior. Every person I have met in this opera house has been a 

   I walk a few more feet and finally see one of the most beautiful bodies of water I have ever seen. The small amount of light makes the lake look like a night sky lit up with stars. The eeriness of the underground creates a different atmosphere I am not used to. This lake wraps my heart in fear, but I love it like any other lake I have seen. How strange.

   I kneel down beside the water and let my hand rest on top of the water. It is still, but only for a moment. The water ripples which makes me quickly pull my hand out of the water, then something emerges from the water. 

   "Who are you?" I gasp as I see a man swimming in the water. My first thought is how cold he must be, but then I catch sight of a tail. My eyes widen and I stand up in shock at this sight in front of me. My speechlessness makes his eyes darken. He rests against the shore with his tail resting along the top of the water. The more I stare at him the more I see how unusual he looks, other than his bottom half of course. One side of his face is deformed: his lips are puffy on the deformed side, he has a half of a nose, one of his eyes is lighter than the other, his cheek is sunken in, and there are bumps and grooves in his face. I glance down to see gills on his neck...just like a fish. How is this possible?

   My silence frustrates him as he slowly sinks back in the water with a sadness behind his eyes. I take a step closer, "Wait! Don't go! I am sorry for being so rude, I have never seen a creature...person like you before. You're fascinating." I give him my name as I kneel again, but this time closer to him.

   A blush spreads throughout his cheeks from my comment. He mumbles shyly, "Fascinating? I haven't heard that before. I am more used to being called a demon of the seas; a monster."

   "That's absurd! Every creature of the water is beautiful in my eyes. I dedicate my life to them, I spend every waking moment trying to learn more. are definitely my favorite discovery. Do you have a name?"

   "Erik," he mumbles softly. He slowly swims closer and pulls himself out of the water slightly, he rests his arms on the shore. I find myself studying his body. Half human, half's crazy! He is right in front of me though, so I know I am not dreaming. This is the best day of my life. I sit down and pull out a notepad from my coat pocket.

   "Is it okay if I sketch you and write a few things about you, Erik?" My heart pounds in my chest from all of this excitement. He stares at my giant smile with some hesitation. 

   He asks, "You're not going to tell everyone of my existence, will you? I know there are rumors, but that is all they are. I don't want crowds of people coming to see me...see this face." His gentle voice has the coolness of the water, I would love to dive in and hear it forever. 

   "I won't, I promise. I know humans, I know if they came down here with the certainty of your whereabouts and life they would harm you. I would do anything to protect you. I would do anything to protect life of the water."

   His eyes that sparkle with the lake stare into my eyes that are filled with wonder. He thinks over what I said for a moment, and then he nods. "I trust you. I don't know why, but I do. Well...I suppose it is because you did not scream. My face is horrendous, I know. It is not a nice to be seen from human nor fish." 

   "What?! Horrendous? You are amazing! Gorgeous! Perhaps you are the reason my life has always brought me to the water, I was meant to meet you." I giggle as I play with my pencil in my hand. His face turns even more red than it did before. He nervously runs a hand over his wet thin hair. 

   He pulls himself out of the water even more and sits beside me. I can't seem to contain my happiness as I squeal and admire his tail. That makes him laugh in amusement. It is a lovely laugh. He nods, "You may write whatever you like on your..." He trails off as he stares at my notepad.


   "Ah yes, that."

   I sketch Erik with all of his stunning features, and below that I write everything I find interesting. While I do that I ask Erik a million questions about his life, his likes and dislikes, and how his human side reacts to being in the water, and how his fish side reacts to being on the ground for a while. I am glad he has answers to all of my questions.

   At the end I am bursting with joy. I grab his face and give him a kiss on the lips, and then I stand up. "Ah! I love you! You are so cool. Will you be here in a few days?" I look down at him, my smile never fading.

   He has gone quiet from the kiss I gave him and from what I just said, although it hasn't processed in my brain that I did that. So many different emotions flash over his face. Eventually he nods once he gets a handle over his thoughts, "I will, I am always here."

   "Wonderful! I will come back as soon as I can! It was lovely meeting you, Erik."

   I wave goodbye and then leave the way I came. Erik watches until I am out of sight, and then slides back into the water when I am gone. All alone again. 

Erik x Reader (One shots/ Scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now