Chapter 2: My Brother, The Prince

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Aria peeked her head inside Svern's office to find it empty. The captain of the guards walked behind her and chuckled.

"I think the emperor is resting in his room princess," he tells her.

"Where's that?" Aria questions.

"I'll show you," the captain holds his hand out to her.

The young princess grabs his hand, and he leads her down the hall. They reach the area of the palace where there were no guards around. The captain brings her to the large door at the end of the hall and let's go of her hand.

"Here we are," the captain says.

"This is daddy's room?" Aria asks.

"Yep, I'm sure he'll be happy to be woken up by you." the captain tells her with a smile.

Aria nods as the captain opens up the door for her and she sneaks inside. The captain turns and walks away, letting the father and daughter be.

"Daddy?" Aria looks confused, seeing him not in his bed.

Aria turns and walks around his room until she finds him asleep on the couch.

Aria turns and walks around his room until she finds him asleep on the couch

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"Daddy," Aria pats him on the cheek.

Svern slowly opens his eyes and stares ahead at Aria for a bit.

"Layla," Svern mutters.

"Daddy I'm not mommy," Aria crawls into his lap.

Svern rubs his eyes as Aria sat there and he sat up a bit more. He wrapped one of his arms around her.

"Sorry Aria," Svern smiles "what's up princess?"

"Were you dreaming of mommy?" Aria asks.

"Something like that," Svern replies as he pats her head.

"I made something for you," Aria pulls a folded-up piece of paper out of her pocket.

Svern takes it from her curiously, she had drawn a picture of her and Svern. He laughs and kisses her cheek.

"It's lovely," Svern tells her "Thank you."

Aria giggles and lays down on his chest. Svern puts her drawing on the table beside him and lays back down on the couch, with an arm around his daughter.

"Sweet dreams, my princess." Svern mutters before closing his eyes.


"Princess be careful!" Mary shouts.

Aria ran through the halls of the castle as her maid ran after her. Svern was busy with paperwork for the day, so Aria was finding ways to entertain herself. Mary eventually caught up to the young princess and followed her outside.

"It's a beautiful day your highness," Mary says "maybe we should go out to the gardens."

The two turned their heads at the sound of metal clashing. Aria curiously walked toward the sound.

"Ah princess," Mary attempted to stop her "we should go to the gardens-"

"It's Zero!" Aria points at the training yard.

Mary sighs as she followed Aria over to the railing. In the training yard, there was a group of young boys watching two of them spar. One being the head of the young Knights in training, Kaname. The other was Zero, the first prince of Ninjago and Aria's older brother.

The two seemed to be on equal footing until they stopped and Kaname bowed to him.

"Mary, can't I learn how to use a sword?" Aria questions.

"Well..." Mary looks down before smiling to her "you can always ask your father."

"Good day princess,"

Aria and Mary look over to see one of the boys had walked over to them on the other side of the rail. The other knights in training were watching them.

"Hanabusa," Aria smiles brightly.

"Hello Hanabusa," Mary greets.

"Hello Miss Mary," Hanabusa replies.

Aria looks around him at her older brother who wasn't paying attention to her in the slightest.

"Zero," Aria calls out to him.

Zero turns his head to look at her before turning back around "Let's go we have more training to do!"

"Have a good day your highness," Hanabusa says before running back into the training ground.

"Don't you have better things to do then stand there all day," Zero tells Aria harshly. "This isn't a playground."

Mary put her arm around Aria and led her away from the training grounds as the knights in training got back to work.

"Zero hates me, doesn't he?" Aria questions as they sat together in the gardens.

"No, your highness," Mary tells her nervously "he's just... tired."

Aria nods and goes to pick flowers as Mary watches her with a sad look. Aria looks back at the training grounds in the distance as Mary got a basket.

"Yeah," Aria mutters "I'm sure big brother's just tired."

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