Erik's Diary

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Request from: myblacknailpolish
Reader finding Erik's diary and finding it filled with sweet compliments about them

    Erik places his hat upon his head and fixes his cape into a comfortable position. Lastly, he adjusts his mask on his face. It's always on him pretty good but he tends to mess with it as a comfort thing. I lean back further into the comfortable couch watching him walk around fixing every little thing. After a few minutes he stands in front of me, "I'm leaving now, I'll only be gone a few hours. Are you sure you don't want me to take you home first?"

I nod with a smile, "I'm fine! Your lair is cozy once you get used to it. Besides I can't leave Ayesha alone! Her dinner is soon and you won't be here to feed her on time. At least I'm a responsible parent!" I cross my arms and give him a snooty look. As if on cue Ayesha meows and turns her head away from him. He lets out a deep sigh, "Alright, I get it. Don't forget who takes care of you everyday though."
His cat sniffs his hand and once he pets her she purrs loudly and leans into his hand.

   While he scratches her head his eyes meet mine. Erik's voice is warm and soft as he asks, "Will you be okay alone down here? In case you need to leave you remember the safe passageways, right?"
I smile softly at his concern, "I will be fine, I swear."

   He stares at me for a few more seconds thinking until he stands straight up and adjusts his outfit. Erik shifts his weight between his feet anxiously, he then sees my concerned look and sighs. His hesitation washes away, he leans forward and presses a kiss on my forehead. My face turns bright red and so does his.

"Alright uhm...I'm going now. I'll see you later."

Erik walks out of his home as fast as he possibly can. Once my initial shock wears off I giggle and hide my face. Ayesha meows at me and paws at me sleeve. I uncover my face, "Hungry? Well it's not dinner time yet...but I know where Erik hides your treats!"
I pick her up and place her on the floor at my feet, then I stand up and make my way to Erik's room. As I'm searching for the spot I accidentally bump into his bedside...coffinside table. A book falls onto the ground so I lean down to pick it up. It's open to a page and that's when I notice it's Erik's handwriting. It's not music which is strange, it's just writing.

   I take a closer look to see dates on the top of every paragraph. I read the first few words...oh it's a diary! Should I read it?

   My eyes immediately look away, no I shouldn't read it! It would be rude to disrespect his privacy. is already open. If I just read what I see it shouldn't be an issue.

November 22nd
   Today (Y/N) came by for a few minutes to say hello. That's it, just to say hello. I've never been visited by anyone who just wants to see me for fun. It was...nice. They're really sweet and that kind gesture stayed in my mind all day. I couldn't even get any work done, (Y/N) disturbed my work without even being in front of me. If I told them that I know they would bug me about it so I'll not say a word.

   Reading that makes me smile so hard. He's right I will definitely bug him about it every moment I can! Oh wait...if I do he'll know I've been reading his private writings and he'll probably be upset...never mind.

I should probably put this down...but it is already open so a few more entries couldn't hurt. It's nice to know what he thinks. I skip a few entries to see a more recent one.

November 28th
While I was observing rehearsals for the upcoming show I found myself focusing on (Y/N). The way they walk around and present themself is so admirable. On or off stage they just have this enchanting presence that even lingers after they're gone. I was holding on to every word they said. Hearing their voice makes me close my eyes and imagine being held in their arms, it's soothing and calming and peaceful. Unfortunately, I had to leave early but I heard their voice in my head the rest of the day.

My face is so hot and red I have to cover it with my hands. The way he speaks about's so kind. The way he speaks about me is exactly how I feel about him. I remember being at rehearsals and feeling his presence, it made me really try to do the best I could. Then it left out of nowhere.

My eyes dart back to the pages. I quickly skim through each entry trying to find the next one about me. Ayesha...hatred towards the managers...Nadir...(Y/N).

December 3rd
(Y/N) came by again today...with a gift. They handed me a rose. My heart beats faster even thinking about it. Not only that, they put the rose behind my ear and called me handsome. I couldn't believe what I heard. Honestly at first I was angry and ready to push them out the door, but the look on their face was so sincere. I know (Y/N), they wouldn't lie to me. They think I'm handsome. Truly. It was embarrassing, after they spoke those words I froze. Even worse is I cried. They never seen me cry before but I couldn't stop the tears. I got what I wanted though, they held me in their arms and I listened to their comforting voice. Would they like what's under my mask?

   Yes. Yes I would. He doesn't know but I accidentally caught him without his mask on once before. Erik has no reason to worry, he's perfect to me.


   I gasp deeply while trying to close the diary and place it back where I found it. When I turn around I see Erik with his attention towards Ayesha, "My darling Ayesha was hungry so I fed her. Who's the responsible parent now?"
He looks at me with a smug grin and I sigh in relief seeing that he didn't notice what I was doing. Erik becomes suspicious, "What are you doing in my room?"

"Uhm...well I was looking for Ayesha's treats..."

"Her treats? Before dinner? You're spoiling her and I do enough of that."

Erik's smile returns which makes me smile back, he places a hand on my back and leads me out of his room. We walk into the kitchen, "Let's make dinner together, shall we?"

Erik x Reader (One shots/ Scenarios)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora