Chapter 19: Only One Can Remain

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After the two brothers had calmed down, the girls had joined them in walking with the group.

"So, these are your sisters?" Cole questions. "The ones who went missing?"

"Yes, this idiot is Reika, my little sister." Kai replies. "She's Nya's older sister though."

"And my idiot, is my little sister Milly." Jay adds.

"I wanna go back to the ship," Reika whines.

"Me too," Milly agrees.

Garmadon turns to Milly "You are Milly the thunder soother, correct?"

"Huh? Oh yeah." Milly nods "I am."

"I see, you have a reputation back in Ninjago." Garmadon says. "They say you're able to calm storms in the sea, allowing your crew and ship to travel safely."

"Uh, what now?" Jay questions.

"Your little sister is a pirate captain Jay," Cole clarifies for him.

"You're a what?!" Jay turns to her in surprise.

"I got off a pirate ship and you didn't put the pieces together!" Milly shouts at him "Big brother you're so stupid!"


Cole and Lloyd laugh at Jay as he looked defeated.

"Uh, so you're a pirate?" Kai asks Reika.

"Yes, I am." Reika replies with her arms crossed "Not that you care."

"I do care!" Kai argues.

"Easy everyone," Garmadon interrupts. "I know reuniting with family is a tense time, but you must keep your wits. There are eyes on you."

The ninja nod in agreement and kept quiet. Cole glances at Milly and she smiles at him. Cole then glanced at the other ninja before moving a bit closer to her. Reika raises her eyebrow, noticing the two.

"So, who's the old man?" Milly questions.

"This is my dad" Lloyd introduces "He's a Sensei, he knows a lot of things"

"It's been ages since a master of thunder was born, I was beginning to think that there wasn't a relative left considering she said she would never have a kid." Garmadon says before chuckling, thinking of the past, "How wrong it appears she was."

"Hm?" Milly just looked confused.

The Elemental Masters arrive inside the palace and sat in a circle. Zugu bangs a gong, and a gramophone plays music.

"All rise for Master Chen" Clouse commands and everyone stood

"Welcome to the Tournament of Elements. Now everyone can all die—" the door sudden closes loudly and everyone gasps "—rect your attention to me!" Chen laughs

Garmadon whispers to Lloyd "I forgot to mention he has a penchant for theatrics"

Chen laughs "Never before have so many Elemental Fighters been under one roof. I see Master of Fire, Earth, Shadow, Speed, Thunder, even a prophesied Green Savior. And a former pupil has returned"

"Alright" Chen points to the gong "This symbol before you are for the Anacondrai, fiercest Serpentine warrior to ever roam this land. Its creed: "Only one can remain.""

The gong moves aside, showing a bracket.

"Good, looks like we're each in our own bracket, we won't have to face each other for a while." Kai whispers to the others.

"Better find Zane before that happens" Lloyd says

"I'm so relieved" Milly sighs.

"Hey, don't relax just yet" Jay scolds "their's a lot of strong fighters here and you've got to be careful."

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