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I've been obsessed with Scream recently and keep thinking about how cool it would be for the killers to be Erik and Nadir can't stop thinking about it so I just wanted to write this part hehe

I change some words just to fit this better. Warning for cursing! 

Crazy Nadir is something I never knew I needed but now I am glad to have it heheh


   Erik is the killer.

My heart races as I try to make a mad dash to the kitchen, but I am stopped by running into a chest. When I look up it's Nadir. Relief washes over me for a second as I grab at his sweater with my blood soaked hands, "Nadir! Help me please." I whimper out shakily, my whole body feeling weak. 

   He slowly puts his head down to look me in the eyes, he slowly lifts up a voice changer to his lips. "Surprise~," his voice sounding just like the horrible voice who gave me those freaky calls. 

   Nadir is the killer too. 

   His lips curl up into a terrifying grin as he stares at my terrified form. My head slowly turns back to Erik as I realize I'm trapped in-between two psychopaths. My hands push at Nadir's chest, he stumbles backward a moment but his grin never leaves his face. 

   I rush through the kitchen and make it to the doorway, I'm about to enter the living room until Erik steps in front of me. He points his gun at my face with an equally sickening grin. Nadir throws the voice changer towards him, which Erik catches with ease. 

   "What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost." Erik says through the voice changer, taunting me. 

   I cry out as I move over to the kitchen sink, "Why are you doing this?"

   "It's all a part of the game, silly!" Nadir says playfully as they walk closer to me. Erik adds on by talking through his voice changer, "Called guess how I'm gonna die!" 

"Fuck you!" I yell out at him with a sudden boldness, or perhaps desperation for myself to feel any control in this situation. 

   "No, no, no," Erik mumbles, his grin falling from his face. He trades his gun with a knife that Nadir is holding as he nears me. "We already played that game, remember?" He lifts the knife threateningly at me while I hide my face cowering. "You lost." He mumbles even softer. 

   Nadir with his unfaltering grin speaks again, clearing finding this humorous. "It's fun and games. We ask you a question and if you get it! You die." He holds the gun facing me imitating to fire it.

   "You get it die!" Erik puts the tip of the knife against my chest with his face extremely close to mine. He shrugs like it's the obvious answer to all of this. 

   "You're crazy, both of you," I breathe out looking Erik dead in the eyes. I am terrified beyond belief but I do my best to look strong. If I am not strong there is no way I will be able to get out of this alive. I have to do what I can. 

   Nadir walks over and wraps his arms around Erik's waist, he places his head beside the other. He keeps close as possible to the other man. Somehow, the romantic position they're in makes this even more threatening. "Actually seems pretty psychotic," he giggles out. 

   My voice comes out stern, "You'll never get away with this." The moment those words leave my lips both of their faces fall to shocked looks. Nadir is the first to recover back to his shit-eating grin. Erik stays cold and calm, "I don't know, tell that to Raoul deChagny. You wouldn't believe how easy he was to frame." My eyes widen a bit as Erik traces the tip of the knife over my cheek. 

   "Watch a few movies, take a few notes. It was fun," Nadir chuckles. He continues to laugh softly with the biggest smile ever. Nice to see what a wonderful time he's having. 

   "No!" I whine out as my body almost falls to the floor, tears welling up in my eyes at the hopelessness I feel. Erik grabs me before I can fall, his grip holds on tightly to make sure I can't escape. I cry while my face is close to his blood soaked chest. Fake blood from when he tried to trick me about being stabbed. How did I ever get close to this freak?! "Why?" I slam my hand on the counter daringly, "Why did you kill my mother?"

   "Why?" Erik's eyes widen at the question. "WHY?!" He shouts directly into my face, making me jump. 

   His head turns to his partner who chuckles at the apparent absurdity of this, "You hear that Nadir? I think they want a motive." Erik tilts his head slightly as he faces me again, "Well, I don't believe in motives. I mean did Norman Bates have a motive? Did they ever really decide why Hannibal Lecter liked to eat people? Don't think so!" He quickly leans closer, making me jump yet again. "It seems a lot scarier when there's no motive."

   Erik's eyes are deep and freezing, there is clear anger in eyes and actions. He lifts the knife back towards my face, the tip of it poking my chin. His next words pour out of him as he seethes, "We did your mom a favor. That woman was a slut bag whore who flashed her shit all over town like she was Sharon Stone or something."

   Nadir continues onto Erik's rant, when I look over is when I finally notice he has moved further back in the kitchen. Now his gun is pointing right at me with his finger on the trigger, "Yeah, we put her out of her misery cause let's face it your mother was no Sharon Stone." His evil grin sneaks back up again, he gestures his hands with the gun still in his grip. 

   I close my eyes as I feel my anger in me rise as well. What they say about my mother is wrong. Right? Well, I didn't know every part of her life. What if there is some truth to what they say? Shame fills my chest as I realize she might not be the perfect woman I have in my head. I take a shaky breath while trying not to cry. I hate their words. 

   Erik presses the tip of the knife against his bottom lip for a moment while he speaks calmer, "Is that motive enough for ya?" He points the weapon right back at me as he leans in. His voice is scarily calm but no less scary, "How bout this? Your slut mother was fucking my father...and she's the reason my mom moved out and abandoned me." His voice cracks for a second, it looks like he's holding back everything right now to not attack me. "How's that for a motive?"

   My eyes are as wide as they can be. I almost feel guilty even though none of this is my fault. He speaks with such sincerity, I truly don't think he's lying. This obviously cuts him deep. Nadir stares at us with a shocked expression as if he didn't know this, it seems he just wanted to join along for the ride without knowing the reason why. 

   "Parental abandonment causes serious deviant behavior, surely fucked you up made you have sex with a psychopath!" Erik states in a matter of factly manner. 

   Nadir quickly moves closer, his smile back on his face trying to make this fun again. "That's right! You gave it up, now you're no longer a virgin. Oooh~!" He giggles tauntingly while hiding his mouth in a cutesy manner. "Oops!"

   I try to run but Erik grabs me and pulls me to his chest, my back presses into him as he holds the knife in front of us. He says no words but it's clearly a warning to stop. 

   Nadir extends his arm, gun in hand. "Now you gotta die," he puts on a fake serious expression. You can tell how excited he is. "Those are the rules."

   "Pretend it's all a scary movie," Erik mumbles as he pets my hair. I stay still, my eyes never leaving the sight of the barrel of the gun. All this teasing...I can't stand it. I almost wish he would shoot the gun so I could be over with this. But them this is cat and mouse. They rather torture me a bit before they kill me. "How you think it's gonna end?" Erik continues to pet my hair in a trance-like way.

   I don't say a word, but this better end with these sick fucks dead. 

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