You're Safe With Me

422 16 13

Request by: Lieblingslok_01

Erik's face is sore from wearing his mask and wig but doesn't want to take it off in front of reader, they comfort him and take care of his face!


   Erik mumbles incoherent words to himself as he sits in front of his organ, every so often he stops playing to adjust his mask or to fiddle with his wig. His discomfort grows the more he tries to solve his issue. It disrupts him so much he has to stop playing every few minutes. 

   I watch him while I lay on the settee beside the organ, he worries me. "Erik, are you alright?"

   "Huh? Oh yes, I am fine. Thank you," he dismisses quickly. He turns his body away to write some music down in his notebook. I watch him silently for about twenty more minutes until I can't take it anymore. He doesn't need to do this to himself. 

   "Erik come here, please." 

   His head turns towards me with a confused expression, once he sees I'm not going to elaborate until he moves he stands up. He kneels beside the settee and presses his face into my shoulder like a cute puppy. His warmth breath flows over my skin and wraps me up in its delightful embrace. My hands feel up his arms while he presses kisses along my neck. Before he can distract me anymore I pull him away. His face holds concern thinking he did something wrong, but when I smile he relaxes. 

   My hand hovers over his mask and I trace over it gently, this makes him tense up and look away. I hold his chin and make him look back towards me. My thumb feels over his lips and I ask, "Is your mask bothering you?"

   His hands grip onto my clothes nervously as he thinks of what to say. "W-what? No, it's fine, my love."

   I make a doubtful expression and place a soft kiss upon his lips, "Tell the truth, please."

   Erik whimpers from my gentleness. He knows he doesn't need to lie but he feels like he should. He decides to tell the truth, "It has been irritating me a lot recently but it's okay. I've worn a mask all my life so I'm used to it."

   "You know I won't mind if you take it off, right? Erik, you are the most handsome man to me. I love your face. I also want you to be comfortable around me."

   "I am comfortable," he argues. 

   I huff softly, "I mean physically comfortable. You should really let your face breathe."

   Those words seem to get through to him. His hands tremble a little as he holds them to his face. "Promise you don't mind?" He asks, his voice slightly muffled through his fingers. I nod while rubbing his shoulder to comfort him. Erik lets out a long sigh and takes off his mask and his wig, he hands them to me and I set them down on the table beside me. Once it's off I take notice of a few areas where the mask was rubbing against his skin, it's redder than the pigmentation of his deformities. No wonder he has been uncomfortable. 

   I sit up and pat the spot next to me, "Sit here, I'll be right back."

   Erik sits down as I quickly stand up and rush out of the room. He plays with his fingers anxiously wondering why I left in such a hurry. To his relief, I come back only a moment after. I sit beside him and gesture to my lap, "Lay down for me."

   A blush spreads through his face, he looks at me as if I said the most insane thing ever. I giggle at his reaction and repeat it, "Lay down. It'll be okay."

   Erik slowly lays down and rests his head upon my lap. He is so tall that it takes him a moment to find a position that is enjoyable. His body takes over the rest of the settee while his arms are crossed against his stomach, he has his legs hanging off of the armrest. 

   I smile down at him and reveal the item I brought with me: some face cream. I put some on my fingertips and begin to soothe his skin with the cream. Erik still looks a bit unsure of what is happening so I tell him, "Close your eyes and try to relax all you can."

   He listens to me and shuts his eyes. I miss having those mismatched blue eyes admiring me but I also need him to relax. My hands massage his face gently, doing my best to work out his worries. My fingers help work in the cream to make those sores go away. Erik has never had anyone touch his before, especially not caring for it like this. "You're safe with me," I mumble quietly.

   After his skin is taken care of, I run my fingers through his hair. He always wears a wig so I never get to enjoy his natural hair, he may not like it but I do. I love it. 

   I come out of my thoughts as Erik moves slightly, he presses his face into my stomach and turns his body to the side to completely face me. I continue to pet his hair while he rests on me. I hum one of his melodies as I caress him. His breathing is slow and steady, and his body isn't tensed up like it was earlier. A few minutes pass by and I realize something...he has fallen asleep. 

   My heart warms seeing his sleeping form. Knowing him he hasn't slept in a good while, so I make sure to not move much and keep him asleep. I love this man so much. 

Erik x Reader (One shots/ Scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now