Erik's Diary Part Two

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Request by: StarsetGlixen15
My girlfriend singerandmaybewriter helped me write this! Thank youuuu!!

Erik grabs his cloak and puts it on himself, I stand in front of him adjusting it. He quickly thanks me and then grabs his hat and puts that on last. His bony hand subconsciously feels over his mask to make sure it's not going anywhere.
"Alright, I'm going now. Have another fun night with Ayesha. I should be back soon enough."

I nod and pat his shoulder, "Quit stalling! Get out of here you phantom~ go on to your daily hauntings!"
He glares at the big grin on my face as I playfully insult him. He mumbles, "Just make sure to feed Ayesha this time."

   "I will! As a good parent should~"

   He glares at me until he lets out a soft chuckle, "That's what you said last time until you failed to feed her. Let's see what happens~"

   His comment makes us both laugh, he seems to stop only once my hand is placed on his arm. His unmasked side turns a bit red as he pulls away, "Goodbye, (Y/N). I'll be back soon."
Erik walks through the front door and leaves. I stand there for a few moments making sure he's not coming back in for anything. Once I'm sure he's gone I dash for his room.

After reading his diary the first time I couldn't stop...I know it's terrible to be looking through his things but I can't help it. Erik doesn't tell me anything, he absolutely refuses to talk about himself. He'll ignore his feelings and my help no matter how much I'll try to make him feel better about whatever is bothering him. Honestly, his past is a mystery to me. I only know bits and pieces...but with this I can know him. I can understand him. I can tell what's going on in his day to day life and it makes me feel closer to him.

His diary lays in the spot it always does: right beside his coffin. I take note of how it lays on the table so I can put it back as exactly as I can, then I pick it up and flip it to the most recent pages.

   December 5th
(Y/N) and I made dinner tonight and this is embarrassing to say but I was completely distracted by them the entire time. They would sing as they walked around, their voice lights my soul on fire. (Y/N) accidentally dropped a carrot on the floor and laughed awkwardly as they picked it up. I was so distracted by their sweet laughter that their embarrassment didn't even occur to me until they apologized. Our hands touched a few times too which made me lose the ability to speak...damn (Y/N). Damn them. I can't believe how much I like them.

   My face burns bright red, my awkward laugh that he apparently loves so much comes out. He likes me...he really likes me?! I wish he would admit it to me.

   December 14th
(Y/N) seemed quite determined today to annoy me. Upsetting question after question...I regret getting upset at them for it but it hurt. No...I know what it is: I'm scared.
They asked questions about me, my past. They want to know how I got here. Who I am. I'm a monster. If I told them the things I've done will they hate me? Run away? Never talk to me? I can't risk it. Seeing their face and hearing their voice has been what's keeping me going. As much as I don't want to admit it they mean everything to me. I'll do what I can to make sure I never lose them.

   Hearing this breaks my heart. This is what he thinks? He's not a monster and I hope to prove that to him. He won't ever lose me, he's everything to me as well so I'll always be beside him.
After that sad one I almost put it down, but I don't. Let's do one more, just one more.

   December 21st
Today was tiring. The progress on the show isn't going how I would like it to go. The managers don't listen and the more they don't listen the more it affects them and the show. I lost the motivation to work on anything and just went to sleep instead. I haven't slept good in a long time, I can't even remember the last time I did. But when I awoke (Y/N) was in my I love it when they're here but I was sleeping. I didn't have my mask on because it's uncomfortable to sleep with it on. I just hope they didn't walk in and see my face. They didn't say anything when I spoke to them. No fear. Hopefully they didn't see then.

Well I did see it...and I didn't mind at all. I love seeing his face, I love seeing him. He's so handsome to me. I only left the room because I didn't want to disturb him while he was sleeping.

"(Y/N), what are you doing..?"

I gasp and turn around quickly to see Erik standing behind me, his expression is indescribable. He's so quiet I didn't hear him come in at all.

My heart beats wildly in my chest, how can I explain this to him?
"Erik, I'm sorry for invading your space! It's just you don't communicate with me, you never tell me how you feel. How am I to know? Erik I-"

"Enough!" Erik's voice booms from every corner of the room. He snatches his diary from my hands and pushes me out the door.
"I trusted you! And...and you go and read through my personal writings?!"

   Before I can get a chance to respond he slams the door shut. From inside I can hear him groan loudly and throw something against the wall, it's safe to assume he threw his diary.

I know he expects me to leave but I refuse, he has to come out eventually and I will be here to talk with him. I leave him to cool down so I sit down on the couch in the living room. Ayesha comes up to me and I kiss her forehead, "I made your father quite mad...I hope he'll forgive me. Well, it's your dinner time. Shall I feed you?"
She meows at me and I chuckle softly. I pick her up and we head to the kitchen. I get her food out and put it in her bowl, then I set it on the ground for her to eat. I sigh as I rest against the counter.
Not too long after I hear Erik's door open so I race over there.

He seems a bit surprised to see me, but he quickly lets go of any emotion and quietly asks, "What did you read?"

Erik watches as I slowly approach him and hold both of his hands softly. He doesn't move an once but he does slowly grasp onto my hands.

"You're not a monster. You're a wonderful man who means everything to me."

I've never seen his expression change so quickly before, his unmasked cheek turns a deep red. His grasp on my hands tightens, "I am a monster!"
My hands leave his and I cup his face with a smile, "No. You're everything to me. You're my angel. Every part of you is perfect to me."

"What? N-No...but you would hate my face. It's horrendous, once you see it you would never want to see me again."

My giggle shocks him, he can't seem to get any words out. I shake my head, "I already have seen your face and I'm still standing here."


Erik now seems frightened so I rush out some words, "It's okay! You're right, I saw it when you were napping that one day. And well one time before too, I saw you as you were putting on your mask when I was near your organ. You're so handsome, Erik."

Tears well up in his eyes, he keeps trying to talk but nothing comes out. His poor hands are shaking too.
He's already quite confused and scared but there's more I must say.

He sucks in his breath while I cup his cheek, then we kiss. I really just kiss him, he was too surprised to move. As I move back I kiss his cheek, "I like you too. Erik, I love you."

He stares at me unblinking while his face goes pale. Okay, perhaps I dumped too much on him at once...

Suddenly, Erik's arms wrap around me and his face presses into my neck while he grips onto me tightly. He grips on so tight almost in fear that I'll leave. My arms wrap around him to hug him just as tight. His face is hidden from me so I can't see his tears but I can hear him crying, my hand rubs over his back to comfort him. After a moment or two he whispers out, "I don't want to hide myself from you anymore. I love you, (Y/N). I love you so much. Stay with me?"

"Forever and always."

Erik x Reader (One shots/ Scenarios)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ