Erique Claudin x Reader

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I am gonna mix this sorta with the musical just because I remember names in that more shhhh haha
Request by: PancakeOfTheSea

   The hallway echoes the sounds of my shoes as I walk, it is a bit of a lonely walk to make by myself but that is okay because I won't be alone for long. My friend, Erique Claudin, went to go and check on how the managers enjoyed his concerto. In my opinion it is a brilliant piece of music and that is something I told him over and over but he seemed far too nervous to listen. Now, I am just on my way to meet him after he talks with them.

   Once I arrive I rest my back against the wall, I can see where the doors are from where I stand so I should see him once he leaves. My eyes close with a smile on my face, I hope he is happy once he leaves. Seeing him happy means the absolute world to me. He means everything to me. The only reason I even work in the Opera Populaire is because of him. He taught me how to play piano, which is something I only asked so I could be closer to him. We have days where he will play his violin while I play my piano and I swear there is magic in the air. Well...that is what I feel anyway.

    I hum his music while I think of him, it truly is a wonderful piece so I hope something good happens to it. That is when I hear the door open, and that is also when my heart drops.

   Erique stumbles out the room in what I assume is despair at first, he knocks into the wall and wails in pain while he clutches his face. I run over to him and place my hand on his shoulder, "Erique, what is wrong?"

   He does not answer me, he jolts away from me and makes his way up the stairs; stumbling with each step. I'm quick to follow him so when he does end up falling I can catch him. I lift him back up and he doesn't even pay any mind, he races up the final few stairs and runs out the building. A few others also try to ask him what is the matter but the reaction is the exact same. My head turns when I see a lady run out the office with fear written all over her face.

   "Stop him! Monsieur Pleyel's been murdered!"

   Murdered?! he couldn't have possibly done that...

    "Claudin, please wait! I beg of you!" I yell out to the man who is already gone as I try my best to follow him. As I leave I hear talk of getting a doctor and the police. This cannot be happening!

    The opera house is crowded with the usual crowd, but I know in just a few minutes these streets will be flooded. Thankfully, at this very moment no one is aware of the situation.

   Everyone looks perplexed which is honestly s good sign for me, I run up to the first man I see. 

   "You wouldn't happen to know where Erique Claudin has run off to, have you?"

    The urgency in my voice only seems to make the panic worse but they point me in the direction they've seen him run off to. The streets are dark which make it more difficult to see. A frown crawls onto my face as I think of how that is actually probably a good thing. 

   In my random hope of this street being the correct one I see Officer Raoul. Turning away does no good as he notices me before I can run off. He gestures to me to come closer, he looks at me suspiciously when my pace slows down to a crawl. His eyebrow lifts while he looks on with a scoff.

   "(Y/N), just the person I hoped to see. I am sure you know of this misfortune. You're best friends with him so wouldn't happen to know where Claudin has gone?" 

   My head shakes wildly, "I'm afraid I don't, monsieur! In fact, I was on the look for him. You truly don't believe he would do a thing like this, do you?"

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